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of July 5, 2011 No. 356

About the Technical regulation "About Safety of Wine-making Products"

(as amended on 29-03-2017)

According to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About bases of technical regulation in the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Technical regulation "About Safety of Wine-making Products" (further - the Technical regulation).

2. This resolution becomes effective after six months from the date of official publication. This resolution is effective before entry into force in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic of the Technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "About safety of alcoholic products".

3. To the ministries, administrative departments to bring the decisions into accord with the Technical regulation approved by this resolution.

Prime Minister

A. Atambayev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of July 5, 2011, No. 356

Technical regulation "About Safety of Wine-making Products"

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Technical regulation is developed for the purpose of ensuring protection of life, health of citizens, the prevention of the actions misleading consumers of wine-making products.

2. This Technical regulation is applied to the wine-making products made and (or) which are in circulation in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

3. This Technical regulation establishes:

1) the mandatory requirements to wine-making products ensuring its safety;

2) requirements to production processes, storages, transportations, realization and utilizations of wine-making products;

3) requirements to packaging and marking of wine-making products;

4) rules of identification for the purposes of application of this Technical regulation;

5) rules and forms of assessment of conformity of wine-making products to the requirements established by this Technical regulation.

4. This Technical regulation governs the relations arising in case of application and execution of mandatory requirements to wine-making products and the processes of its production, storage, transportation and realization connected with these requirements in case of assessment of conformity of wine-making products to the requirements established by this Technical regulation.

5. This Technical regulation extends on the physical persons and legal entity which are manufacturers and sellers on all production stages and addresses of wine-making products in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

6. This Technical regulation does not extend:

1) on the wine-making products directed by transit to other states through the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;

2) on the wine-making products made in house conditions.

7. All types of wine-making products, processes of their production, storage, transportation, realization and utilization established by this Technical regulation belong to objects of technical regulation to which this Technical regulation is applied.

8. For the purposes of application of this Technical regulation use the following basic concepts comprising identification signs of objects of technical regulation:

winemaking - production process of wine-making products with use of the permitted types of raw materials, nutritional supplements of auxiliary materials and processing methods according to requirements of this Technical regulation;

wine-making products - the products made as a result:

- complete spirit fermentation of the whole or crushed berries of fresh grapes, fruit or their mash, their distillation with the subsequent endurance or without endurance;

- complete or incomplete spirit fermentation of the whole or crushed berries of fresh grapes, fruit or their mash or honey mash with addition or without addition of the rectified ethyl alcohol from the food raw materials rectified grape or fruit alcohols, wine or fruit distillates, sacchariferous substances flavoring and flavoring substances;

type of wine-making products - set of the products of winemaking similar on production method;

wine (grape wine) - product with volume fraction of ethyl alcohol from % 8,5 to 22, the % made as a result of complete or incomplete spirit fermentation of the whole or crushed berries of grapes or fresh grape mash with addition or without addition: the rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials, the rectified wine alcohol and (or) the rectified grape alcohol, or wine distillate, sacchariferous products, the natural flavoring and natural flavoring substances, carbon dioxide with use of the processing methods permitted in winemaking.

Content of volume fraction of ethyl alcohol from 5, by % to % 8,5 in the wines made in the limits of certain geographical name of the area differing in the characteristic organoleptic properties caused by soil and climatic features of this area and (or) features of the wine of grade (grades) of grapes having the appropriated geographical name or the name by origin used in production is allowed;

wine of special type - the wine of certain type (table, special (fortified), flavored, sparkling, low-alcoholic) differing in characteristic organoleptic properties which it acquires mainly due to purposeful use of the permitted processing methods of production used by traditionally developed method;

high-quality wine - the wine made of grapes of one grade or with addition of grapes of other grades of the same botanical type, but no more than 15% of total amount of the processed grapes;

blending wine - the wine made of grapes of different grades or blending of wine materials, from different grades of grapes and not belonging to high-quality wine;

young wine - the table wine realized after November 15 till January 1 of the year following harvest;

ordinary wine - table wine, special (fortified) wine, the sparkling wine issued without endurance;

old wine - table wine, special (fortified) wine with obligatory endurance since January 1 the year following harvest before pouring at least 12 months; sparkling wine with endurance term at least 7 months;

collection wine - old wine (table, special (fortified), sparkling) which after the termination of term of obligatory endurance is in addition maintained in bottles by at least three years;

wine of the geographical name - the wine (table, special (fortified), sparkling) made of grapes of certain grade or the regulated mix of grades of type Vitis vinifera (grapes cultural vinonosny), or from the grades of grapes coming from crossing of grades of type of Vitis vinifera with grades of other types of the sort Vitis (grapes cultural) growing and processed in limits of certain geographical name of the area, having the characteristic organoleptic properties mainly caused by soil and climatic features of this geographical area and used by agrotechnical and processing methods.

At least 85% of the grapes used in case of production of wine of the geographical name shall grow in borders of the specified area;

wine with the name by origin - the wine (table, special (fortified) and sparkling) made of grapes of certain grade or the regulated mix of the grades of grapes of type Vitis vinifera (grapes cultural vinonosny) growing and processed on the allocated sites or in specific zone of the area of certain geographical name with the unique environment causing along with economic activity of the person on care of the vineyards used by processing methods of production and experience of producers, high steady characteristic organoleptic properties of product;

fruit wine - product with volume fraction of ethyl alcohol from % 1,5 to 22, the % made as a result of spirit fermentation of crushed fruit (one or several types) or fresh fruit mash or from the fermented fruit mash, or from the sbrozhenno-alcoholized fruit mash with addition, or without addition: the rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials, or the rectified fruit alcohol, either fruit distillate, or the alcoholized fruit mashes, sacchariferous products, the natural flavoring and natural flavoring substances; without saturation either artificial saturation by carbon dioxide, or saturation by carbon dioxide as a result of spirit fermentation of fruit mash in hermetic vessels under pressure and with use of the processing methods permitted in winemaking.

The fruit wine (table, low-alcoholic, special) made of fruit of one or several grades of one type belongs to specific fruit wines, and made with use of fruit of several types - to blending fruit wines;


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