Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 15, 2011 No. 710

About adoption of technical regulations of the Customs union "About safety of railway rolling stock", "About safety of high-speed rail transport" and "About safety of infrastructure of rail transport"

(as amended on 30-03-2023)

According to article 13 of the Agreement on the single principles and rules of technical regulation in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation of November 18, 2010 the Commission of the Customs union (further - the Commission) solved:

1. Accept the following technical regulations of the Customs union:

"About safety of railway rolling stock" (TR CU 001/2011) (is applied);

"About safety of high-speed rail transport" (TR CU 002/2011) (is applied);

"About safety of infrastructure of rail transport" (TR CU 003/2011) (is applied) (further - technical regulations).

2. Ceased to be valid according to the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of 29.03.2022 No. 48

3. Establish:

3.1. Technical regulations become effective in three years from the date of official publication of this Decision.

The mandatory requirements established by legislations of state members of the Customs union and the Common economic space or earlier established by regulatory legal acts of the Customs union concerning objects of technical regulation of technical regulations are not applied from the date of the introduction of technical regulations in force;

Prior to the day of entry into force of the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union establishing safety requirements concerning buildings and constructions, assessment of conformity of infrastructure facilities of high-speed rail transport to requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of high-speed rail transport" (TR CU 002/2011), and also infrastructure facilities of rail transport to requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of infrastructure of rail transport" (TR CU 003/2011) is performed according to the legislation of state member of the Eurasian Economic Union taking into account Items 186 3 - 194 technical regulations of the Customs union "About safety of high-speed rail transport" (TR CU 002/2011), and also Items 123 - 131 technical regulations of the Customs union "About safety of infrastructure of rail transport" (TR CU 003/2011) respectively;

3.2. transitional provisions:

documents on assessment (confirmation) of compliance to the mandatory requirements established by the regulatory legal acts constituting the contractual legal base of the Customs union and the Common economic space, or the legislation of state member of the Customs union and the Common economic space issued or accepted concerning products which are object of technical regulation of technical regulations (further – products), about day of entry into force of technical regulations, are valid before the termination of term of their action, but no later than August 2, 2017.

Documents on assessment (confirmation) of compliance to the mandatory requirements established by the regulatory legal acts constituting the contractual legal base of the Customs union and the Common economic space, or the legislation of state member of the Customs union and the Common economic space issued or accepted concerning the objects and elements of infrastructure of rail transport which are objects of technical regulation of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of infrastructure of rail transport" (about day of entry into force of technical regulations, are valid TR CU 003/2011) (further – objects and elements of infrastructure of rail transport) before the termination of term of their action, but no later than August 2, 2017.

From the date of entry into force of technical regulations issue or adoption of documents on assessment (confirmation) of compliance of products, objects and elements of infrastructure of rail transport to the mandatory requirements which are earlier established by the regulatory legal acts constituting the contractual legal base of the Customs union and the Common economic space or the legislation of state member of the Customs union and the Common economic space is not allowed;

till August 2, 2017 production and release into the stream of commerce of products according to the mandatory requirements which are earlier established by the regulatory legal acts constituting the contractual legal base of the Customs union and the Common economic space or the legislation of state member of the Customs union and the Common economic spaces in the presence of the documents on assessment (confirmation) of compliance of products specified to mandatory requirements, issued or accepted about day of entry into force of the technical regulation are allowed.

The specified products are marked by national mark of conformity (market access mark) according to the legislation of state member of the Customs union and the Common economic space. Marking of such products single market circulation mark of state members of the Customs union is not allowed;

till August 2, 2017 production and release into the stream of commerce on customs area of the Customs union of products which were not subject about day of entry into force of technical regulations to obligatory assessment (confirmation) of compliance to the mandatory requirements established by the regulatory legal acts constituting the contractual legal base of the Customs union and the Common economic space or the legislation of state member of the Customs union and the Common economic space without documents on obligatory assessment (confirmation) of compliance and not marked national mark of conformity (market access mark) are allowed;

till August 2, 2017 commissioning of objects and elements of infrastructure of rail transport according to the mandatory requirements which are earlier established by the regulatory legal acts constituting the contractual legal base of the Customs union and the Common economic space or the legislation of state member of the Customs union and the Common economic spaces in the presence of documents on assessment (confirmation) of compliance of the objects and elements of infrastructure of rail transport specified to mandatory requirements, issued or accepted about day of entry into force of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of infrastructure of rail transport" is allowed (TR CU 003/2011).

till August 2, 2018 production and release into the stream of commerce on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union of the shunting locomotives modernized with prolongation of service life, released for use on railway tracks of uncommon use without documents on assessment of conformity and not marked are allowed by national mark of conformity (market access mark).

