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The agreement on procedure for development and observance of the approved regulations and requirements for labor protection to mutually delivered goods

of April 12, 1996

The State Parties of this agreement on behalf of the Governments, further - the Parties,

noting interstate nature of problems of labor protection and importance of their decision for providing social security guarantees of life and health of workers in case of development, production, operation of vziamopostavlyaemy machines, mechanisms, the equipment, materials, technologies, means of labor protection (further - mutually delivered goods),

for the purpose of implementation of the Agreement on cooperation in the field of labor protection of December 9, 1994

agreed as follows:

Article 1

The parties, having complete independence in production organization, establish procedure for development and provide observance of the approved regulations and requirements for labor protection (further - regulations and requirements for labor protection) in case of development, production, operation and utilization of mutually delivered goods.

Article 2

Regulations and requirements for labor protection contain in the following regulatory legal acts: interstate standards, including standards of the Occupational Safety Standards System (OSSS);

safety rules, health regulations, regulations and hygienic standard rates, other normative legal documents accepted as interstate;

national standards and specifications on products which application in case of development, statement on production and production is stipulated by special agreements (agreements).

Article 3

The parties shall provide mutually delivered goods with the certificate of conformity or other documents and mutually recognize the certificates and marks of conformity, permissions to mutually delivered goods confirming its compliance to regulations and requirements for labor protection issued by authorized bodies.

Responsibility for unreasonable or illegal issue of certificates of conformity, permissions bears body which issued primary certificate, permission according to the current legislation of its state.

Article 4

In case of development of regulations and requirements for labor protection depending on type of mutually delivered goods are provided, on the basis of the principle of reasonable sufficiency, the requirement for safety of designs, observance of maximum permissible levels (concentration) of dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article 5

Approval of the regulations and requirements for labor protection applied as interstate and also decision making about need of their review and development of new is performed by the working groups of experts created according to intergovernmental agreements:

about carrying out coordinated policy in the field of standardization, metrology and certification of March 13, 1992;

about cooperation in the field of labor protection of December 9, 1994.

Article 6

Decision making about use of regulations and requirements for labor protection as interstate is performed:

Interstate council on standardization, metrology and certification - according to standards (except standards in the field of construction);

Advisory board on work, migration and social protection of the population of the State Parties of the Commonwealth Independent Gosudarstvpo to industrial safety rules, safety and other normative legal documents on labor protection;

The interstate scientific and technical commission on standardization and technical regulation in construction - on construction regulations and rules;

Council on cooperation in the field of health care of the Commonwealth of Independent States - according to health regulations, regulations and hygienic standard rates.

The parties provide approval and observance of regulations and requirements of labor protection according to the procedure, provided by the national legal system.

Article 7

The parties provide observance of regulations and requirements for labor protection to mutually delivered goods at all stages of its development and production, and also in case of its operation (maintenance and repair, transportation, storage) and utilization, when using separately or as a part of complexes and technological systems.

Supervision and control of observance of regulations and requirements for labor protection to mutually delivered goods is performed by state supervision bodies and control, departments on standardization, metrology and certification of the Parties according to their competence.

Article 8

Manufacturers (suppliers) of products which are not meeting regulations and the requirements for labor protection bear responsibility and indemnify loss to consumers according to the national legal system of the Parties and the signed agreements.

Article 9

The matters of argument connected with accomplishment of this agreement are solved by mutual consultations of authorities of the parties determined according to the Agreement on cooperation in the field of labor protection of December 9, 1994.

Article 10

The parties provide confidentiality of the obtained documentation and information on the works which are carried out within this Agreement and on the achieved scientific and technical results if the transferring Party stipulates their confidentiality.

Article 11

The parties can make additions and changes which are drawn up by the relevant protocols to this agreement.

Article 12

This agreement becomes effective from the date of delivery to depositary of the third notification on accomplishment of the interstate procedures by the Parties necessary for its entry into force. For the State Party which sent to depositary the notification on accomplishment of such procedures later it becomes effective in day of receipt of this notification by depositary.

Article 13

This agreement is open for accession to it of other states sharing its purposes and the principles.


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