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The document ceased to be valid since January 2, 2015 according to article 258 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia of  December 30, 2014 No. ZR-241, except for the transitional provisions established by parts 2, of 4, of the 7th article 259 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia of  December 30, 2014 No. ZR-241

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of August 9, 2000 No. ZR-83

(as amended on 30-12-2014)

Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on July 6, 2000

Section I. Basic provisions

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Customs legislation of the Republic of Armenia

1. The customs legislation of the Republic of Armenia governs the relations connected with customs affairs in the Republic of Armenia.

2. The customs legislation of the Republic of Armenia consists of of this Code, other laws and legal acts governing the customs relations.

Article 2. The basic concepts used in the Code

In sense of this Code:

a) all types of the objects and things moved through customs border of the Republic of Armenia, other property, including currency, currency values, electric, thermal and other types of energy, means of transportation, except for vehicles, stipulated in Item this Article are considered as goods;

b) all means of transportation used for the purposes of international carriages of passengers and goods through customs border of the Republic of Armenia, including containers and other supportive applications of transportation are considered as vehicles;

c) movement through customs border of the Republic of Armenia import to customs area of the Republic of Armenia or export from this territory of goods and vehicles, including the international mailings, transportation through pipelines and power lines is considered;

d) delivery to customs area of the Republic of Armenia of goods and vehicles is considered import;

e) export sending from customs area of the Republic of Armenia of goods and vehicles is considered;

e) the moment of crossing of customs border of the Republic of Armenia is considered the moment of import or commodity exportation and vehicles;

g) participants or potential participants of the relations regulated by the customs legislation of the Republic of Armenia are considered as persons;

h) the Republic of Armenia, municipalities, citizens of the Republic of Armenia constantly or mainly living in the Republic of Armenia, the persons without citizenship who received in the Republic of Armenia state registration, individual prdprinimatel and the organizations are considered as the faces of the Republic of Armenia;

i) persons which are not specified in the Item "z" of this Article are considered as foreign persons;

j) the owner of goods, person which is the buyer, or the person given authority of ownership of goods or allocated according to the procedure is considered person moving goods, established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, powers to dispose of goods on its own behalf according to the procedure, established by this Code;

k) the person moving goods or being the tamozhnenny broker (intermediary), the declaring goods and vehicles and representing to their customs authorities is considered the customs applicant;

l) the person which is actually moving goods or being responsible for use of the vehicle is considered carrier;

m) set of the provisions regulating realization of customs policy determining the movement purpose through customs border of goods and vehicles and regulating the relations arising in connection with movement through customs border of goods and vehicles is considered customs regime;

o) transfer by customs authorities to persons listed in the Items "z" and "i" of this Article, goods or vehicles after implementation of customs clearance is considered release;

o) customs clearance implementation of the necessary measures established for release of goods and vehicles according to this Code and other legal acts before their release in certain customs regime is considered;

p) the system of the measures performed by customs authorities for the purpose of observance of the provisions fixed by the laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Armenia, and also international treaties is considered customs control;

c) the measures established by the law and other legal acts which, directly without influencing the size of customs payments are considered as measures of non-tariff regulation, limit import to the Republic of Armenia and export from the Republic of Armenia of goods and vehicles;

r) the customs duties established by the law, taxes and other obligatory payments levied by customs authorities for movement through customs border of the Republic of Armenia of goods and vehicles are considered as customs payments;

s) force majeure is considered the inevitable force or the phenomenon interfering execution by it of the obligations undertaken according to this Code operating irrespective of will of person;

t) the measures of non-tariff regulation directed to suspension of movement through customs border of the goods and vehicles which are not conforming to the quality standards and other standards, and also the parameters accepted in the international practice and recognized by the Republic of Armenia accepted in the Republic of Armenia are considered as the measures directed to protection of consumer interests.

Article 3. Customs affairs in the Republic of Armenia

The customs affairs in the Republic of Armenia include procedure and conditions of movement through customs border of the Republic of Armenia of goods and vehicles, collection of customs payments, customs clearance, customs control and other policy tools of customs policy.

Article 4. Customs policy of the Republic of Armenia

1. In the Republic of Armenia the single customs policy which is integral part of general economic policy of the Republic of Armenia is performed.

