of August 7, 1995 No. 1090
About procedure for commodity importation as the humanitarian assistance
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on procedure for commodity importation as the humanitarian assistance on customs area of the Republic of Kazakhstan from abroad.
2. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 27.03.2017 No. 140
3. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide issue of visas in accordance with the established procedure to the foreign citizens arriving concerning the humanitarian assistance.
4. To the Ministry of Culture, information and the public consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republican corporation "Television and Radio of Kazakhstan" to systematically inform the public on the course of receipt and distribution of the humanitarian assistance.
5. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 27.03.2017 No. 140
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 7, 1995 No. 1090
1. This Provision determines procedure for acceptance, accounting, transportation, warehousing, protection, distribution of loads of the humanitarian assistance arriving on customs area of the Republic of Kazakhstan for state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, legal entities and physical persons.
The humanitarian assistance is the property provided gratuitously to the Republic of Kazakhstan in the form of food, consumer goods, the equipment, equipment, the equipment, medical means and medicines, other objects directed from foreign countries and the international organizations for improvement of living conditions and life of the population, and also the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of military, ecological, natural and technogenic nature, distributed by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan through authorized organizations.
The humanitarian assistance arriving to the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be safe for the consumer and meet the sanitary standards and the international safety requirements operating in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the person.
Conditions of import of food and medical supplies on customs area of the Republic of Kazakhstan are regulated by regulating documents of the relevant services of the Republic of Kazakhstan (sanitary and epidemiologic, veterinary and pharmacological).
The load of the humanitarian assistance is property of foreign legal entities and physical persons until its actual transfer to the consignee.
Control of use of the humanitarian assistance is exercised by the Commission on questions of the international humanitarian aid (further the Commission) and bodies of Tax Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. The organization of all works connected with cargo delivery of the humanitarian assistance is performed in the following procedure.
In case in information on passing of loads the destination and Item of the receiver are not specified, they are determined by the Commission. At the same time it also determines consumers of loads, limits of distribution of loads between them, the organizations which provide cargo delivery, and reports these data to transport organizations, customs authorities in border crossing points and to law-enforcement bodies in the location of consumers of loads. The customs committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides first-priority servicing and application of the simplified customs procedures when importing the humanitarian assistance.
The forwarding and transport organizations performing transportation of goods inform Customs committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on departures, amounts and the nomenclature of loads and border crossing points.
3. According to the work of customs clearance of loads of the humanitarian assistance customs authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan inform the Commission on their nature, amounts (weight and the number of places), the country of departure and consignees in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
All legal entities receiving the humanitarian assistance create the bodies providing its acceptance, accounting, transportation, protection and distribution.
4. Accounting, storage and cargo transportation, arriving to the Republic of Kazakhstan through the humanitarian assistance, are performed separately from commercial loads.
The direction of loads to receivers is performed:
the loads having specific addressees - directly to receivers; the loads directed without specifying of addressees, to the receivers determined by the Commission.
5. Distribution of the humanitarian assistance shall be made in accordance with the terms of delivery of this help.
The commission will organize control of distribution of the humanitarian assistance.
Buying up of goods of the called help by legal entities and physical persons for the purpose of realization, as well as sale to their other legal entities and physical persons is forbidden.
Not to destination executive bodies on places inform the Commission and customs authorities in which action area they are on the facts of use of the humanitarian assistance. Customs and tax authorities collect the taxes and obligatory payments established by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the specified legal entities and physical persons.
All revenue received by legal entities and physical persons from transactions with such goods and objects is subject to withdrawal by bodies of Tax Service, less tax amounts on value added, excises, customs fees and duties which are subject to payment according to the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with its transfer in equal amount in republican and local budgets.
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The document ceased to be valid since June 25, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 25, 2018 No. 374