Ask state members of the Eurasian Economic Union to provide control of operation of the shunting locomotives modernized with prolongation of service life, released for use on railway tracks of uncommon use without documents on assessment of conformity and not marked by national mark of conformity (market access mark).

3.3 release into the stream of commerce without documents on assessment of conformity of the components of railway rolling stock imported as spare parts for servicing and repair of the railway rolling stock put into operation till August 2, 2014 taking into account the transitional provisions established in subitem 3.2 of this Item before the expiration of the appointed service life of such railway rolling stock is allowed.

 for the purpose of operation only within the Republic of Kazakhstan: electric locomotives of KZ4A, KZ4Ac, diesel locomotives of TE33A, 2TE10MK, CKD-6e (TEM KZ), CKD-9, rail PESA-630m buses, TSK cars (215B, 215A, 216A, 223, 224, 218A), Talgo (series F 031, F 061, 6), special railway vehicles of Duomatic 9:32, Duomatic 08-32U, Unimat compact 08-275/3S-16, DGS-90N, PBR-400 U-RS, Plasser Unimat MF, RM-80 UHR, RM-2002, SMD-80, MFS 60-4, ATLAS, EM-120, USP-2005, USP-2005 SW, MRT-2S, BRAD, LFT;

for the purpose of operation only within the Kyrgyz Republic - TE33A diesel locomotives.

Components shall be identified as spare parts to railway rolling stock by conformity assessment body of railway rolling stock and its components which is included in the unified register of conformity assessment bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union and is authorized according to the legislation of state member of the Eurasian Economic Union for carrying out identification of such components in the territory of the relevant state, and also gondola cars 12-9920 and 12-9941 (regarding rolling bearings roller for axle boxes of railway rolling stock (conic)).

Data on results of identification are drawn up in the form of the corresponding conclusion (act) of the specified body in Russian and in the presence of relevant requirements in the legislation of state member of the Eurasian Economic Union in state language (state languages) of this state, are subject to placement in open access on the official sites on the Internet of authorized bodies of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of technical regulation and include:

number of the cargo customs declaration;

name of the shipping documentation and importer;

names of spare parts and their producers;

codes of the CN FEA EEU;

number of spare parts;

the name, type, model and modification (in the presence) specified in paragraphs three - the fifth this subitem of railway vehicles on which the spare part will be established;

identification sign;

these conclusions (act) of identification.

Marking of such products single market circulation mark of the Eurasian Economic Union is not allowed.

Ask state members of the Eurasian Economic Union to provide control of operation of railway vehicles with the spare parts established without documents on assessment of conformity in the territory of that state member of the Eurasian Economic Union into which spare parts are imported.

3.4. till December 31, 2023 release into the stream of commerce on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union of rolling bearings roller (cassette type) for axle boxes of locomotives and motorvagonny railway vehicles in the presence of the certificates of conformity of these products received based on carrying out including bench testing of the specified bearings in accredited test laboratory (center) in volume of at least a half of the conditional run established by the standardized method with the subsequent under control operation of the certified products before achievement of conditional run in full is allowed.

4. To the secretariat of the Commission jointly with the Parties:

4.1. till January 1, 2013 to provide adoption of the Protocol on introduction of amendments to the Agreement on the principles and rules of technical regulation in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation of November 18, 2010 in the part concerning inclusion of the requirements to design processes connected with safety requirements to products to the subject sphere of technical regulations, and also references of sets of rules to the documents applied for the purpose of assessment (confirmation) of compliance to requirements of ekhnichesky regulations;

4.2. before the date of entry into force of technical regulations to provide modification of Single sanitary and epidemiologic and hygienic requirements to the goods which are subject to sanitarnoepidemiologichesky supervision (control), the Commissions approved by the Decision of May 28, 2010 No. 299, regarding exception from them of requirements to objects of technical regulation of technical regulations.

5. To the Russian side:

5.1. at least once a year to provide updating of Lists of the standards specified in Item 2 of this Decision based on monitoring and results of application of the standards containing in Lists and also offers of bodies of the Parties;

5.2. taking into account offers of the Parties to develop and in accordance with the established procedure to submit the draft of the program for development (modification, review) of interstate standards and sets of rules for consideration of the Commission;

5.3. before the date of entry into force of technical regulations taking into account offers of the Parties to prepare and to submit in accordance with the established procedure for consideration of the Commission of the offer on change of technical regulations in the part concerning refining of determination of the term "innovative products".