2. The purposes of customs policy of the Republic of Armenia are effective use of customs control, and also other measures of implementation of customs policy concerning goods turnover through customs border and on customs area of the Republic of Armenia, participation in ensuring economic independence and safety of the Republic of Armenia, in protection of the domestic market, in realization of other tasks of economic policy aimed at the development of national economy, and assistance by it.

Article 5. Customs area and customs border of the Republic of Armenia

The customs area of the Republic of Armenia includes the overland, water and air territory of the Republic of Armenia which ambits are considered as customs border of the Republic of Armenia.

Chapter 2. Organization of customs affairs

Article 6. Management of customs affairs

The management of customs affairs in the Republic of Armenia, its organization and control of it exercises the state authorized body (further - higher customs authority).

Article 7. Customs authorities

1. The customs affairs in the Republic of Armenia are performed by the customs authorities which are law enforcement agencies.

2. Customs authorities of the Republic of Armenia are:

a) higher customs authority;

b) customs of higher customs authority, including regional and specialized;

c) customs posts of higher customs authority, including boundary and specialized.

3. Customs authorities are created, will be reorganized and liquidated by the Government of the Republic of Armenia. Customs authorities are placed in the places established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

4. Can be created by the government of the Republic of Armenia:

a) specialized customs and customs posts which competences are limited to the powers assigned to customs authorities by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia on implementation of separate functions and (or) customs clearance of the separate types of goods moved through customs border, including goods moved with certain type of the vehicle;

b) regional customs, including specialized which are effective in the regions established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 8. Customs laboratories and educational institutions

1. For conducting examination and research of goods for the purpose of implementation of customs affairs by the Government of the Republic of Armenia customs laboratories can be created.

2. For the purpose of implementation of research activities in the field of customs affairs, preparation and retraining of personnel by the Government of the Republic of Armenia specialized educational institutions can be created.

Article 9. Main objectives of customs authorities

1. The main objectives of customs authorities are:

a) ensuring economic sovereignty, economic safety of the Republic of Armenia, security of its economic interests and domestic market;

b) ensuring application of the provisions of the customs legislation and control of fulfillment of requirements of the customs legislation, suppression, prevention, identification of the violations of the customs legislation, implementation of work on debt collection to the government budget of the Republic of Armenia which arose owing to default on obligations, established by the customs legislation;

c) application of measures of customs regulation of the trade and economic relations established by the customs legislation, application of the measures of non-tariff regulation established by the customs legislation of the Republic of Armenia, collection of customs payments when moving through customs border of the Republic of Armenia of goods and vehicles and their transfer to the government budget of the Republic of Armenia;

d) implementation of customs control, customs clearance and creation of the conditions promoting stimulation of goods turnover and passenger turnover through customs border of the Republic of Armenia;

e) fight against smuggling, and also against other violations of the law of the Republic of Armenia regarding movement through customs border of goods and vehicles, suppression of illicit movement through customs border of the Republic of Armenia of the drugs, weapon, objects of cultural, historical and archaeological value, objects of intellectual property, animal species and plants which are under the threat of disappearance, their parts and other goods and also assistance to fight against the international terrorism;

e) assistance to development of foreign economic relations of the Republic of Armenia;

g) assistance to implementation of the measures aimed at quality assurance of imported goods for the purpose of protection of consumer interests;

h) accomplishment of obligations and realization of the rights of the Republic of Armenia on the questions relating to customs affairs provided by international treaties, cooperation with the customs and other competent authorities of foreign states, the international organizations dealing with issues of customs affairs;

i) maintaining customs statistics of the Republic of Armenia;

j) the analysis, research of customs affairs and accomplishment of consulting work in the field of customs affairs.

2. The tasks specified in Item 1 of this Article are performed by customs authorities in the cases established by the customs legislation within their competence.

Article 10. Regulations of higher customs authority

In the cases provided by this Code and other legal acts, the higher customs authority adopts departmental regulations.

Article 11. Identification mark of customs authorities

Customs authorities, their vehicles, have identification mark which is established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 12. Officials of customs authorities

In customs authorities as the official only the citizen of the Republic of Armenia can work.

Article 13. Responsibility of officials of customs authorities

Officials of customs authorities in case of execution of the job responsibilities bear responsibility for making of illegal actions or failure to act according to the procedure, established by this Code and other legal acts.

