The agreement on interaction of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States in case of evacuation of their citizens from the third countries in case of emergency situations
of April 12, 1996
The governments of the State Parties of this agreement (further - the Parties),
being guided by the Agreement on creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 8, 1991,
proceeding from mutual interests of safety of citizens of the State Parties of the Agreement which are in the third countries in case of emergency situations,
agreed as follows:
For the purposes of this agreement the stated below terms have the following value:
"the third countries" - all states, not being participants of this agreement;
"adoptive state" - the state in the territory of which there are foreign institutions or certain citizens of the State Parties of this agreement;
"states" - the State Parties of this agreement;
"emergency situation" - situation in case of which owing to extreme aggravation of internal political situation or owing to armed conflicts with participation of adoptive state, natural disasters, epidemics, major accidents and catastrophic crashes in adoptive state or in the adjacent countries there is threat of life and to health of citizens of the State Parties of this agreement.
For coordination of the actions in case of evacuation of citizens from the third countries in case of emergency situations of the Party create the Joint commission on evacuation (further - the Commission).
The commission performs the activities on the basis of the Provision which is integral part of this agreement.
The parties within a month after the signature of this agreement appoint the representatives in structure of the Commission.
The first commission session is held at the initiative of the Russian Federation in Interstate economic Committee of Economic union in 2-month time from the date of agreement signature.
The commission develops the standard scheme of the organization and implementation of interaction of the Parties in case of evacuation.
In case of emergency situations the Commission holds urgent consultations during which in each case together with diplomatic representations and consular services of the Parties the number of the citizens who are subject to evacuation establishes determines priority and forms of evacuation actions, calculates amounts of necessary forces and means, and also resolves other issues connected with providing evacuation actions.
Any Party can act as the initiator of carrying out consultations.
Under mutual approval the management and practical implementation of evacuation are undertaken by one or several Parties which independently allocate for this purpose the appropriate material and financial funds (with subsequent their compensation by other Parties according to the procedure, stated in Article 9 of this agreement) or to the order of which the Parties transfer forces, necessary for evacuation, and means.
If the Party has no representations in the country in which there was emergency situation, the Party to which the management on implementation of evacuation actions according to part one of this Article is assigned is engaged in evacuation of her citizens.
Any Party in case of emergency situations has the right to independently make the decision on separate evacuation of citizens of the country what it without delay notifies other Parties on.
The party to which the Commission assigns implementation of evacuation actions provides registration, protection, maintenance and the omission of the evacuated persons for the territory of the relevant state (states) through the established boundary posts, and if necessary creates address and search group.
In case of acceptance of the evacuated persons the simplified procedure for passing of border and customs control is applied, on a centralized basis allocated by forces and funds their temporary placement is provided, necessary medical and other assistance, and also assistance in their journey to places of permanent residence is given.
For ensuring complete evacuation the relevant departments of the Parties in case of issue to the citizens of foreign passports recommend to them to be registered in diplomatic representation or consular establishment of the country in the place of residence abroad, and in case of their absence - to report about the place of the accommodation at diplomatic representation or consular establishment of any other Party.
In case of need and in coordination with the authorities of the country in which there was emergency situation the either party can allocate in zone of emergency situations the vehicles and civil specialists for assistance in evacuation.
The parties render assistance in urgent and free movement of the evacuated persons, and also journey (flight) of vehicles by means of whom evacuation was performed.
The parties compensate financial expenses on evacuation actions to that Party which carried out evacuation, in proportion to the number of the evacuated citizens of the states.
When rendering to the evacuated citizens of medical or other care before their departure from the territory of the state performing evacuation, the Parties compensate to the relevant Party expenses on each specific action concerning citizens of the states.
Settlement is made in freely convertible currency or in exceptional cases and according to the mutual arrangement of the Parties in national currency in 3-month time after the end of evacuation.
In case of disagreements on the provided accounts the conciliation commission from representatives of the interested State Parties for check of expenses and approval of mutual calculations is created.
This agreement is signed sine die and becomes effective from date of delivery on storage to depositary of the third notification on accomplishment of the interstate procedures by the Parties necessary for its entry into force. For the Parties which performed interstate procedures later it becomes effective from the date of delivery of notifications on it of depositary.
According to the mutual arrangement changes and additions which are drawn up by the relevant protocols can be made to this agreement.
The matters of argument connected using or interpretation of this agreement, are permitted by consultations and negotiations of concerned parties.
Any Party can leave this agreement, having in writing notified on it depositary not later than 6 months to exit and having settled the financial and other liabilities which arose at this Party for the period of participation in this agreement.
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