5.4. till March 1, 2014 taking into account offers of authorized bodies of state members of the Customs union and the Common economic space to provide preparation and to provide to the Eurasian economic commission in accordance with the established procedure offers on updating of lists of the standards specified in Item 2 of this Decision.

6. To the parties:

6.1. till January 1, 2013 to provide reduction of regulatory legal acts of the states in compliance with technical regulations;

6.2. to date of the introduction of technical regulations in force to determine the state control (supervision) bodies responsible for implementation of the state control (supervision) of observance of requirements of the technical regulation and to inform on it the Commission;

6.3. provide carrying out the state control (supervision) of observance of requirements of the technical regulation from the date of the introduction it in force.

6.4. at least 1 time in 2 years to provide updating of data on the railway rolling stock specified in subitem 3.3 of Item 3 of this Decision.

from the Republic of Belarus

S. Rumas

from the Republic of Kazakhstan

Zh. Aytzhanova

from the Russian Federation

I. Shuvalov

Approved by the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of July 15, 2011, No. 710

The technical regulation of the Customs Union "About safety of railway rolling stock" (TR CU 001/2011)

I. Scope

1. This technical regulation extends to again developed (modernized), made railway rolling stock with constructional speed up to 200 km/h inclusive and its components (further - products) released on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - the Union) for use on railway tracks of general and uncommon use with width of track of 1 520 mm.

The railway rolling stock includes:


motorvagonny railway vehicles and its cars;

cars of locomotive draft;

goods wagons;

special railway rolling stock.

The list of objects of technical regulation to which requirements of this technical regulation extend is given in appendix No. 1.

2. This technical regulation does not extend to cars sanitary, cars of medical and diagnostic trains, the traction railway rolling stock operated on railway tracks of uncommon use without exit to railway tracks public, the railway rolling stock of technological rail transport of the organizations intended for movement of people and material values in the territory of the organizations and accomplishment of initial and final transactions with railway rolling stock for own needs of the organizations.

3. This technical regulation establishes obligatory for application and execution on customs area of the Union of the requirement to products, applied in case of its designing and production, rules of identification of products, the requirement to marking and rules of its drawing, and also form, the scheme and assessment procedure of compliance of products.

Requirements to operation of railway rolling stock regarding safety of movement are established by the legislation of state members of the Union (further - state members) about rail transport.

This technical regulation is developed for the purpose of protection of life and health of the person, animals and plants, safety of property, and also the prevention of the actions misleading consumers (users) concerning its appointment and safety.

II. Basic concepts

4. For the purposes of application of this technical regulation the concepts established by the Protocol on technical regulation within the Eurasian Economic Union (appendix No. 9 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014), by the standard schemes of assessment of conformity approved by the Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of April 18, 2018 No. 44 (further - standard schemes), and also concepts which mean the following are used:

"the automatic locomotive alarm system" - complex of devices for transfer to cabin of the driver of signals of traveling traffic lights which the railway rolling stock approaches;

"automatic brake" - the device providing automatic stop of the train in case of separation or gap of the airwire highway and (or) when opening the crane of emergency brake application (emergency brake);

"similar products", "similar product sample" - the product (sample) of one type with the considered product (sample) having identical technical characteristics and the closest on design and manufacturing techniques;

"safety of railway rolling stock" - condition of railway rolling stock in case of which there is no unacceptable risk connected with damnification of life or to health of citizens, property of physical persons or legal entities, the state-owned or municipal property, and also the environment, life or health of animals and plants;

"safety of radiations" - safety of railway rolling stock in case of which there is no possibility of rendering harmful effects per capita and objects of the environment of the ionizing, optical and other radiations;

"biological safety" - safety of railway rolling stock in case of which there is no possibility of dangerous biological impact;

"explosion safety" - safety of railway rolling stock in case of which there is no possibility of explosion of the explosive environment and impact of dangerous and harmful factors of explosion;

"dimension of railway rolling stock" - cross perpendicular outline within which shall be located established on the direct horizontal way (in case of the most adverse provision in track and in the absence of side inclinations on springs and dynamic fluctuations) axes of railway track both in empty, and in the loaded condition the railway rolling stock including having most normalized iznosa;

"goods wagons" - the cars intended for transportation of goods;

"admissible risk" - the value of risk connected using products, determined proceeding from technical and economic capabilities of the producer and corresponding to the safety level which shall be provided at all stages of product lifecycle;

"unit of railway rolling stock" - separate object of railway rolling stock, such as locomotive, cargo and the car, motorvagonny railway vehicles (or its sections, cars), special railway rolling stock;

"railway tracks of uncommon use" - the railroad side tracks adjoining directly or through other railroad side tracks railway tracks public and intended for rendering rail transport to certain users of services on the terms of agreements or performance of works for own needs;