Article 14. Cooperation of customs authorities with other persons

1. State bodies and their officials shall render within the competence assistance to customs authorities in the solution of the tasks set for them.

2. Customs authorities for the purpose of the implementation of customs affairs and other powers allocated for them by the law and other legal acts cooperate with other persons. Customs authorities in case of the commodity importation and (or) vehicles provided by part 4 of article 130 of this Code shall report immediately about it to Police under the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

3. In the cases established by the law the certain functions referred to competence of customs authorities at the initiative of customs authorities and under their control can be performed by other faces of the Republic of Armenia according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 15. Provision of the areas, offices, warehouses, equipment, means of communication to customs authorities

The organizations, organizations and physical persons interested in implementation of customs clearance in their territory free of charge provide to customs authorities the necessary areas, offices, warehouses, the equipment, means of communication.

Article 16. Information provided to customs authorities for implementation of customs affairs

1. Information provided according to this Code and other legal acts to customs authorities for implementation of customs affairs cannot be used in other purposes, except as specified, provided by the law.

2. Information constituting the state, bank, insurance, trade, official secret cannot be disclosed, traded on by customs authorities or their officials, be provided to the third parties, including state bodies, the cases except for provided by the law when customs authorities or their officials, with the permission of higher customs authority, provide to the third parties having the competence established by the law, the relevant information and originals or copies of documents.

3. Before crossing of goods and vehicles of customs border of the Republic of Armenia by carrier or its authorized person the preliminary information about the moved goods and vehicles can be electronically provided to higher customs authority. The list of the preliminary information, procedure and terms of representation establishes the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 17. Provision of the provisional solution by customs authorities

1. Each person can submit in higher customs authority the application in the form established by the last for the purpose of receipt of the provisional solution about procedures of application of the customs legislation. The provisional solution can be not provided by customs authority if it is not connected with the specific transaction. Provision of the provisional solution by customs authorities is performed for a fee in the amount of, procedure and the terms established by this Code. In cases when the customs authority performs the expenses connected with provision of the provisional solution, the applicant in three-day time after provision of the provisional solution by customs authorities pays the expenses which are also performed by customs authority, in the presence of the documents proving them.

2. The provisional solution of customs authority is applied by customs authority and the manager of this information according to commodity codes, moved through customs border of the Republic of Armenia.

3. The provisional solution of customs authority is applied only regarding the transactions made after the moment of provision of information.

4. The provisional solution of customs authority is effective three years from the date of provision. 

5. The provisional solution of customs authority stops to be effective when:

a) as a result of legislative changes the provisions relating to information provided in the decision change;

b) change is made to the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity;

c) changes are made to framework of membership of international treaties if such changes belong to the provisional solution.

6. In the cases specified in subitems "an" and "v" of Item 5 of this Article, the provisional solution can be used by the applicant the most bigger six more months after official publication or the notification of the applicant on it if before official publication or the termination letter of action of information by the applicant the contract for acquisition or realization of the corresponding goods was signed. The manager of the provisional solution is notified on cancellation of such decision in three-day time. 

7. The provisional solution provided by customs authorities can be applied in the following purposes:

a) for determination of the payments which are subject to payment when exporting or importing;

b) for return of overpayments when exporting;

c) for determination of the measures of non-tariff regulation required for the purpose of customs clearance.

Article 17-1. Pronouncement of provisional solutions by customs authorities

1. In understanding of this Code the document provided by customs authorities according to the customs legislation which has legal force as for persons receiving the decision and for persons who for obtaining from customs authorities of the provisional solution provide the same information is considered the provisional solution. Person who submitted the application for receipt of the provisional solutions made by customs authorities and their officials shall provide all information and documents which are required customs authorities for provision of this decision.

2. The provisional solution is made by customs authorities in three-months time from the date of submission of the statement to customs authority. If the customs authority cannot submit the relevant decision within the term established by this Code, then the term of research of the submitted application can be prolonged for up to six months. In this case the customs authority before the expiration notifies the applicant on prolongation of term and its reasons, and also notifies on the new term of decision.

3. The provisional solution provided by customs authorities shall be in writing reasonable and can be appealed by the applicant according to the procedure, established by this Code, during ten-day term from the date of obtaining.

