Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 19, 2011 No. 247-FZ

About social guarantees to the staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation and modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation

(as amended on 03-04-2023)

Accepted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on July 7, 2011

Approved by Council of the Russian Federation on July 13, 2011

Article 1. Subject of regulation and scope of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law governs the relations connected with cash allowance and provision of pensions of staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation (further - employees), providing with premises, medical support of employees, citizens of the Russian Federation, dismissed from service in law-enforcement bodies, members of their families and persons which are (being) in their dependence and also with provision of other social guarantees by it.

2. Members of the family of the employee and the citizen of the Russian Federation, dismissed from service in law-enforcement bodies, and persons which are (being) in their dependence to whom operation of this Federal Law extends if other is not established by separate provisions of this Federal Law, are considered:

1) the spouse (spouses), consisting in the registered marriage with the employee;

2) the spouse (spouses), consisting in the registered marriage with the died (died) employee on the date of his death (death);

3) minor children, children is more senior than 18 years which became disabled people before achievement of age by them 18 years, the children aged up to 23 years studying in the educational organizations for full-time courses;

4) the persons which are (being) on complete content of the employee (the citizen of the Russian Federation, dismissed from service in law-enforcement bodies) or receiving (receiving) from it the help which is (was) for them the permanent and main source of means of livelihood, and also the other persons recognized as dependents according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 2. Cash allowance of employees

1. The cash allowance of employees is fixed asset of their material security and stimulation of accomplishment of service duties by them.

2. Providing employees with cash allowance is performed according to this Federal Law, legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. The cash allowance of employees consists of monthly salary according to the replaced position (further also - official pay rate) and monthly salary according to the given special rank (further - salary on special rank) which constitute salary of monthly monetary pay (further - salary of monetary pay), monthly and other additional payments.

4. The sizes of salaries on standard positions of employees and salaries on special ranks are established by the Government of the Russian Federation on representation of the head of federal executive body in the sphere of internal affairs, the head of other federal executive body in which employees serve. The sizes of salaries on other (non-standard) positions of employees are established by the head of federal executive body in the sphere of internal affairs, the head of other federal executive body in which employees, in relation to the sizes of salaries on standard positions serve.

5. The sizes of salaries of monetary pay increase (are indexed) according to the Federal Law on the federal budget for the corresponding year and for planning period taking into account the rate of inflation (consumer prices). The decision on increase (indexation) in salaries of monetary pay is made by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. To the employees the following additional payments are established:

1) the monthly allowance to salary of monetary pay for service length (length of service);

2) the monthly allowance to official pay rate for qualification rank;

3) the monthly allowance to official pay rate for special conditions of service;

4) the monthly allowance to official pay rate for work with the data which are the state secret;

5) awards for fair accomplishment of service duties;

6) incentive payments for special achievements in service;

7) the allowance to official pay rate for accomplishment of the tasks which are directly connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time;

8) coefficients (district, for service in mountain areas, for service in desert and waterless areas) and percentage allowances to cash allowance for service in the region of the Far North equated to them areas and other areas with adverse climatic or ecological conditions including remote, in mountain areas, desert and waterless areas, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation.

7. The monthly allowance to salary of monetary pay for service length (length of service) is established in the following sizes in case of service length (period of service):

1) from 2 to 5 years - 10 percent;

2) from 5 to 10 years - 15 percent;

3) from 10 to 15 years - 20 percent;

4) from 15 to 20 years - 25 percent;

5) from 20 to 25 years - 30 percent;

6) 25 years and more - 40 percent.

8. The procedure for calculation of service length (length of service) for payment of the monthly allowance specified in part 7 of this Article is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

9. The monthly allowance to official pay rate for qualification rank is established in the following sizes:

1) for qualification rank of the specialist of the third class - 5 percent;

2) for qualification rank of the specialist of second class - 10 percent;

3) for qualification rank of the specialist of the first class - 20 percent;

4) for qualification rank of the master (the highest qualification rank) - 30 percent.

10. The monthly allowance to official pay rate for special conditions of service is established at the rate to 100 percent of official pay rate. The payment procedure and the extreme sizes of the monthly allowance to official pay rate for special conditions of service depending on conditions of service and nature of the carried-out tasks are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The specific sizes of the specified monthly allowance are determined by the head of federal executive body in the sphere of internal affairs, the head of other federal executive body in which employees serve.

11. The monthly allowance to official pay rate for work with the data which are the state secret is established at the rate to 65 percent of official pay rate. The payment procedure of the specified monthly allowance and its sizes depending on degree of privacy of data to which employees have documentary confirmed access on legal causes and also powers of the head of federal executive body in the sphere of internal affairs, the head of other federal executive body in which employees serve, for the separate employee categories allowed to the state secret on permanent basis are determined by establishment of the sizes of the specified monthly allowance by the President of the Russian Federation.

12. Awards for fair accomplishment of service duties at the rate of three salaries of monetary pay a year are paid according to the procedure which is determined by the head of federal executive body in the sphere of internal affairs, the head of other federal executive body in which employees serve.

13. Incentive payments for special achievements in service at the rate to 100 percent of official pay rate a month are established according to the procedure, determined by the head of federal executive body in the sphere of internal affairs, the head of other federal executive body in which employees serve. The head of federal executive body in the sphere of internal affairs, the head of other federal executive body in which employees serve within budgetary appropriations of the federal budget on cash allowance of employees has the right to establish the amount of incentive payment for special achievements in service over 100 percent of official pay rate.

14. The allowance to official pay rate is paid for accomplishment of the tasks which are directly connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time at the rate to 100 percent of official pay rate. The payment procedure and the extreme sizes of the specified allowance depending on conditions of accomplishment of tasks are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The specific sizes of the allowance to official pay rate for accomplishment of the tasks which are directly connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time are determined by the head of federal executive body in the sphere of internal affairs, the head of other federal executive body in which employees serve.


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