"railway tracks public" - railway tracks in the territories of the railway stations open for accomplishment of transactions on acceptance and departure of trains, on receiving and delivery of loads, baggage and cargo baggage, on servicing of passengers and accomplishment of sorting and shunting work, and also the railway tracks connecting such stations;

"rail reefers" - the closed cars with heat insulation intended for transportation of goods, requiring maintenance in certain range of temperature during time of their delivery;

"the driver's cabin" - the part of body of railway rolling stock separated by partitions in which workplaces of locomotive crew, devices and devices for control of the locomotive, motorvagonny railway vehicles, special railway rolling stock are located;

"design documentation" - set of the design documents containing the data necessary for designing (development), production, control, acceptance, delivery, operation, repair, upgrade and utilization of product;

"constructional speed" - the largest speed of movement of railway rolling stock declared in technical documentation;

"the crane of emergency brake application (emergency brake)" - the brake valve serving for release of air from the brake highway of railway rolling stock and actuating of automatic brakes in case of need of the emergency stop;

"locomotive" - the railway rolling stock intended for movement on railway tracks of trains or separate cars;

"magnetorail brake" - the device creating brake effort by electromagnetic attraction of brake boot to rail;

"the machine room" - the room of locomotives with the autonomous power station, diesel trains, diesel electric trains, railcars, rail buses, rail reefers with the autonomous power station, special self-propelled railway rolling stock in which are established the power station (the main and (or) auxiliary) and the service equipment providing the functioning of unit of railway rolling stock providing stay in it service personnel;

"mechanical safety" - safety of railway rolling stock in case of which there is no possibility of dangerous mechanical impacts;

"upgrade of railway rolling stock" - complex of works on improvement of technical and economic characteristics of railway rolling stock by replacement of its components by more committed;

"upgrade of railway rolling stock with prolongation of service life" - complex of works on improvement of technical and economic characteristics of railway rolling stock by entering into basic design of changes for the purpose of prolongation of service life;

"motorvagonny railway vehicles" - motor and not motor cars of which electric trains, the diesel train, railcars, rail buses, diesel electric train, elektromotrisa intended for transportation of passengers and (or) baggage, mail are created;

"the appointed resource" - total operating time of products in case of which achievement operation of products shall be stopped irrespective of its technical condition;

"the appointed service life" - the calendar duration of operation of products in case of which achievement operation of products shall be stopped irrespective of its technical condition;

"the appointed storage duration" - calendar storage life of products in case of which achievement storage of products shall be stopped irrespective of its technical condition;

"reasons for safety" - the document containing the risk analysis, and also data from design, operational, technological documentation on minimum necessary measures for safety accompanying products at all stages of lifecycle and supplemented by data on results of risks assessment at operation stage after carrying out repair;

"passport" - the operational document containing the main data on products and specifications, information on completeness, the appointed resources, service life and storages, manufacturer's guarantees, the approval certificate, data on assessment of conformity and procedure for utilization of products;

"cars" - the cars intended for transportation of passengers, baggage, mailings, including post, luggage, dining-cars, office and technical, office, clubs, sanitary cars, cars laboratories;

"pneumatic brake" - air-controlled brake;

"under control operation" - the regular operation of railway rolling stock which is followed by additional control and accounting of technical condition of railway rolling stock;

"train" - the created and linked structure of cars with one or several operating locomotives or motor cars, having established signals and also sent to stage and which are on stage locomotives without cars and special self-propelled railway rolling stock;

"fire safety" - safety of railway rolling stock in case of which there is no possibility of the fire and impact of dangerous factors of the fire (flame, sparks, thermal flow, the increased ambient temperature, toxic products of burning and thermal decomposition, smoke, the lowered concentration of oxygen, explosion, destruction effects);

"the limiting condition" - products condition in case of which its further operation is inadmissible or inexpedient or recovery of its operating state is impossible or inexpedient;

"recuperative braking" - braking of railway rolling stock which is performed by means of electric brake and in case of which the electrical energy released in case of transfer of traction electric motors in the generating mode is transferred to contact network;

"operation manual" - the document containing the data on design, the principle of action, characteristics (properties) of products and specifying necessary for the correct and safe operation of products (proper use, maintenance, running repair, storage and transportation) and estimates of its technical condition in case of determination of need of sending to repair, and also data on utilization of products;

"high-speed railway rolling stock" - the locomotives, cars, motorvagonny railway vehicles intended for ensuring implementation of transportations with speed of movement from 141 to 200 km/h inclusive;