4. The provisional solution passed by customs authorities can is nullified if it is accepted based on the false or defective information, and:

a) there is reasonable proof that to the applicant it was known or unauthenticity or inferiority of data shall be known;

b) such decision could not be made based on the reliable and complete information.

5. The nullified decision is terminated from the date of when the decision on recognition of the provisional solution was made by invalid.

6. In case of recognition of the provisional solution invalid the customs authority within one working day notifies about it person to whom this decision was provided.

7. The provisional solution provided by customs authorities is nullified also in other cases, except the cases listed by this Article if for adoption of such decision the precedent conditions established by this Code were not complied, or these precedent conditions cannot be complied.

Article 17-2. Appeal of the decisions made by customs authorities, actions and failure to act

The actions accepted by customs authority and officials of customs authority of the decision, performed or failure to act can be appealed according to the procedure, established by the laws of the Republic of Armenia.

Section II. Movement through customs border of goods and vehicles. customs regimes

Chapter 3. Movement through customs border of goods and vehicles

Article 18. Right to import and commodity exportation and vehicles

1. Persons have the right to import on an equal basis into the Republic of Armenia and to export from the Republic of Armenia goods and vehicles according to the procedure, established by this Code.

2. The rights of persons moving goods and vehicles through customs border of the Republic of Armenia can be limited in the cases provided by the law.

Article 19. Prohibition of import and commodity exportation and vehicles

1. Import to customs area of the Republic of Armenia and export from customs area of the Republic of Armenia of goods and vehicles can be prohibited in established by this Code and other legal acts in cases when these goods and vehicles pose threat for the state and homeland security, public order, life and health of the person, animal and flora, the environment, moral values of the population, historical, cultural and archaeological values, property (including intellectual), the rights and legitimate interests of persons.

2. The goods and vehicles specified in Item 1 of this Article are subject respectively to immediate export out of limits of the Republic of Armenia or to return on the territory of the Republic of Armenia if their withdrawal is not provided in the procedure established by the legislation. Export out of limits of the Republic of Armenia or return on the territory of the Republic of Armenia of the specified goods is made by the moving or transporting person at the expense of own means.

In case of impossibility or non-realization by person moving goods, export or return of goods and vehicles they are subject:

a) to transfer to customs authorities of the Republic of Armenia on safe custody for no more than for 10 days before their release in the corresponding customs regime, and after execution of the specified term - to return in the procedure established by the law;

b) to declaring in customs regime "destruction" - at the request of person moving goods.

Article 20. Import restrictions and commodity exportation and vehicles

1. On import to the Republic of Armenia and export from the Republic of Armenia of goods and vehicles by the Government of the Republic of Armenia according to the laws and international treaties of the Republic of Armenia measures of non-tariff regulation, proceeding from reasons of economic policy, accomplishment of the international obligations of the Republic of Armenia, its economic sovereignty and safety, protection of the domestic consumer market, and also in response to application can be established by foreign states or their unions of the discriminatory or other measures infringing the rights of faces of the Republic of Armenia.

2. The government of the Republic of Armenia for the purpose of providing provisions of Item 1 of Article 19 and Item 1 of article 20 of this Code:

a) establishes barriers on movement through customs border of the Republic of Armenia of separate types of goods in the customs regimes set by this Code;

b) can set restrictions for movement through customs border of the Republic of Armenia of certain types of goods in the customs regimes established by this Code.

3. The provisions established by Items 1 and 2 of this Article do not extend to cases of import and currency export and currency values. The procedure and conditions of import and currency export and currency values are established by the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About currency control and currency exchange control" and the legal acts adopted according to it.

Article 21. Procedure for movement of goods and vehicles through customs border of the Republic of Armenia

1. Goods and vehicles move through customs border of the Republic of Armenia according to the customs regimes set by this Code.

2. Goods and vehicles can move through the boundary customs posts which are in advance specified by higher customs authority to all days of the week round the clock.

3. Goods and vehicles which customs clearance is not complete in the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia can move from one customs authority to another under responsibility of person moving goods or person performing their transportation.

