Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 8, 2011 No. 3674-VI

About court fee

(as amended on 29-06-2023)

This Law determines the legal beginnings of collection of court fee, payers, objects and the sizes of rates of court fee, payment procedure, exemptions and returns of court fee.

Article 1. Concept of court fee

1. Court fee - the collection levied in all territory of Ukraine for filing of applications, claims in court for issue of documents by courts, and also in case of adoption of the separate judgments provided by this Law. Court fee is included court costs.

2. Changes to this law can be made only by the laws on introduction of amendments to the Law of Ukraine "About court fee" and/or to the administrative procedural legislation of Ukraine, and/or to the economic procedural legislation of Ukraine, and/or to the civil procedural legislation of Ukraine.

Article 2. Payers of court fee

1. Payers of court fee are citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, stateless persons, the companies, organizations, the organizations, other legal entities (including foreign) and physical persons - entrepreneurs who take a legal action or on whom the judgment provided by this Law is made.

Article 3. Objects of collection of court fee

1. Court fee is levied:

for giving in court of the action for declaration and other statement provided by the procedural legislation;

for giving in court of appeal and cassation claims to judgments, statements for review of the judgment in connection with newly discovered facts, statements for cancellation of the decision of reference tribunal, the statement for issue of the executive document for forced accomplishment of the decision of reference tribunal and the statement for review of judgments by the Supreme Court of Ukraine;

for issue of documents by courts;

 in case of adoption of the judgment provided by this Law.

2. Court fee is not levied for giving:

1) statements for review by the Supreme Court of Ukraine of the judgment in case of establishment by the international legal agency which jurisdiction is acknowledged Ukraine, violations of the international obligations by Ukraine in case of the solution of case by court;

2)  No. 2597-VIII is excluded according to the Code of Ukraine of 18.10.2018;

3) statements for change or establishment of method, procedure and term of accomplishment of the judgment;

4) statements for turn of accomplishment of the judgment;

5) statements for pronouncement of the additional judgment;

6) declarations of avoidance of marriage with person recognized in the procedure established by the law it is unknown absent;

7) statements for factual determination of mutilation if it is necessary for award of pension or receipt of the help with obligatory national social insurance;

8) statements for factual determination of death of person, the missing person under circumstances which threatened it with death or give the grounds to consider it died from certain accident as a result of emergency situations of technogenic and natural nature;

9) it is excluded;

10) it is excluded;

11) statements for provision to person of mental health services forcibly;

12) statements for obligatory hospitalization in antitubercular institution;

12-1) statements for issue of the restrictive instruction;

13) the action for declaration about compensation of the damage caused to person by illegal decisions, actions or divergence of public authority, authority of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or local government body their official or the official, and also illegal decisions, actions or divergence of the bodies performing operational search activities, bodies of pre-judicial investigation, prosecutor's office or court;

14) statements, appeal and the writ of appeal about protection of the rights of juveniles or minors;

15) the petition for recognition and execution of the foreign judgment according to the international treaty of Ukraine which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and which does not provide payment in case of appeal to the court, submission of appeal and cassation claims on such cases;

16) statements for factual determination of death of person, the dead or the missing person in areas of conducting military operations or anti-terrorist operations and implementation of actions for ensuring national security and defense, repulse and control of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions;

17) the action for declaration on cases on recognition unreasonable assets and their collection in the income of the state;


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