Articles of organization of the Agreement on collective security
of October 7, 2002
The State Parties of the Agreement on collective security of May 15, 1992 (further - the Agreement),
being effective in strict compliance with the obligations under the Charter of the UN, decisions of the UN Security Council, being guided by the conventional principles of international law;
aiming at creation of favorable and stable conditions for all-round development of the State Parties of the Agreement and ensuring their safety, sovereignty and territorial integrity;
confirming the commitment to the purposes and the principles of the Agreement and to the international treaties and decisions accepted in its framework;
performed determination and further to develop and deepen military-political cooperation for the benefit of providing and strengthening of the homeland, regional and international security;
setting before itself the purpose to continue and increase the close and comprehensive allied relations in foreign policy, military and military and technical areas, and also in the field of counteraction to transnational challenges and safety hazards of the states and the people;
being guided by intention to increase efficiency of activities within the Agreement,
agreed as follows:
The State Parties of the Agreement establish the international regional Collective Security Treaty Organization (daleeorganization).
Provisions of the Agreement and international treaties and decisions of Council of collective security of the Agreement accepted in its development are obliging for state members of the Organization (daleegosudarstva-member) and the Organization.
The purposes of the Organization are strengthening of the world, the international and regional security and stability, protection on collective basis of independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of state members which priority in achievement state members give to political means.
In the activities the Organization cooperates with the states, not being organization members, maintains the relations with the international intergovernmental organizations operating in the field of safety. The organization promotes forming of the fair, democratic world order based on the conventional principles of international law.
The organization acts on the basis of strict respect of independence, voluntariness of participation, equal rights and obligations of state members, non-interference to the cases falling under national jurisdiciton of state members.
This Charter does not affect the rights and obligations of state members according to other international treaties which participants they are.
For realization of the purposes of the Organization state members take joint efforts to forming in its framework of efficient system of collective security, to creation of coalition (regional) groups of troops (forces) and governing bodies of them, military infrastructure, preparation of military personnel and specialists for armed forces, to providing them with necessary arms and military equipment.
State members make the decision on placement in the territories of groups of the troops (forces), military facilities of the states which are not organization members after carrying out urgent consultations (approval) of other state members.
State members coordinate and combine the efforts in fight against the international terrorism and extremism, illicit trafficking in drugs and psychotropic substances, weapon, organized transnational crime, illegal migration and other safety hazards of state members.
State members perform the activities on these directions, including in close cooperation with all interested states and international intergovernmental organizations in case of the predominating role of the UN.
State members approve and coordinate the foreign policy line items on the international and regional problems of safety, using including consulting mechanisms and procedures of the Organization.
State members take measures for development of the contractual legal base regulating functioning of system of collective security and for harmonization of the national legal system concerning defense, military construction and safety.
Bodies of the Organization are:
a) Council of collective security (further - Council);
b) Council of Foreign Ministers (further - SMID);
c) The Council of Ministers of Defense (further - SMO);
d) Committee of secretaries of the Security Councils (further - KSSB).
Permanent working body of the Organization is the Secretariat of the Organization (further - the Secretariat).
Functions and operating procedure of the bodies stated above are regulated by this Charter, and also the separate Provisions approved by Council.
Decisions of Council, SMID, SMO and KSSB on questions, except procedural, are accepted by consensus.
Any state member during the vote has one voice. The voting procedure, including on points of order, is regulated by the Rules of procedure of bodies of the Organization approved by Council.
Decisions of Council and decisions of SMID, SMO and KSSB made in their execution are binding for state members and are performed according to the procedure, established by the national legal system.
Council is the supreme body of the Organization.
Council considers matters of principle of organization activity and makes the decisions directed to realization of its purposes and tasks and also provides coordination and joint activities of state members for realization of these purposes.
Chapters of state members are part of Council.
Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Ministers of Defence, secretaries of the Security Councils of state members, the Secretary general of the Organization, Plenipotentiaries of state members under the Organization and the invited persons can participate in meetings of Council.
Council has the right to create working and facilitative branches of the Organization on permanent or temporary basis.
The chairman of the board (further - the Chairman) is the head of state in the territory of whom there takes place the regular session of Council if Council does not make other decision. Its rights and obligations remain behind it for the period prior to the next regular session of Council.
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