Chapter 4. Customs regimes

Article 22. Customs regimes of movement of goods and vehicles through customs border of the Republic of Armenia

1. For the purpose of implementation of customs affairs the following customs regimes are set:

a) import for free circulation;

b) reimport;

c) transit;

d) import to customs warehouse;

e) import in duty-free shop;

e) temporary import for conversion;

g) temporary import;

h) temporary export;

i) import to free customs warehouse;

j) temporary export for conversion;

k) export for free circulation;

l) re-export;

m) disclaimer of property for benefit of the state;

o) destruction;

o) import to the free economic zone.

2. Other customs regimes can be set by the law.

Article 23. Choice and change of customs regime

1. Any person has the right to choose or change customs regime, irrespective of nature and goods quantity and vehicles if other is not provided by this Code.

2. The customs regime set for movement through customs border of the Republic of Armenia of goods and vehicles can change after their release through customs border of the Republic of Armenia during the period during which they according to this Code are under customs control. The this Regulation is not applied to changes of customs regimes "import to free customs warehouse" and "import to the free economic zone" which are made according to provisions of Item 3 of this Article.

3. Customs regimes "import to free customs warehouse" and the "import to the free economic zone" established for movement of goods and vehicles through customs border of the Republic of Armenia can change after their release through customs border of the Republic of Armenia during the period during which they are respectively stored on free customs warehouse or are in the free economic zone.

Article 24. Regulation of customs regimes

The relations which are not regulated by this Code, concerning customs regimes are regulated according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 24-1. Identification of the goods moved through customs border

Identification of the goods moved in customs regime "temporary import", "temporary export", "temporary import - for conversion", "temporary export - for conversion", is performed according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 25. "Import for free circulation" mode

1. The "import for free circulation" mode regulates commodity importation on customs area of the Republic of Armenia without obligation of their subsequent export.

2. Within this customs regime in the amount of and the cases established by the law:

a) customs payments are levied;

b) measures of non-tariff regulation are applied.

Article 26. Reimport mode

1. The reimport mode regulates the return import to customs area of the Republic of Armenia of the goods which are exported from customs area of the Republic of Armenia in the modes "temporary export for conversion", "temporary export", and the goods coming from the Republic of Armenia, which are exported in the "export for free circulation" mode, and also imported in customs regime "import - for free circulation" and exported in customs regime "re-export".

2. Within this customs regime:

a) only customs payments are levied, except as specified, when in this mode the goods which are earlier exported in customs regime "temporary export for conversion" from which collection of customs payments is performed according to Item 3 of article 48 of this Code, and also except for the case established by the subitem "d" of Item 2 of this Article are imported;

b) in case of commodity importation, exported within one year from customs area of the Republic of Armenia in customs regime "export for free circulation", the amounts of customs duty which are earlier collected for their export return;

c) measures of non-tariff regulation, except for the measures directed to protection of consumer interests are not applied;

d) it is required to exclude any other changes of the reimported goods in comparison with the moment of their export, except the changes which arose owing to natural wear or transportation and storage out of normal conditions. This requirement does not belong to the changes which happened owing to conversion of earlier exported goods in the "temporary export for conversion" mode;

e) in case of commodity importation, earlier imported in customs regime "ввоздля free circulation" and exported in customs regime "re-export" only customs payments returned when exporting in the procedure established by the law are enforced.

Article 27. Transit mode

1. The transit mode regulates movement under customs control of goods on customs area of the Republic of Armenia from the customs authority which is letting in on customs area of the Republic of Armenia to the customs authority issuing from the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

2. Within this customs regime:

a) customs payments are not levied, except for customs fees and in the cases established by the law - other payments;

b) measures of non-tariff regulation, except as specified, provided for this customs regime by this Code, other laws and international treaties of the Republic of Armenia are not applied;

c) it is required to complete movement of goods between two customs posts no more than within ten days, and in case of force majeure - to tell these goods to the specified time to customs authorities to safe custody;

d) it is required to exclude any other change of goods, except the changes which arose owing to their natural wear or transportation and storage out of normal conditions.

3. The government of the Republic of Armenia establishes:

a) the inventory which transit across the territory of the Republic of Armenia is subject to licensing, and procedure of the last;

b) procedure for transit through the territory of the Republic of Armenia of goods and vehicles;

c) cases of obligatory customs escort in case of transit of goods.

