of June 24, 2011 No. 836
About use of renewable energy resources
Based on paragraphs of the third and fourth of Article 9 and part four of article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 27, 2010 "About renewable energy resources" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 204-Z
1. Approve:
Regulations on procedure for maintaining the state inventory of renewable energy resources and use of its data (are applied);
2. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 17.02.2012 No. 156
3. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 20.06.2013 No. 503
4. To the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection to take the necessary measures directed to implementation of this resolution.
5. This resolution becomes effective since July 5, 2011, except for Item 4, which becomes effective from the date of adoption of this resolution.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
M. Myasnikovich
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 24, 2011 No. 836
1. This Provision establishes procedure for maintaining the state inventory of renewable energy resources and use of its data.
2. The state inventory of renewable energy resources is the state information resource. Its maintaining is performed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection (further – Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources) which is the owner of this state information resource.
3. The state inventory of renewable energy resources joins the data specified in part two of article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About renewable energy resources", created based on these certificates on confirmation of origin of energy issued by Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources, and also information provided:
Department of Energy, about location and the main characteristics of installations on use of the renewable energy resources (further – installations) put into operation in reporting year, and also planned to input in the years ahead in the organizations of the national production association of power industry Belenergo;
The state committee on standardization, about location and the main characteristics of the installations put into operation in reporting year, and also planned to input in the years ahead within the state and other programs in the sphere of energy saving;
The state committee on property, about acreage on the regions of the Republic of Belarus by the types determined in article 7 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus about the earth;
public institution "Republican center for hydrometeorology, control of radioactive pollution and monitoring of the environment", the republican unitary enterprise "CENTRAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE of COMPLEX USE of WATER RESOURCES", about platforms of possible placement of installations.
4. Information specified in Item 3 this provision goes republican state bodies and the organizations to Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources on a grant basis till April 1 of the year following reporting.
5. Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources has the right to request information which is not specified in Item 3 this provision necessary for maintaining the state inventory of renewable energy resources, from republican state bodies, the organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs, other organizations having such information.
6. Maintaining the state inventory of renewable energy resources is performed at the expense of means of the republican budget and includes:
information collection, necessary for maintaining the inventory;
analysis of collected information;
forming of the installations this about platforms of the physical and possible layout;
analytical data processing about assessment of size of development of energy for each type of renewable energy resources, efficiency of use of renewable energy resources;
analysis of energy potential of administrative and territorial units of the Republic of Belarus and (or) platforms of possible placement of installations;
the analysis and forecasting of emission reduction of pollutants and greenhouse gases in atmospheric air, economy of conditional fuel in case of replacement of hydrocarbonic fuel with renewable energy resources;
preparation of data of the inventory according to its structure;
filling of the database of the inventory;
updating of the data containing in the database of the inventory;
development and enhancement of the software for maintaining the inventory (if necessary).
7. The state inventory of renewable energy resources consists of the following Sections:
"Normative reference information";
"Data on platforms of possible placement of installations";
"Data on platforms of physical layout of installations";
"Data on certificates on confirmation of origin of energy".
The Section "Normative reference information" contains list of regulatory legal acts, including technical regulatory legal acts in the sphere of renewable energy resources, publications and other reference information concerning use of renewable energy resources.
The Section "Data on Platforms of Possible Placement of Installations" contains information on location of such platforms, the greatest possible development of energy within year, emission reduction of pollutants and greenhouse gases in atmospheric air, economy of conditional fuel in case of replacement of hydrocarbonic fuel with renewable energy resources and other reference information about platforms of possible placement of installations.
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