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of March 25, 2011 No. 707

About environmental monitoring

(as amended on 13-11-2024)

This Law determines organizational, legal, economic and social basis of ensuring environmental monitoring in the Republic of Tajikistan and governs the relations between public authorities, self-government institutions of settlements and villages, public associations and citizens in this area.

Chapter 1. General provision

Article 1. Basic concepts

The basic concepts used in this Law:

- anthropogenous impact - the amount of straight lines and the mediated (indirect) influences of activities of the person on the environment;

- environmental pollution - introduction into the environment or origin in it physical, chemical or biological agents, new, usually not characteristic of it, as a result of the economic and other activity of the person in number of (concentration) exceeding natural, their mean annual values (within extreme fluctuations) in the environment;

- providing ecological safety - system of measures for prevention of origin and development of ecologically dangerous situations, liquidations of their effects;

- the environment - set of natural components (atmospheric air, water, the soil, subsoil, animal and flora) and landscape, natural, historical, cultural monuments and other material objects exerting impact on quality of life, condition of life activity and the state of health of the person, and (or) interaction of these components;

- environmental protection - complex of the international, governmental and regional, administrative, legal, political, economic, social, technological and public activities directed to preserving, rational use and reproduction of the environment;

- users of nature - the physical persons or legal entities performing economic or other activity for which conducting use natural resources according to requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan and (or) when implementing which make impact on the environment;

- system of environmental monitoring – set of managerial structures, potentials and means, and also information resources of public authorities, organizations and other subjects of monitoring into which power the solution of questions of the organization and carrying out environmental monitoring is included;

- emergency ecological situation - ecologically dangerous situation requiring for the purpose of protection of life and health of the person, and also the environment and urgent acceptance of emergency measures for its elimination;

- ecological safety - condition of security of the vital interests of the personality, society, the environment from the dangers resulting from anthropogenous and natural impacts;

- ecologically dangerous situation - the situation which is characterized by availability or possibility of destruction or negative change of state of environment under the influence of the anthropogenous and natural impacts including caused by disasters and catastrophic crashes, including spontaneous, and with respect thereto menacing to the vital interests of the personality and society;

- environmental monitoring - complex of actions for carrying out observation, assessment, the forecast of condition of separate components of the environment, natural territorial complexes (geosystems), natural and natural актропогенных objects, factors of natural and anthropogenous impact on them and the sources creating them on the basis of measurements of quantitative and qualitative indexes of extent of its pollution.

Article 2. The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of environmental monitoring

The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on environmental monitoring is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan and the international legal acts recognized by Tajikistan.

Article 3. Purposes and tasks of environmental monitoring

1. Environmental monitoring is performed for the purpose of:

- observations of state of environment, including of state of environment in regions of arrangement of sources of anthropogenous impact and impact of these sources on the environment;

- assessment and the forecast of changes of state of environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenous factors;

- ensuring needs of the state, physical persons and legal entities in reliable information about state of environment and its changes, necessary for prevention and (or) reduction of adverse effects of such changes.

2. Tasks of environmental monitoring are:

- conducting regular observations of condition of subjects to environmental monitoring;

- creation of information databank about condition of subjects to observation;

- assessment of indicators of condition and functional integrity of natural complexes, habitats and states of health of the person;

- forecasting of changes of condition of subjects to observation;

- development of programs, offers and actions for mitigation of consequences of adverse environmental impacts;

- informing public authorities, physical persons and legal entities on state of environment.

Article 4. Objects and subjects of environmental monitoring

1. Subjects to environmental monitoring are:

- sources of anthropogenous impact on the environment;

- objects and territorially isolated sites of the environment (atmospheric air, waters, subsoil, soils, forest and other natural objects, especially protected natural territories);

- the national groups having negative influence of factors of the environment.

2. Subjects of environmental monitoring are:

- the state authorized body on the organization and carrying out environmental monitoring;

- local authorities of the government;

- self-government institutions of settlements and villages

- users of nature.

3. Environmental monitoring is conducted on republican, local and local (object) levels in the amounts providing complete and reliable information about the environment and ecological situation, and also about dynamics of their change.

Article 5. Basic principles of the organization and implementation of environmental monitoring

Treat the basic principles of the organization and implementation of environmental monitoring:

- continuity of the observations made in necessary and sufficient amount;

- efficiency of observations in emergency situations;

- unity and comparability of methods of observations and control of collection, processing, storage and distribution of the acquired information;

- accuracy of the information about condition of subjects to environmental monitoring and its availability to consumers;

- collective nature in the forecast of results of environmental monitoring by preparation of projects of management decisions;

- coordination of actions of public authorities, self-government institutions of settlements and villages of the Republic of Tajikistan;

- accounting of data of environmental monitoring in case of development, forming and implementation of the national strategy of development for the Republic of Tajikistan;


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