Article 28. Responsible for transit and its responsibility

1. The responsibility for movement of goods and vehicles provided by this Code and other legal acts in the transit mode, is born by person moving goods. In case of nondelivery of goods and vehicles to customs post of exit from customs area of the Republic of Armenia owing to alienation, loss in the territory of the Republic of Armenia of the goods and vehicles moved in the transit mode or other reason without the permission of customs authorities, person moving goods shall peredeklarirovat in the ten-day time following the term established for transit them in customs regime "import for free circulation", with payment of the customs payments and penalties for their untimely payment established by the law estimated from the date of commodity importation provided for this mode.

2. Irrespective of provisions of Item 2 of this Article, person moving goods is exempted from customs payment, provided for customs regime "import for free circulation" if goods and vehicles are destroyed, irretrievable lost owing to force majeure, natural wear or abnormal conditions or owing to actions or failure to act of officials of state bodies of the Republic of Armenia, and this fact is documented.

Article 29. "Import to customs warehouse" mode

1. The "import to customs warehouse" mode regulates import to the Republic of Armenia of goods for the purpose of their storage under customs control on the customs warehouses provided by this Code.

2. Within this customs regime:

a) customs payments are not levied, except for customs fee and other payments in the cases provided by the Law;

b) measures of non-tariff regulation, except as specified, established by this Code for this customs regime are not applied.

Article 30. Requirements to placement of goods in the "import to customs warehouse" mode

1. The "import to customs warehouse" mode can be applied to goods which import to the territory of the Republic of Armenia is not prohibited.

2. Goods which can do harm to other goods which are under customs locks shall be stored in specially adapted warehouses.

Article 31. Storage life of goods in the "import to customs warehouse" mode

1. Goods can be stored in the "import to customs warehouse" mode for up to one year.

If the term which is originally asked by the customs applicant constitutes less than one year, then the customs authority based on the statement of the customs applicant prolongs this term for the term which is not exceeding one year from the date of import.

2. The term specified in Item 1 of this Article can be limited to customs authorities, proceeding from the term of use and features of storage of goods.

3. In ten-day time after the term specified in Item 1 of this Article, goods are subject to declaring in other customs regime or transfer to customs authorities on safe custody.

Article 32. Actions concerning the goods which are stored in the "import to customs warehouse" mode

The following actions can be applied to the goods which are stored in the "import to customs warehouse" mode:

a) providing conditions necessary for storage of goods;

b) preparation of goods with the permission of customs authority to the subsequent sending and sale, crushing of batches, sorting, packaging, repacking, marking, loading, unloading, branding and any other action which does not attract quality change.

Article 33. "Import in duty-free shop" mode

1. The customs regime "import in duty-free shop regulates commodity importation in the duty-free shops which are in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and also the relations connected with sales of goods in them.

2. Within this customs regime:

a) customs payments, except for customs fee are not levied;

b) measures of netafny regulation, except for the measures directed to protection of consumer interests are not applied.

3. Ceased to be valid

4. Ceased to be valid

Article 34. "Temporary import for conversion" mode

1. The "temporary import for conversion" mode regulates commodity importation on customs area of the Republic of Armenia for the purpose of conversion and on condition of the subsequent export.

1-1. Within this customs regime it can be performed:

a) actually conversion or data processing of goods;

b) production of new goods, including installation, assembly and dismantling of goods;

c) repair of goods, including their recovery, replacement of components, recovery of their consumer properties.

2. Within this customs regime:

a) customs payments are not levied, except for customs fee and in the cases established by this Code and other laws for this customs regime - other payments;

b) customs authorities resolve commodity importation for the purpose of conversion based on the conclusion of the body specified in article 35 of this Code, in time, the asked by the applicant, but not exceeding one year from the moment of import, at the same time, if originally asked term constitutes less than one year, then customs authority based on the statement of the customs applicant prolongs this term for the term which is not exceeding one year from the date of import.

Temporary import of goods for conversion is allowed on condition that goods during their further export can be identified by customs authority in customs regime "re-export".

The government of the Republic of Armenia can resolve goods issue, declared in customs regime "temporary import - for conversion" or prolongation of term of customs regime "temporary ввоздля conversions", applied concerning the imported goods, for the term of more than one year;

c) goods within ten days following the expiration, this Item established by the subitem "b" shall be drawn up in the re-export mode or be transferred to customs authorities to safe custody during which the obligation on the return export is considered not broken.

