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The document ceased to be valid since  February 13, 2023 according to article 2 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of February 1, 2023 No. 21


of September 29, 2000 No. 80

About agricultural census

Accepted by General Court of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on September 8, 2000

(as amended of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 08.07.2019 No. 83)

This Law governs the legal relations arising during preparation and carrying out agricultural census and also in case of storage, the publication and distribution of total of agricultural census and selective inspections of subjects rural, forest and fishery, subsidiary farms, personal farms of the population, including collective gardens and kitchen gardens (daleesubjekta of agricultural industry), in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 1. The agricultural census in the Kyrgyz Republic is carried out once in ten years and dated for the next round of world agricultural censuses. The beginning of agricultural census to establish 2002.

In need of the period between agricultural censuses according to the decision of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic thematic (qualification) censuses can be conducted.

Article 2. Main objective and task of carrying out agricultural census are:

- receipt of the complete, objective and reliable information according to the main characteristics of agricultural industry conforming to international standards;

- creation of population for carrying out selective inspections;

- determination of structural and social changes in agricultural industry for research of tendencies of development of the agricultural sector;

- information collection about local territorial units and detailed combinational groups of structural signs of farms for development of policy at the regional level.

Article 3. Census documentation, including forms of accounting, is developed by National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic with participation of the interested state bodies, scientific institutions, public organizations and is subject to approval by the republican commission.

Article 4. Statistical unit of agricultural census is the economy which is engaged in farm-production which part the cattle and poultry, buildings and constructions, agricultural machinery, the equipment and stock, long-term plantings, lands used fully or partially for the purposes of farm-production, irrespective of pattern of ownership and the size are.

Article 5. The companies rural, forest and fishery, subsidiary farms of educational institutions, industrial, transport, construction and other enterprises and the organizations, peasant farms are subject to complete census. Personal farms of the population (including collective gardens and kitchen gardens) on accounting of industry of crop production are subject to census selectively with at least 35 percent scope, and on accounting of the cattle and poultry are subject to complete census.

Article 6. The agricultural census is obligatory. Interviewed report required data on the questions included in forms of accounting, and in case of refusal bear responsibility according to the Code of the Kyrgyz Republic about violations.

Article 7. The agricultural census is carried out with documentary confirmation:

- in the agricultural, forestry and landscape and fish enterprises, in subsidiary farms of educational institutions, industrial, transport, construction and other enterprises and the organizations with carrying out inventory count, at the same time forms of accounting on all economy (company) are filled in independently;

- in peasant farms, in personal farms of the population (including collective gardens and kitchen gardens) where forms of accounting are filled in by poll with persons (copyists) which are specially authorized for these purposes.

Article 8. Financing of works on preparation, carrying out, processing and the publication of total of agricultural census is performed at the expense of republican and local budgets in the amount of, providing timely and full implementation of all provided actions.

Material logistics of agricultural census is performed according to the procedure and conditions established by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 9. The completed forms of accounting of census are confidential, are subject to storage in National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic in the rooms not available to strangers, before the expiration of practical need, but at least 10 years.

Article 10. The workers conducting census are forbidden to tell somebody contents of the completed forms of accounting. Workers bear the personal responsibility according to the penal legislation and the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on offenses for violation of procedure for use of census data.

Article 11. Data of agricultural census are published and expatiate only in generalized view according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On the state statistics".

Article 12. This Law becomes effective from the moment of official publication.


President of the Kyrgyz Republic

A. Akayev


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