"component of railway rolling stock" - the detail, assembly unit, complex or their set, software entering design of railway rolling stock and providing its safe operation, safety of service personnel and (or) passengers;

"special railway rolling stock" - the railway rolling stock intended for ensuring construction and functioning of infrastructure of rail transport and railway tracks of uncommon use, works on content, servicing and repair of constructions and devices of the railroads and including fixed self-propelled mobile units on railway to the course (autonomous cars, section cars, special railcars, railway and construction machines with the autonomous engine and the traction drive), and also transporters, not self-propelled mobile units on railway to the course (railway and construction machines without traction drive, trail cars and the special railway rolling stock included in economic trains and intended for works on content, servicing and repair of constructions and devices of rail transport);

"satellite navigation" - the method of navigation determinations consisting in the solution of the navigation tasks by data processing received by navigation aids on subjects to navigation as a result of acceptance of the radio signals radiated from spacecrafts;

"parking brake" - the device with the manual or automatic drive located on unit of railway rolling stock and intended for its fixing on the parking from spontaneous leaving and also for forced emergency stop in the presence of the manual or automatic drive in railway rolling stock;

"thermal safety" - safety of railway rolling stock in case of which there is no possibility of dangerous impact of high and low temperatures;

"technical compatibility" - the characteristic of railway rolling stocks providing possibility of their interaction with each other and with infrastructure facilities of rail transport according to requirements of this technical regulation;

"technological rail transport" - the rail transport intended for movement of goods in the territories of the organizations and accomplishment of initial and final transactions with the railway rolling stock which does not have the right of exit to railway tracks of general and uncommon use for own needs of the specified organizations;

"braking" - impact on devices and devices for control of the brake system for the purpose of reduction of speed or stop of the moving train or unit of railway rolling stock;

"brake way" - the distance overcome by train from the moment of impact on devices and devices for control of the brake system including operations of the crane of emergency brake application (emergency brake), to complete stop;

"prototype series" - the first production lot made according to technological documentation with letter of "O1" and design documentation with letter not below "O1" within development of production for the purpose of confirmation of the readiness of production for production conforming to the established requirements in the set amounts;

"devices, complexes and management systems, control and safety of railway rolling stock, their software" are equipment rooms, hardware-software and the software intended for ensuring functions of safety of railway rolling stock;

"form" - the operational document containing the main data on products and specifications, information on completeness, the appointed resources, service life and storages, manufacturer's guarantees, the approval certificate, data on assessment of conformity and procedure for utilization of products, and also on work of product in use, maintenance and repair;

"chemical safety" - safety of railway rolling stock in case of which there is no possibility of impact of dangerous chemicals;

"the operational document" - the design document (the operation manual, the form, the passport, the label, etc.) which separately or in total with other documents determines service regulations of products and (or) reflects the data certifying the values of key parameters and characteristics (properties) of products, and also guarantee and data on its operation guaranteed by the manufacturer during fixed term of service;

"emergency brake application" - the braking used in the cases requiring immediate stop of the train by use of the maximum brake force;

"electric safety" - safety of railway rolling stock in case of which there is no possibility of dangerous and harmful effects of electric current, electric arch, the electromagnetic field and static electricity;

"electric brake" - the device in which force of braking is created when transforming kinetic energy of the train to electrical energy by transfer of traction electric motors in the generating mode;

"electromagnetic compatibility" - capability of railway rolling stock to function with the set quality in the set electromagnetic situation and not to create inadmissible electromagnetic hindrances to infrastructure facilities of rail transport and the railway rolling stock operated on it;

"electric air brake" - the device for braking with electric management of pneumatic brakes;

"label" - the operational document containing the main data on products and specifications, information on resources, service life and storages, manufacturer's guarantee, the approval certificate and data on assessment of conformity.

III. Rules of identification of products

5. Products are subject to identification for the purpose of its reference to objects of technical regulation of this technical regulation.

Identification of products is carried out:

the accredited body on certification included in the unified register of conformity assessment bodies of the Union (further - certification body) - in case of certification of products;

the applicant or at the request of the applicant certification body, either accredited test laboratory (center), or own test laboratory of the manufacturer - when declaring products;

authorized body of state member - when implementing the state control (supervision) of observance of requirements of this technical regulation.

6. Identification of products is carried out by way:

a) establishments of compliance of the name, the description and purpose of products to the name and product characteristics which are object of technical regulation of this technical regulation;

b) comparisons of requirements imposed to products proceeding from its appointment with requirements of this technical regulation.

IV. Rules of the product circulation in the market of the Union

7. Products are turned out in market circulation of the Union in case of its compliance to requirements of this technical regulation, and also other technical regulations of the Union (Customs union) which action extends to it.