3. In case of commodity exportation, imported in this customs regime, person moving goods shall during customs clearance in customs regime "re-export" pay positive difference between the customs payments provided for export of the processed goods in customs regime "export - for free circulation", and the customs payments estimated for the goods imported for the purpose of conversion in customs regime "export - for free circulation", except for the customs fee estimated without deductions.

4. In case of replacement of the "temporary import for conversion" mode set for the goods imported on customs area of the Republic of Armenia by the "import for free circulation" mode person moving goods shall pay the customs payments provided by the "import for free circulation" mode and the penalty fee established by the law for delay of their payment at the scheduled time, estimated from the moment of import of these goods.

5. The waste and remaining balance which arose from conversion of the goods imported on customs area of the Republic of Armenia in customs regime "temporary import - for conversion", are subject to declaring within ten days following the expiration, Item 2 of this Article established by the subitem "b", with customs payment, provided by the chosen customs regime.

Article 35. The minimum quantity of the product received after conversion of the goods imported in the "temporary import for conversion" mode

The minimum quantity of the product received after conversion of goods, and also the waste and remaining balance formed from their conversion establishes the body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 36. The obligations arising at persons moving goods when not exporting or partial export at the scheduled time of the goods imported in the "temporary import for conversion" mode

In case of not export or partial export at the scheduled time of the goods imported in the "temporary import for conversion" mode if person moving goods did not give to customs authorities to safe custody the goods imported for conversion and not exported at the scheduled time, then it shall:

a) within ten days following the expiration, established for their export to peredeklarirovat these goods in customs regime "import - for free circulation", having paid the customs payments provided by customs regime "import for free circulation", and the penalty fee established by the law for delay of their payment at the scheduled time, estimated from the moment of commodity importation or

b) in case of commodity exportation in time, specified in the Item "and" of this Article to pay the penalty fee specified in the Item "and" estimated from the date of the expiration established for export of these goods.

Article 37. "Temporary import" mode

1. The customs regime "temporary import" regulates import to customs area of the Republic of Armenia of goods on condition of their further export.

2. Within this customs regime:

a) customs payments are not levied, except for customs fee and in the cases provided by this Code and other laws - other payments;

b) goods issue in the "temporary import" mode is allowed for the term asked by the customs applicant, but no more than one year, at the same time, if initially asked term is less than one year, then the higher customs authority based on the statement of the customs applicant can extend it for the term which is not exceeding one year from the date of import, except for the goods and vehicles belonging to diplomatic and consular representations of foreign states, the international organizations, representations of foreign states under the international organizations and to their personnel, in this case customs authorities based on the statement of the customs applicant can prolong terms of temporary import for the term asked by the customs applicant. The provision established by this subitem does not extend to the goods imported by honorary consuls and the staff of honourable consulates of the foreign states operating in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

The order of the Government of the Republic of Armenia prolongation of term of customs regime "temporary import" for the term of more than one year for imported for the state needs, in the research, educational, cultural purposes, for the purpose of health protection of people and animals, environment protection, and also imported by the chosen organizations and individual entrepreneurs within investing programs of goods including the goods classified by product codes 84-89 Commodity Nomenclatures of Foreign Economic Activity transferred to finance lease can be authorized. The procedure and terms of the choice of the organizations and individual entrepreneurs and prolongation of terms are established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

Goods issue, classified by the Commodity Nomenclatures of Foreign Economic Activity codes 8702 and 8703, imported by foreign persons in customs regime "temporary import", is allowed for the term asked by the customs applicant, but the term of stay of the foreign person in the Republic of Armenia which was no more established by the law;

c) measures of non-tariff regulation, except for the measures directed to protection of consumer interests and in the cases provided by this Code and other laws - other measures are not applied;

d) within ten days following the expiration, this Item established by the subitem "b", goods shall peredeklarirovatsya in the re-export mode or be transferred to customs authorities to safe custody during which the obligation on the return export is considered not broken;

e) other changes of goods and vehicles, except the changes which arose owing to natural wear, transportation or storage out of normal conditions are prohibited;

e) in case of the assumption of changes of the goods and vehicles imported in customs regime "temporary import", except for changes, which arose owing to natural wear and transportation or storage out of normal conditions, person moving goods shall declare goods and (or) vehicles in customs regime "temporary import - for conversion.


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