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The agreement on the main directions of cooperation of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of consumer protection

of January 25, 2000

(Protocol as amended of 19:05. 2011)

The governments of the State Parties of this agreement, further - the Parties,

considering need of activation of commercial intercourses between the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States,

for the purpose of development of economic integration of the State Parties of the Commonwealth,

aiming at permanent increase in level of living of the population of the states,

understanding importance of interaction of the State Parties of the Commonwealth in ensuring consumer protection from low-quality goods, works, services,

in view of the importance of activities of public associations in the field of consumer protection,

recognizing and considering existing rules of international law, in particular, of the General Assembly resolution of April 9, 1985 "The guidelines for protection of consumer interests",

for the purpose of carrying out coordinated policy in the field of consumer protection

agreed about the following:

Article 1

For the purposes of this agreement the following determinations are applied:

the national legal system on protection of the rights potrebiteleysovokupnost of the precepts of law existing in the state and governing the relations in the field of consumer protection;

the consumer - the citizen having intention to order or acquire or ordering, acquiring or using goods (works, services) only for the personal (household) needs which are not connected with implementation of business activity;

manufacturer - the organization, irrespective of its pattern of ownership, and also the individual entrepreneur, the making goods for realization to consumers;

the contractor - the organization, irrespective of its pattern of ownership, and also the individual entrepreneur, the performing works or the rendering services to consumers;

the seller - the organization, irrespective of its pattern of ownership, and also the individual entrepreneur, the implementing goods to consumers according to the purchase and sale agreement;

unfair business entities are the sellers, manufacturers, contractors allowing in the activities of violation of the law about consumer protection, business customs if these violations can cause or caused property or non-property damage to citizens consumers and/or the environment;

public associations of consumers - the non-commercial associations (organizations) of citizens and/or legal entities created for the purpose of protection of legitimate rights and consumer interests and also the international non-governmental organizations operating in the territories of all or several State Parties of this agreement registered according to national legal systems of the State Parties of this agreement.

Article 2

The purpose of this agreement is creation of legal and organizational basis of cooperation of the Parties on carrying out coordinated policy in the field of the consumer protection directed to forming of equal conditions for citizens of the State Parties of the Commonwealth on protection of their interests against unfair activities of the business entities acting in the territories of the State Parties of this agreement.

Article 3

The rights of consumers and their protection are guaranteed by the national legal system on consumer protection, and also this agreement.

Citizens of each State Party of the CIS, and also the other persons living in its territory use in the territories of other State Parties of the Commonwealth concerning the consumer's laws the same legal protection, as well as citizens of these states, and have the right to address to the state and public organizations on consumer protection, other organizations, to make claims in courts and to perform other legal proceedings on the same conditions, as citizens of these states.

Article 4

The parties perform cooperation on consumer protection taking into account the national legal system on consumer protection, the commonly accepted rules of international law in this sphere in the following main directions:

providing consumers, state bodies and public associations of consumers with operational and reliable information about goods (works, services), manufacturers (sellers, contractors);

taking measures to prevention of activities of unfair business entities and hit of low-quality goods (services) in the territory of the State Parties of this agreement;

creation of the conditions for the consumer promoting the free choice of goods (works, services) by development of fair competition;

implementation of programs of education in the field of consumer protection as integral part of training of citizens in educational systems of the states;

attraction of financial resources of mass information, including radio, television, to promotion and systematic illumination of questions of consumer protection;

rapprochement of national legal systems of the State Parties of this agreement in the field of consumer protection in that measure what needs it for implementation of this agreement.

Article 5

The parties assist creation of conditions, including legal, for activities of independent public associations of consumers, to participation in forming of policy in the field of consumer protection, development of the regulatory legal acts affecting legitimate rights, consumer interests and procedures of consideration of claims of consumers, and also in creation of systems of exchange of consumer information between the Parties.

Article 6

The realization of this agreement is enabled by the relevant national authorities of the State Parties of this agreement within the competence established by the national legal system of their states.

For the purpose of coordination of joint sales activity of this agreement of the Party create the Advisory board on consumer protection of the State Parties of the CIS (further - Council).

The status of Council and its task are determined by the Regulations on the Advisory board on consumer protection of the State Parties of the CIS which are integral part of this agreement (is attached).

Council interacts with public associations of consumers in implementation process of this agreement.

Public associations of consumers can take part in implementation of this agreement according to the charters and the national legal system of their states.

Article 7

Provisions of this agreement do not affect the rights and obligations assumed by the Parties according to other international treaties.

Article 8

This agreement becomes effective from the moment of signing, and for the states which legislation requires accomplishment of the interstate procedures necessary for its entry into force, - from the date of delivery on storage to depositary of the relevant documents.

Article 9

Changes and additions by common consent of the Parties which are drawn up by the separate protocols which are integral part of the Agreement can be made to this agreement.


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