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The document ceased to be valid since  October 3, 2016 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of June 13, 2016 No. 43


of December 21, 2010 No. 157

About some questions of representation and the publication by members of the security market of the reporting and other information

Based on article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of March 12, 1992 "About securities and stock exchanges", subitem 4.68-2 of item 4 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2001 No. 1585 "Questions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus", the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Instruction about procedure for representation and the publication as members of the security market of the reporting and other information.

2. Recognize invalid:

the resolution of Committee on securities under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 9, 2006 No. 06/I "About entering of amendments and changes into the resolution of Committee on securities under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 16, 2005 No. 10/P" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 44, 8/14139);

item 4 of the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of September 12, 2006 No. 112 "On regulation of the security market" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 166, 8/15099);

Item 3 of the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of November 21, 2007 No. 169 "About entering of amendments and changes into some regulatory legal acts regulating the security market" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2007, No. 304, 8/17671);

Item 2 of the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of February 28, 2008 No. 27 "About modification and amendments in some regulatory legal acts regulating the security market" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 108, 8/18718);

Item 3 of the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of September 5, 2008 No. 133 "About modification of some regulatory legal acts regulating the security market" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 237, 8/19537);

Item 8 of the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of November 14, 2008 No. 167 "About modification and amendments in some resolutions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 291, 8/19984).

3. This resolution becomes effective in three months after its official publication.

Minister A. M. Harkovets


Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of December 21, 2010 No. 157

The instruction about procedure for representation and the publication by members of the security market of the reporting and other information


1. This Instruction is developed according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of March 12, 1992 "About securities and stock exchanges" (Vyarkhochnaga Savet's Vedamastsi of Respubliki Belarus, 1992, No. 11, of the Art. 194) and establishes procedure for submission of the reporting and publication of information on activities of members of the security market, ensuring its availability to all interested persons.

2. For the purposes of this Instruction the following terms and their determinations are applied:

the issuer - joint-stock company, and also the legal entity who performed bond issue;

the professional participant - the legal entity having special permission (license) for implementation of professional and exchange activity on securities (further - the license);

the owner of the large block of shares - any person who on the property right or other corporeal right belongs five and more percent of common (ordinary) shares of one joint-stock company from total quantity of the common (ordinary) shares issued by this joint-stock company;


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