Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 6, 2011 No. 924/16

About use of cash and other equipment in case of acceptance of instruments of payment

(as amended on 26-09-2024)

According to article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 23, 2008 No. 424-Z "About Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus", article 26 of the Bank code of the Republic of Belarus, and also for the purpose of liberalization of conditions of implementation of economic activity of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, systematization and reducing regulatory legal acts concerning acceptance of cash, release into the stream of commerce and use of the cash equipment, increase in efficiency of control of money turnover in the sphere of trade and the services Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and National Bank of the Republic of Belarus of POSTANOVLYAYUT:

1. Approve Regulations on use of cash and other equipment in case of acceptance of instruments of payment it (is applied).

2. Determine that:

2.1. legal entities and individual entrepreneurs till July 1, 2012 have the right to accept cash in case of sales of goods, performance of works, rendering services with use of vending machines without use of the cash equipment;

2.2. legal entities and individual entrepreneurs since July 1, 2012 in case of sales of goods, performance of works, rendering services accept cash using automatic electronic devices, vending machines with the built-in cash equipment for ensuring registration and not adjusted accounting of the accepted cash and seal of the payment document or with control facility of tax authorities;

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs since July 1, 2018 in case of sales of goods, performance of works, rendering services accept payments in the address in cash with use of automatic electronic devices, vending machines with the established control facility of tax authorities or with the built-in cash summing-up register with the established control facility of tax authorities;

2.3. the republican unitary enterprise "Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Fees" performs installation, servicing, removal of control facility of tax authorities, and also functions of data-processing center of the control system of vending machines and the control system of the cash equipment according to the procedure, determined by the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection.

Based on the agreements signed with the republican unitary enterprise "Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Fees" the legal entities and (or) individual entrepreneurs rendering services in maintenance and repair of the cash summing-up registers including combined with taximeters of ticket printing machines according to the legislation have the right to perform installation, servicing, removal of control facility of tax authorities;

2.4. No. 203/4 is excluded according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and National Bank of the Republic of Belarus of 07.04.2021

2.5. release into the stream of commerce of the cash summing-up registers including combined with taximeters of ticket printing machines * which models (modification) are included in the State register of models (modifications) of the cash summing-up registers and special computer systems used in the territory of the Republic of Belarus (further, unless otherwise specified, – the State register) is performed in case of their compliance to requirements of the operating state standards;


* For the purposes of this resolution release into the stream of commerce of the cash summing-up registers including combined with taximeters, ticket printing machines is understood as realization of the cash summing-up registers, including the cash summing-up registers including combined with taximeters, the ticket printing machines which are in accordance with the established procedure in use at legal entities and individual entrepreneurs combined with taximeters, ticket printing machines in the territory of the Republic of Belarus or transfer by their different way to consumers, except for.

2.6. acceptance of payments in the address and (or) by means of bank payment cards and (or) other payment instruments with use of the cash summing-up registers including combined with taximeters of ticket printing machines with the established control facility of tax authorities, program cash desks, special computer systems if other is not established in part two of this subitem, is performed by cash taking into account the features and requirements established by this resolution and the Regulations on use of cash and other equipment approved by it in case of acceptance of instruments of payment:

the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing trade at gas stations in oil products, the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases and natural fuel compressed gas, other goods and rendering services at gas stations – since October 1, 2015;

legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when implementing activities for transportation of passengers by cars taxi – since February 1, 2016;

the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing sales of goods in the shopping facility with the floor space of 650 sq.m and more – since December 1, 2016;

the legal entities performing registration of journey and rendering services on rail transport public – since July 1, 2018;

the legal entities who are not specified in paragraphs the second or fifth to this part – since February 1, 2018 in the cities of regional subordination and Minsk, since June 1, 2018 – in the cities of district subordination, since July 1, 2018 – in all territory of the Republic of Belarus;

the individual entrepreneurs who are not specified in paragraphs the second or fourth to this part – since September 1, 2019 in the cities of regional subordination and Minsk, since October 1, 2019 – in the cities of district subordination, since November 1, 2019 – in all territory of the Republic of Belarus.

The right to perform acceptance of cash and (or) money when implementing calculations in non-cash form by means of bank payment cards with use of the cash summing-up registers including combined with taximeters, ticket printing machines without control facility of tax authorities the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who signed the civil contract for installation, servicing, removal of control facility of tax authorities have:

the parts one of this subitem specified in the paragraph the second, – after the terms established in the paragraph the second part one of this subitem, but no more than four months;

the parts one of this subitem specified in paragraph three, – after the terms established in paragraph three of part one of this subitem, but no more than six months;

the parts one of this subitem specified in paragraph four, – after the term established in paragraph four of part one of this subitem, but no more than 15 months;

the parts one of this subitem specified in paragraph five, – after the terms established in paragraph five of part one of this subitem, but no more than four months;

the parts one of this subitem specified in paragraph six, – after the terms established in paragraph six of part one of this subitem, but no more than 15 months;

the parts one of this subitem specified in paragraph seven, – after the terms established in paragraph seven of part one of this subitem, but no more than thirteen months;

2.7. it is excluded;


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