8. Products which compliance to requirements of this technical regulation is not confirmed shall not be marked by single market circulation mark of the Union and are not allowed to release into the stream of commerce in the market of the Union.

V. Safety requirements

9. This technical regulation establishes minimum necessary requirements to products which accomplishment provides:

a) safety of radiations;

b) biological safety;

c) explosion safety;

d) mechanical safety;

e) fire safety;

e) thermal safety;

g) chemical safety;

h) electric safety;

i) electromagnetic compatibility regarding safety of operation of devices and the equipment;

j) unity of measurements;

k) sanitary and epidemiologic and ecological safety.

10. When designing railway rolling stock and its components the risk degree settlement, experimental and expert in the ways, including based on the data obtained as a result of operation of similar products shall be estimated.

11. Safety of products shall be ensured in the way:

a) implementation of complex of research and development works when designing products;

b) applications of the approved technical solutions;

c) carrying out maintenance and repair with necessary frequency.

Need of establishment of the appointed service life and (or) the appointed resources on elements of components of subsystems of infrastructure of rail transport is determined by the designer (developer), values of these indicators are established in design documentation;

d) carrying out complex of calculations on the basis of the approved techniques;

e) the choice of materials and substances when designing, and also in products production process (depending on parameters and service conditions);

e) establishments of extreme criteria of conditions of products;

g) determinations of conditions and methods of utilization of products.

12. Durability, stability and technical condition of railway rolling stock and its components shall provide safe train service with the largest speeds within admissible values.

13. During the designing and production of railway rolling stock and its components it is necessary to provide:

a) observance of dimension of railway rolling stock;

b) safe operation taking into account external climatic and mechanical impacts;

c) technical compatibility with infrastructure of rail transport and other railway rolling stock operated within this infrastructure;

d) stability from wheel descent from rail;

e) stability from capsizing on curvilinear sites of railway track;

e) prevention of spontaneous leaving from the parking lot;

g) coupling of units of railway rolling stock for transfer of forces in the modes of draft and braking;

h) admissible brake way in case of emergency brake application;

i) not exceeding of running dynamic loads, maximum permissible forces on impact on railway track;

j) prevention of fall of components of railway rolling stock on railway track;

k) not exceeding of maximum permissible forces of draft, braking and size of acceleration;

l) sanitary and epidemiologic and ecological safety;

m) electromagnetic compatibility of electric equipment regarding safety of operation of devices and the equipment;

o) electromagnetic compatibility of electric equipment with devices of railway automatic equipment and telemechanics, railway telecommunication of infrastructure of rail transport;

o) fulfillment of requirements of fire safety;

p) durability in case of the admissible modes of loading and impact;

c) lack of plastic deformations in case of longitudinal and vertical maximum dynamic loads;

r) fatigue resistance in case of the low-cyclic and multi-cycle modes of loading;

s) safety and reliability of operation of electric equipment in case of the nominal and boundary modes of electric utility service;

t) safety of design of goods, mail and luggage cars when loading and unloading using means of mechanization;

x) in link pass of railway rolling stock on hump yards and (or) ramp of congress (except for railway rolling stock which design does not allow (does not provide) pass on hump yards and (or) pass on congress ramp);

v) lack of the contacts of components of unit of railway rolling stock which are not provided by design documentation among themselves which can lead to their damage;

w) coupling of railway rolling stock in curvilinear sites of railway track, traficability of cars in link also single cars on railway tracks of uncommon use.

14. When designing railway rolling stock and its components the designer (developer) makes the decisions providing the admissible level of harmful and (or) dangerous effects on life and health of the person established by the legislation of state members, animals and plants.

15. The designs of railway rolling stock and its components chosen by the designer (developer) shall be safe during the appointed service life and (or) before achievement of the appointed resource, during the appointed storage duration, and also to maintain impacts and loadings to which they can be exposed in use.

16. When designing railway rolling stock and its components the designer (developer) shall provide systems for protection of service personnel and (or) passengers in case of collision and (or) descent of railway rolling stock from rails.

17. When designing railway rolling stock the designer (developer) shall provide the software ensuring safety of functioning of products.

18. In case of modification of design documentation, of manufacturing techniques of railway rolling stock and its components the safety requirements established by this technical regulation shall be observed.

19. In case of modification of design or manufacturing techniques of railway rolling stock and (or) its components influencing safety and also in case of upgrade with prolongation of service life assessment of conformity of products according to the procedure, established by the Section VII of this technical regulation shall be carried out.

