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of July 8, 2011 No. 84

About the park of high technologies of the Kyrgyz Republic

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 10, 2011

(as amended of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 11.11.2024 No. 176)
Article 1. General provisions

This Law determines the legal basis of the state support of development of the industry of development of the software, and also functioning of the Park of high technologies, its governing bodies, residents, the basic principles of forming of the mode of the Park of high technologies, including the basic principles of the taxation of residents.

Article 2. The concepts and determinations used in this Law

The park of high technologies of the Kyrgyz Republic - zone with the mode of the Park of high technologies for legal entities and physical persons which are residents of the Park of high technologies and perform the activities according to article 4 of this Law.

The mode of the Park of high technologies - the special legal, tax regime operating concerning residents of the Park of high technologies, establishing tax exemption and privileges on insurance premiums according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, operating concerning residents of the Park of high technologies on condition of implementation by them of types of activity of the Park of the high technologies listed in article 4 of this Law.

The resident Parka of high technologies - the legal entity or physical person registered as resident in the established this Law and other acts provided in it, procedure.

The interactive service center (call the center) - the center providing services in processing of the entering and outgoing calls with use of hardware and software systems, and also providing services of virtual office, technical support, in lease of workplaces and the software.

Professional association of producers of software products - the public association representing the interests of developers and producers of software products.

Article 3. Main objectives of the Park of high technologies

The main objectives of the Park of high technologies (further - PVT) are:

- development of the domestic industry of development of the software, information new and high technologies, and also provision of services of the interactive service centers (call-centers);

- creation of complex system of the state support of domestic knowledge-intensive business;

- promotion of results of scientific and technical activities of the companies in the domestic and international markets, increase in export of development of the software and services in the field of information technologies;

- investment attraction by creation of favorable tax and business environment for the international industry members of development of information technologies;

- creation of the favorable circle and infrastructure for legalization of the domestic industry of information technologies;

- stimulation of development of science and education for increase in number of specialists in the field of information technologies;

- contribution to implementation of the modern international standards of quality of development of the software.

Article 4. PVT types of activity

PVT types of activity:

- development of the software, including: the analysis, designing and programming of information systems, including ready for implementation, the analysis of information requirements and problems of users, designing, development, delivery and documentation of the individual and/or ready software including answering to orders of specific consumers, adjustment of programs for specifying of the user;

- export of information technologies and software;

- creation and rendering services of the interactive service centers.

Article 5. Structure and governing bodies

The supervisory board consists of 9 members, is elected for 3 years and created in the following procedure:

- 3 members are appointed by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic;

- 3 members are appointed the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic;

- 3 members are appointed by professional association of producers of software products.

The chairman of the Supervisory board of PVT is elected members of the Supervisory board from the structure. In case of equality of votes the voice of the chairman of the Supervisory board of PVT is considered decisive.

The supervisory board performs the activities based on the provision approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic. The supervisory board appoints and discharges of position of the director of PVT, claims - the budget of directorate of PVT, makes decisions on final registration of resident and deprivation of resident status.

Direct management of activities of PVT is performed of executive body of the Pvtdirektsiy PVT headed by the director.

Article 6. Residents of PVT

As resident of PVT the legal entity or physical person whose income for 90% consists of income gained as a result of implementation of the types of activity listed in article 4 of this Law at least can be registered.

Foreign legal entities or physical persons can be also registered as resident of PVT.

For registration as resident of PVT the legal entity or physical person applying for such registration submits the application in the form established by the Supervisory board.

The legal entity or physical person having as core activity according to its charter (in case of its availability) one or several types of activity specified in article 4 of this Law the received corresponding decision of authorized body of management of directorate of PVT, is subject to primary registration as resident of PVT for a period of 6 calendar months from the date of primary registration. Primary registration makes sure the certificate.

After 6 calendar months from the date of primary registration the resident of PVT submits the report on the form established by the Supervisory board PVT. In case of establishment by authorized body of management of directorate of PVT of compliance of the types of activity performed by resident of PVT during the term of primary registration, to the types determined by Article 4, and also in case of compliance resident to conditions, determined by paragraph one of this Article, the resident of PVT is subject to final registration as resident PVT and information on him is entered in the unified register of residents of PVT. Final registration is termless and makes sure the certificate.

Concerning residents of PVT the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic is effective in the part which is not contradicting this Law and regardless of the place of the actual stay and/or registration of legal address on condition of implementation of activities in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

In case of identification of the facts of implementation by the resident of PVT of the types of activity different from PVT types of activity if it led to violation of the conditions determined by paragraph one of this Article, primary registration as resident of PVT is cancelled also the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur is subject to the taxation in accordance with general practice including for the period primary registration.


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