of December 18, 2006 No. ZR-218
About protection of ozone layer
Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on November 27, 2006
This Law regulates restrictions for production in Armenia, import, export and transit transportation of the substances destroying ozone layer and hothouse gases - the hydrofluorocarbons which are alternative to these substances and the related relations with the countries ratifying the relevant international agreements signed within the Vienna convention "About Protection of Ozone Layer" and the Montreal protocol "About the Substances Destroying Ozone Layer".
1. Restrictions for production in the Republic of Armenia, import, export and transit transportation of regulated substances and the related relations are governed by the Law "About Customs Regulation", the Law "About Protection of Atmospheric Air", international treaties, this Law and other regulatory legal acts.
2. If international treaties of the Republic of Armenia establish other regulations than provided by this Law, then regulations of international treaties are applied.
1. In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) ozone layer - the layer of atmospheric ozone which is over planet interface;
2) the substances destroying ozone layer - the chemicals rendering or capable to make adverse effect on ozone layer, in net condition or in impurity in which unit of mass the amount of the substances destroying ozone layer makes more than one percent;
3) GFU (hydrofluorocarbon) - the hothouse gases or mixes containing them which are not the substances destroying ozone layer have no ozone-depleting potential;
4) regulated substances - the substances destroying ozone layer, and GFU;
5) the country which is the party - the country which ratified the Vienna convention "About Protection of Ozone Layer" and the Montreal protocol "About the Substances Destroying Ozone Layer" and other international agreements signed in their framework;
6) the country which is not the party - the country which did not ratify the Vienna convention "About Protection of Ozone Layer" and the Montreal protocol "About the Substances Destroying Ozone Layer" and other international agreements signed in their framework;
7) general quota - total quantity of the regulated substances permitted to import to the Republic of Armenia by years;
8) individual quota - amount of the regulated substances (substance) permitted to import for each importer for this year;
9) permission to delivery - the document provided to the applicant performing import or export or transit transportation for import or export or transit transportation of regulated substances (the license, the conclusion (the permitting document)) to which import or export or transit transportation of these substances is allowed if such transaction conforms to requirements of this Law;
10) the applicant - the legal entity and the individual entrepreneur who submitted the application to authorized state body for the purpose of transaction on import or export or transit transportation of regulated substances;
11) the request - the statement on transaction on import, export or transit transportation of regulated substances which includes names of the countries of import, export or transit transportation and data on the applicant and names, amounts of the regulated substances which are subject to import, export or transit transportation by it about terms of implementation of the transaction;
12) leakage loss of regulated substance from the installations containing regulated substances (refrigerators, conditioners, thermal pumps and other equipment containing coolant), more than three grams a year;
13) monitoring of leakages - the process provided with the legal entities and physical persons registered as individual entrepreneurs in the procedure established by the legislation which assumes check and registration in the corresponding register for the purpose of detection of leakages in air conditioning systems, cold supply, thermal pumps and other equipment containing coolant, operated by them in the established cases and during the established period of time;
14) the regenerated (recovered) substance destroying ozone layer the coolant equivalent to characteristics of new materials which - is already used, but processed about what witnesses the quality certificate;
15) the objects which are subject to monitoring of leakages - the installations containing regulated substances (refrigerators, conditioners, thermal pumps and other equipment containing coolant) in which content of these substances constitutes three and more than a kilogram.
1. Competences of the Government in the field of use of regulated substances are:
1) approval of the list of regulated substances;
2) establishment of general import quotas of regulated substances;
3) approval of procedure for establishment of individual import quotas of regulated substances;
4) approval of procedure and form of provision of permission to delivery;
5) adoption of the sublegal acts concerning import, export and transit transportation of regulated substances;
6) ensuring implementation of policy in the field of use of regulated substances;
7) approval of accounting treatment for the report on use of the individual import quota of regulated substances;
8) approval of procedure for monitoring of leakages in the field of use of regulated materials, procedure and form of maintaining the register of accounting of results of monitoring.
1. Competences of the state authorized body in the field of use of regulated substances are:
1) development of the legal acts connected with import, export and transit transportable regulated substances;
2) accounting of amounts of regulated substances and documents;
3) establishment of individual quotas for regulated substances;
4) provision of permissions to supply of regulated substances based on the submitted applications;
5) development of policy in the field of use of regulated substances;
6) ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Republic of Armenia of 22.12.2023 No. ZR-398
1. In the Republic of Armenia it is forbidden:
1) production of the substances destroying ozone layer;
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