of June 22, 2011 No. 9
About procedure for appointment and payment of professional pensions
Based on Regulations on Social Security Fund of the population of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of January 16, 2009 No. 40 "About Social Security Fund of the population of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection" the board of Social Security Fund of the population of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve the Instruction about procedure for appointment and payment of professional pensions it (is applied).
1-1. Establish form of the certificate of length of service for purpose of early professional pension according to appendix.
3. This resolution becomes effective from the 1st following after month of its official publication.
Vice chairman of the board
L. T. Bachilo
Approved by the Resolution of board of Social Security Fund of the population of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of June 22, 2011 No. 9
1. This Instruction is developed based on Articles 11, 14–17 Laws of the Republic of Belarus of January 5, 2008 No. 322-Z "About professional pension insurance" and determines procedure for appointment and payment of professional pensions at the expense of pension savings in the form of early professional pension and additional professional pension (further if other is not provided, – professional pension).
2. In this Instruction terms in the values determined by the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About professional pension insurance" are used.
3. Early professional pension is granted to the insured persons who are constantly living in the Republic of Belarus.
The right to early professional pension is determined according to article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About professional pension insurance".
The request for purpose of early professional pension is performed not later than two months before achievement of generally established retirement age by insured person.
4. Additional professional pension is granted in the presence at insured person in total of the following conditions:
permanent residence in the Republic of Belarus;
achievement of generally established retirement age;
availability of pension savings on special part of individual personal account (further - professional part of personal account).
The request for purpose of additional professional pension is performed by insured person at any time after achievement of generally established retirement age by it.
5. Purpose of professional pensions is performed by city, district, district department (sector) of the regional, Minsk municipal government of Social Security Fund of the population of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in the city (further – department of Fund) at the place of residence or the actual accommodation of insured person based on the statement for purpose (renewal) of early professional pension or the statement for purpose of additional professional pension (further – the statement for purpose of professional pension) in forms according to appendices 1 and 2.
The application for purpose of professional pension to incapacitated person is submitted to department of Fund for the residence or the actual accommodation of the legal representative of insured person.
The statement for purpose of professional pension to persons which are in places of detention moves in department of Fund for the location of correctional facility through administration of this organization.
The statement for purpose of professional pension, and also necessary documents can be filed by the authorized representative who is acting on the basis of the notarially certified power of attorney.
6. The statement for purpose of professional pension is registered in the magazine of registration of statements about purpose of professional pension in form according to appendix 3.
7. Day of the request for purpose of professional pension day of acceptance by department of Fund of the statement for purpose of professional pension with all documents specified in parts two and third this Item is considered.
Acceptance and registration of a statement about purpose of professional pension are performed in case of presentation by insured person of the identity document and permanent residence in the Republic of Belarus.
For realization by insured person of the right to early professional pension taking into account the period (periods) of work with special working conditions till January 1, 2009 in addition to the identity document, the certificate of length of service for purpose of early professional pension of the established form issued by management (department) of work, employment and social protection or management (department) of social protection of local executive and administrative organ is submitted (further - management (department) of work, employment and social protection).
8. The application for purpose of professional pension is considered in time no more than 10 working days with decision about appointment (recalculation) or about refusal in purpose of professional pension (further – the decision on purpose of professional pension) in form according to appendices 4 and 5.
In the absence of information on the bank account of insured person along with decision about purpose of professional pension the department of Fund creates the notification on impossibility of implementation of payment of professional pension in form according to appendix 17 (further – the notification on impossibility of payment).
The decision on purpose of professional pension is registered in the magazine of registration of decisions on purpose of professional pension in form according to appendix 6.
Within two working days following behind day of decision about purpose of professional pension, the department of Fund sends to the insured person the copy of the specified decision (in the case provided by part two of this Item – with appendix of the notification on impossibility of payment).
Based on the decision on purpose of additional professional pension professional part of personal account of insured person is closed.
8-1. After decision making about purpose of early professional pension to the pensioner the pension certificate in the form approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 6, 2017 No. 255 "About forms of pension certificates" is issued.
For execution of the pension certificate person who is granted early professional pension submits documents, stipulated in Item 3.14 lists of the ministerial procedures performed by state bodies and other organizations for petitions from citizens, No. 200 approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 26, 2010.
In case of loss of the pension certificate or its reduction in worthlessness the new pension certificate with the text "Duplicate" which is put down in the right upper corner of the first page is issued. The pension certificate, unsuitable to use, is destroyed.
Issue of the duplicate of the pension certificate is performed according to the procedure, stipulated in Item 2 articles 28-1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of October 28, 2008 No. 433-Z "About bases of ministerial procedures".
Issue of the pension certificate, duplicate of the pension certificate is performed by department of Fund for the destination of early professional pension according to the procedure, stipulated by the legislation for record keeping on ministerial procedures in state bodies, other organizations.
9. Professional pensions are granted since the month following after month in which the statement for their appointment is adopted.
Payment of professional pensions is made for the expired month.
10. Early professional pension is estimated by division of the amount of pension savings (according to professional part of personal account) on number of months of the early pension period of insured person.
If the early pension period of insured person is less than 12 months, early professional pension is established in the amount of, not exceeding the double size of the budget of the subsistence minimum on average per capita (further – BPM) operating for date of calculation of early professional pension.
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