20. The measuring instruments relating to the sphere of state regulation of ensuring unity of measurements, established on railway rolling stock shall conform to requirements of the legislation of state members and acts of bodies of the Union in the field of ensuring unity of measurements.

21. In case of operation, survey, maintenance, repair of railway rolling stock the arrangement and installation of its equipment shall ensure safety of service personnel, including special footboards, hand-rail or devices shall be provided.

22. Devices, complexes and management systems, control and safety of railway rolling stock, their software shall provide its operating state in all provided operating modes and in case of any external impacts provided by climatic modification of these products.

Devices, complexes and management systems, control and safety of railway rolling stock, their software shall exclude emergence of dangerous situations in case of possible making of logical mistakes service personnel.

23. Devices, complexes and management systems, control and safety of railway rolling stock, their software shall include means of the alarm system and informing for the warning of violations of serviceable condition of railway rolling stock and its components which can lead to emergence of the situations menacing to safety.

24. The software of devices, complexes and management systems, control and safety of railway rolling stock (which both are built in, and delivered on material carriers) shall provide:

a) working capacity after the resets caused by failures and (or) failures of technical means and integrity in case of own failures;

b) security from computer viruses, unauthorized access, effects of refusals, mistakes and failures in case of storage, input, processing and information output, and also from possibility of random change of information;

c) compliance to the properties and characteristics described in program documents, and also in the documentation delivered with the equipment and containing information for assembly, installation and operation of this equipment.

25. Software of the devices, complexes and management systems, control and safety of railway rolling stock (realizing safety functions) shall have the version specified in the declaration of conformity to requirements of this technical regulation (further - the declaration of conformity) these software.

26. Devices, complexes and management systems, control and safety of railway rolling stock, their software in case of operation of the traction drive and other equipment in case of defects of devices of electric, hydraulic and (or) pneumatic parts, failure of the software shall not allow changes of characteristics and operating modes which can lead to violation of safe condition of railway rolling stock.

Failure of management system during the operational operation of onboard safety controls shall not lead to violation of safe condition of railway rolling stock.

27. Devices and devices for management of railway rolling stock shall be:

a) are supplied with texts and (or) symbols according to design documentation;

b) are designed and placed so that to exclude their involuntary inclusion, switching off or switching;

c) the sequences and frequencies of use are placed taking into account the importance of the carried-out functions.

28. Cargo locomotives and special self-propelled railway rolling stock shall be equipped with the following devices:

a) train radio communication;

b) devices of control of speed of movement;

c) registrars of parameters of movement;

d) automatic locomotive alarm system;

e) control unit of density of the pneumatic brake highway.

29. The cargo locomotives intended for operation on sites with heavy traffic and (or) for driving of the connected trains in addition to the devices specified in Item 28 of this technical regulation shall be equipped with the following devices:

a) the automated control system providing control of speed of movement and opportunity to receive (to transfer) speech information in case of entrances to entrance and output traffic lights, railway crossings and stations;

b) automatic fire alarm;

c) installation of fire extinguishing for protection of zones, the stipulated in Item 74 presents of the technical regulation.

30. The cargo locomotives serviced by one driver in addition to the devices specified in Items 28 and 29 of this technical regulation shall be equipped with the following devices:

a) system of automatic control of braking of the train or complex locomotive safety control;

b) control system of wakefulness of the driver;

c) rear-view mirrors or other similar devices;

d) blocking of brake.

31. Shunting locomotives shall be equipped with shunting radio communication and the device of remote uncoupling of cars.

32. The shunting locomotives intended for servicing by one driver in addition to the devices specified in Item 31 of this technical regulation shall be equipped with the following devices:

a) second control panel;

b) rear-view mirrors or other similar devices;

c) the devices providing automatic stop in case of loss by the driver of capability to maintaining the locomotive.

33. Passenger locomotives shall be equipped with the following devices:

a) train radio communication;

b) the automated control system providing control of speed of movement and possibility of obtaining (transfer) of speech information in case of entrances to entrance and output traffic lights, railway crossings and stations;

c) automatic fire alarm;

d) registrars of parameters of movement;

e) automatic locomotive alarm system;

e) electric air brake;

g) installation of fire extinguishing for protection of zones, the stipulated in Item 74 presents of the technical regulation.

34. The passenger locomotives serviced by one driver in addition to the devices specified in Item 33 of this technical regulation shall be equipped with the following devices:

a) system of automatic control of braking of the train or complex locomotive safety control;

b) control system of wakefulness of the driver;

c) rear-view mirrors or other similar devices;

d) blocking of brake.

