Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 18, 2011 No. 300-Z

About addresses of citizens and legal entities

Accepted by the House of Representatives on June 24, 2011

Approved by Council of the Republic on June 30, 2011

(as amended on 17-07-2023)

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. The main terms used in this Law and their determinations

For the purposes of this Law the following main terms and their determinations are used:

the address – the individual or collective statement, the offer, the claim stated in written, electronic or oral form;

the statement – the petition for assistance in realization of the rights, freedoms and (or) legitimate interests of the applicant which is not connected with their violation and also the message on violation of acts of the legislation, shortcomings of work of state bodies, other organizations (officials) (further if other is not determined, – the organization), individual entrepreneurs;

the offer – the recommendation about improvement of organization activity, individual entrepreneurs, to enhancement of legal regulation of the relations in the state and public life, to the solution of questions economic, political, social and other fields of activity of the state and society;

the claim – the requirement about recovery of the rights, freedoms and (or) the legitimate interests of the applicant violated by actions (failure to act) of the organizations, citizens, including individual entrepreneurs (further if other is not determined, – the citizen);

the state single (integrated) republican information system of accounting and processing of addresses of citizens and legal entities (further – system of accounting and processing of addresses) – the information system intended for giving in state bodies and other state organizations of electronic addresses and receipt of answers (notifications) on them and also for processing of electronic addresses, answers (notifications) to them, electronic copies of written addresses, electronic copies of answers (notifications) to written addresses, other information on consideration of addresses, on leaving of addresses without consideration on the merits;

the applicant – the citizen or the legal entity who gave (giving) the address;

the written address – the address of the applicant stated in writing, including notes and (or) offers made in the book of notes and offers;

the electronic address – the address of the applicant submitted by means of system of accounting and processing of addresses;

the oral address – the address of the applicant stated during personal acceptance;

the individual address – the address of one applicant;

the collective address – the address of two and more applicants on the same question (several questions);

the repeated address – the written or electronic address which arrived from the same applicant on the same question in the same organization, including directed from other organizations or the note and (or) the offer introduced in the book of notes and offers the same applicant on the same question to the same individual entrepreneur which arrived within three years from the date of receipt in the organization to the individual entrepreneur of the initial address if on the initial address the applicant was given the answer (the notification is directed);

the book of notes and offers – the document of single sample intended for introduction of notes (statements and claims) (further if other is not determined, – notes) and (or) offers on organization activity, the individual entrepreneur realizing goods, performing works, rendering services, quality of implementable goods, the performed works, the rendered services.

Article 2. Coverage of this Law

1. Operation of this Law extends to the addresses of citizens and legal entities including which arrived from legal entities to which functions of editorial offices of mass media, except for the addresses which are subject to consideration according to the legislation on the constitutional legal proceedings, the civil, civil procedural, economic procedural, criminal procedure legislation, the legislation determining procedure for administrative process, the legislation on ministerial procedures, addresses of the worker to the employer, and also other addresses concerning which legal acts establish other procedure for their giving and consideration are assigned.

Features of giving and consideration of addresses can be established by the legislation on the constitutional legal proceedings.

2. Operation of this Law does not extend to correspondence of state bodies in case of accomplishment of the functions assigned to them by regulatory legal acts by them. 


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