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of June 16, 2011 No. 3533-VI

About ensuring commercial accounting of natural gas

(as amended on 30-06-2021)

This Law determines the legal, economic and organizational principles of ensuring all categories of consumers with metering stations of natural gas for the purpose of implementation of complete commercial (instrument) accounting of natural gas and control of use of resources of the imported natural gas and natural gas of own production.

The legal basis of ensuring commercial (instrument) accounting of natural gas is this Law, the laws of Ukraine "About the natural gas market", "About metrology and metrological activities", "About standardization", "About standards, technical regulations and assessment procedures of compliance" and other regulatory legal acts.

Article 1. Determination of terms

1. In this Law the terms below are used in such value:

1) metering station of natural gas - set of means of the measuring equipment and the supportive applications intended for measurement, registration of results of measurement and calculations of amount of the natural gas reduced to standard conditions which consists of one or several measuring complexes and/or:

the gas counter complete with the registering devices of temperature and pressure of gas;

the gas counter complete with the showing devices of temperature and pressure of gas;

the counter of gas, requirements to which are established by normative and legal and normative and technical documents;

2) commercial (instrument) accounting of natural gas (further - accounting of natural gas) determination by means of metering station of natural gas of amount of consumption and/or realization of natural gas based on which settlement between the consumers of natural gas and subjects of managing performing supply of natural gas is carried out;

3) the gas counter - means of the measuring equipment which is used for measurement, storing and display of amount of the gas passing through it;

4) consumers of natural gas - physical persons (population), physical litsapredprinimatel and legal entities which according to the agreement use services in gas supply and use natural gas for cooking, heating, water heating and also as fuel or raw materials.

Article 2. Organization of work on implementation of commercial accounting of natural gas

1. Supply of natural gas is performed on condition of its commercial accounting:

1) for the population living in apartments and private houses in which natural gas is used:

in a complex, including for heating, - since January 1, 2012;

for heating of water and cooking - since January 1, 2016;

only for cooking - since January 1, 2023;

2) for other consumers - since July 1, 2011.

2. For the purpose of ensuring commercial accounting of natural gas for the population the subjects of managing performing distribution of natural gas in the corresponding territory equip consumers of natural gas - physical persons (population) with individual counters of gas. The all-house counter of gas can be established only in the consent of co-owners of the apartment house according to the procedure, determined by article 10 of the Law of Ukraine "About features of implementation of the property right in the apartment house.

3. Putting into operation of the new built and/or reconstructed apartment apartment houses and subjects to production and non-productive appointment (the industry, the budget sphere, the sphere of social and cultural appointment and so forth) with gas supply systems is performed only in the presence of metering stations of natural gas.

Article 2-1. Ensuring control of use of natural gas resources

1. For the purpose of ensuring control of use of resources of the imported natural gas and natural gas of own production the automated accounting of consumers of natural gas and amounts of the natural gas consumed by them with use of the information database of consumption of natural gas is provided (further - the information database).

In Regulations on the information database which affirm the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the main objectives, functionality, subjects of the natural gas market responsible for introduction of information about consumers of natural gas, terms and procedure for introduction of such data, and also other questions of its functioning are determined.

The holder of the information database and the administrator of the information database is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Information security, containing in the information database, according to requirements of the legislation on information security in information and telecommunication systems and about personal data protection, the holder of the information database performs.

Article 3. Financing sources

1. Financing of works on equipment as counters of gas of the population is performed for the account:

means of subjects of managing which perform distribution of natural gas in the corresponding territory;

means of the relevant budget, except means of local budgets;

other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation.

2. Residential customers of natural gas - physical persons (population) can independently provide installation of individual metering devices of natural gas (individual counters) with subsequent compensation of such expenses at the expense of means which are paid by them on rate for distribution of natural gas.

The procedure and the amount of compensation for expenses on acquisition and installation of individual metering devices of natural gas for consumers of natural gas - physical persons (population) are established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

For consumers of natural gas - physical persons (population) which will establish counters during 2018 the corresponding compensation is performed within 12 months.

3. Financing of works on equipment of natural gas of physical persons by metering stations - entrepreneurs and legal entities is performed respectively for the account:

means of physical persons - entrepreneurs who according to the agreement use services in gas supply for implementation of business activity;

means of legal entities which according to the agreement use services in gas supply.

Article 4. Contractors on installation of metering stations of natural gas

1. Contractors on installation of metering stations of natural gas are subjects of managing which:

perform distribution of natural gas in the corresponding territory;

got the corresponding permissions for performance of works on installation of metering stations of natural gas.

Article 5. Responsibility of consumers of natural gas

1. In case of refusal the populations from installation by the subjects of managing performing distribution of natural gas in the corresponding territory of gas counters distribution of natural gas stops to the population living in apartments and private houses in which gas is used:


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