35. The Motorvagonny railway vehicles shall be equipped with the following devices:

a) train radio communication;

b) the automated control system providing control of speed of movement and receipt (transfer) of speech information in case of entrances to entrance and output traffic lights, railway crossings and stations;

c) registrars of parameters of movement;

d) automatic locomotive alarm system;

e) electric air brake;

e) communication "the passenger - the driver";

g) alarm system of control of closing of doors;

h) automatic fire alarm.

36. The locomotives used for transportation of passengers, particular and dangerous goods and head cars of motorvagonny railway vehicles shall be equipped with the equipment of the satellite navigation promoting movement safety.

Need of equipment by the equipment of satellite navigation of other types of railway rolling stock is established by the legislation of state members.

37. The automatic locomotive alarm system on the locomotive, motorvagonny railway vehicles and special self-propelled railway rolling stock shall be supplemented with the safety controls providing control of the established movement speeds, recurring inspection of vigilance of the driver and interfering spontaneous leaving of the train from the parking lot. In case of loss by the driver of capability of control of the locomotive, motorvagonny railway vehicles and special self-propelled railway rolling stock, and the driver of section car - section car the specified devices shall provide automatic stop of the train (section car).

38. The design of cabin of the driver of the locomotive, motorvagonny railway vehicles and special self-propelled railway rolling stock, configuration of workplace of locomotive crew, arrangement of devices and control units, systems of display of information, design of chair of the driver shall provide:

the free overview to the locomotive crew which is in provision "sitting" and "standing", transits, floor signals, the next ways, structures and contact network;

visibility for one of workers of locomotive crew who is in standing position in case of entrance to structure of cars of the working area of the personnel participating in maneuvers.

The design and arrangement of devices and control units, measuring devices, light indicators on the control panel shall provide visibility of indications of the specified devices and indicators in day and night time and to exclude availability of the patches of light from the direct or reflected light getting into eyes of the driver and assistant driver under management of railway vehicles in provision "sitting" and "standing".

39. The layout of cabin of the driver of the locomotive, motorvagonny railway vehicles and special self-propelled railway rolling stock, configuration of workplace of locomotive crew, arrangement of devices and control units, systems of display of information, design of chair of the driver shall meet the requirements of ergonomics and provide convenience of management from provision "sitting" and "standing".

Devices and devices for management of railway rolling stock shall be placed taking into account the importance of the carried-out functions, the sequence and the frequency of their use.

40. Locomotives, motorvagonny railway vehicles, cars, rail reefers with service and auxiliary premises and special railway rolling stock shall be equipped with systems of general, local and emergency lighting.

The emergency lighting system shall switch automatically to the autonomous power supply (rechargeable battery) in the absence of tension in the main source of food. At the same time the possibility of manual inclusion of emergency lighting shall be provided.

41. Emergency escape of cabin of the driver of the locomotive, motorvagonny railway vehicles and special self-propelled railway rolling stock shall be provided through side windows with use of auxiliary devices.

Motorvagonny railway vehicles, cars, rail reefers with service and auxiliary premises and special railway rolling stock shall be equipped with emergency exits from each party of the car and have in need of means of emergency evacuation of service personnel and (or) passengers.

For opening of emergency exit there shall be enough effort of one person.

42. The glazing of the internal rooms of railway rolling stock intended for service personnel and (or) passengers shall ensure safety of service personnel and (or) passengers in case of shock impacts on railway rolling stock during its parking or along the line.

43. The internal parts of railway rolling stock requiring survey, setup and maintenance and if necessary the outside working equipment shall have additional lighting.

44. The railway rolling stock shall be equipped with the automatic brakes providing in case of its braking stop within admissible brake way.

Automatic brakes of railway rolling stock shall have necessary functionality in different service conditions, provide train stop in case of violation of integrity of the brake highway, violation of electric chain of safety or in case of unauthorized unhooking of units of railway rolling stock.

45. Automatic brakes shall provide possibility of application of the different modes of braking depending on loading of railway rolling stock, length of structure and profile of railway track.

46. Emergency brakes in cars and motorvagonny railway vehicles shall be established in platforms (in the absence of platforms - at entrance doors in passenger salon) and in middle part of cars (except for cars of motorvagonny railway vehicles) with possibility of sealing.

Emergency brakes in rail reefers with service and auxiliary premises shall be established in service premises and are sealed up.

Emergency brakes in special railway rolling stock are established in case of need.

47. The railway rolling stock shall be equipped with the parking brake.

The parking brake of unit of railway rolling stock shall provide its deduction on the normalized bias.

The mechanism of the hand parking brake shall be equipped with the device excluding spontaneous leave of the parking brake.

Use of automatic parking brakes is allowed.


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