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Provisional agreement on Council of heads of states and Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States

of December 30, 1991

State Parties of this agreement.

Being guided by the purposes and the principles of the Agreement on creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 8, 1991 and the protocol to the Agreement of December 21, 1991.

In view of desire of the states of the Commonwealth to perform joint activities through the general coordinating institutes of the Commonwealth. Recognizing necessary to found the relevant interstate and intergovernmental institutes capable to provide effective coordination for consecutive implementation of provisions of the mentioned Agreement and to promote development of equal and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Agreed as follows:

Article 1.

Council of heads of states is the supreme body in which at the level of heads of states all State Parties of the Commonwealth for discussion of the matters of principle connected with coordination of activities of the states of the Commonwealth in the field of their common interests are provided.

Council is authorized to discuss the questions provided by the Agreement on creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States and other documents in development of the specified Agreement including the legal succession problems which arose in connection with the termination of existence of USSR and abolition of allied structures.

Activities of Council of heads of states and Council of Heads of Government are performed on the basis of mutual recognition and respect of the state sovereignty and sovereign equality of gosudarstvuchastnik of the Agreement, the inalienable right to self-determination, the principles of equality and non-interference to internal affairs, refusal of use of force and threat of force, territorial integrity and inviolability of the existing borders, peaceful settlement of disputes, respect of human rights and freedoms, including the rights of ethnic minorities, fair accomplishment of obligations and other conventional principles and rules of international law.

Article 2.

Activities of Council of heads of states and Council of Heads of Government are regulated by the Agreement on creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States, this agreement and Agreements accepted in their development and also rules of procedure of these institutes.

Each state in Council has one voice. Decisions of Council are made by common consent - consensus.

Official languages of Councils are state languages of the states of the Commonwealth.

Working language is Russian.

Article 3.

Council of heads of states and Council of Heads of Government discuss and if necessary make decisions on the most important internal and external issues.

Any state can declare the disinterest in this or that question.

Article 4.

Council of heads of states of the Commonwealth gathers for meetings at least two times a year. The decision on terms of carrying out and the preliminary agenda of each next meeting is accepted at the regular meeting of Council if Council does not agree with other. Emergency meetings of Council of heads of states are convened at the initiative of most of heads of states of the Commonwealth.

Heads of states preside over meeting of Council serially according to the procedure of the Russian alphabet of names of the states of the Commonwealth.

Meetings of Council of heads of states are held, as a rule, in Minsk. By agreement between participants the meeting of Council can be held in one of the states of the Commonwealth.

Article 5.

The Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth gathers for meetings at least once in three months. The decision on terms of carrying out and the preliminary agenda of each next meeting is accepted at the regular meeting of Council if Council does not agree with other.

Emergency meetings of Council of Heads of Government are convened at the initiative of most of heads of governments of the states of the Commonwealth.

Heads of governments preside over meetings of Council serially according to the procedure of the Russian alphabet of names of the states of the Commonwealth.

Meetings of Council of Heads of Government are held, as a rule, in Minsk. By agreement between heads of governments the meeting of Council can be held in one of the states of the Commonwealth.

Article 6.

Council of heads of states and Council of Heads of Government of the states of the Commonwealth can hold joint sittings.

Article 7.

According to the decision of Council of heads of states, Council of Heads of Government of the states of the Commonwealth working and facilitative branches as on constant, and on a temporary basis can be created.

They are created of plenipotentiaries of the State Parties. In their meetings experts and consultants can be recruited.

It is made in Minsk on December 30, 1991 in one copy in the Azerbaijani, Armenian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Moldavian, Russian, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek and Ukrainian languages. All texts are equally authoritative. The authentic copy is stored in archive of the government of the Republic of Belarus which will send to the State Parties of this agreement its verified copy.

For the Azerbaijan Republic

For the Republic of Armenia

For the Republic of Belarus

For the Republic of Kazakhstan

For the Republic Kyrgyzstan 

For the Republic of Moldova

For the Russian Federation 

For the Republic of Tajikistan

For Turkmenistan

For the Republic of Uzbekistan

For Ukraine


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