Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 12, 2002 No. 436-II

About general conscription and military service

(as amended on 28-11-2023)

I. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations connected with execution by citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan of general conscription and passing of military service by them.

Article 2. Legislation on general conscription and military service

The legislation on general conscription and military service consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation which are based on the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 3. General conscription and oath to the Homeland

The general conscription consists in obligatory military training of citizens for protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan and is established for the purpose of ensuring completing of Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Armed Forces) and preparation of their reserve.

The general conscription includes training of citizens for military service, appeal (revenues) to military service, passing of military service or under the contract, service in reserve, alternative service, observance of rules of military accounting, action for protection of the population in emergency situations or in case of military aggression against the Republic of Uzbekistan.

According to this Law citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan hereinafter are referred to as:

recruits - the persons who are subject to conscription and attributed to district (city) draft sites;

military personnel - persons who are in active duty;

persons liable for call-up - persons consisting in reserve and inventory of Armed Forces;

not persons liable for call-up - the persons who are not accepted on military accounting for the different reasons or excluded from military accounting, including being in resignation.

Active duty is military service in Armed Forces at the call of or under the contract on positions of ordinary, sergeant and officer structures.

The general conscription does not extend to foreign citizens and persons without citizenship, constantly or temporarily living in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The citizens for the first time called or voluntarily (under the contract) enlisted, take the oath to the Homeland before National flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the following content:

"I, (surname, name, middle name), joining armed forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, kissing sacred flag - symbol of my state, before light memory of my Great ancestors, being full of determination to fairly fulfill the duty to Rodina, to the conscience, honor and advantage:

Solemnly I swear,

throughout all my life to be faithful to the Republic of Uzbekistan, the people and the President;

to the last gasp to protect independence of the Homeland, immunity of its borders, the world, tranquility and national interests of my people;

it is irreconcilable to fight against any manifestations of aggression and mercenary encroachment against the Republic of Uzbekistan;

to hold the Constitution, the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, all-army regulations sacred, to keep the state and military secret;

in any conditions - on the earth, on water, in air it is fair to perform the office debt;

under any circumstances, testing and difficulties to justify high trust of my Homeland".

The persons liable for call-up who were not taking earlier the oath to the Homeland accept it, being attracted on military charges or called on mobilization.

The procedure for adoption of the oath to the Homeland is determined by the Charter of internal service of Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

To citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan revenues to military service, to service in security service, polices are forbidden, to military justice or other similar bodies of foreign states.

Article 4. Types of military service

Military service - special type of public service on accomplishment by citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan of general conscription in Armed Forces.

The following types of military service are established:

compulsory military service;

military service in mobilization draft reserve;

military service under the contract;

service of the reservists who served military service in Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In peace time on compulsory military service on positions of ordinary and sergeant structures, and also on service in mobilization draft reserve male citizens aged from eighteen up to twenty seven years, suitable for health reasons are called for passing of military service in Armed Forces.

Article 5. Compulsory military service

Compulsory military service - obligatory service in Armed Forces on positions of ordinary and sergeant lists of citizens of military age, and also the officers who were earlier not passing military service during the term established by the legislation.

The term of compulsory military service in calendar calculation is established twelve months.

The procedure for passing of compulsory military service is determined by the legislation.

Article 6. Military service in mobilization draft reserve

Persons fit for military service, including with restrictions and not having right to delay and release from it but which is not called for the next term in Armed Forces are subject to transfer in mobilization draft reserve.

The service in mobilization draft reserve will be organized by the territorial principle in the form of monthly charges and provides introduction by recruits of money contributions into the Special account of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Specified persons are enlisted on service in mobilization draft reserve before achievement of twenty seven years by them and can be involved in annual military charges, and in case of emergency situations or military aggression against the Republic of Uzbekistan are called up for active duty.

The citizens who underwent monthly charges in mobilization draft reserve are enlisted in reserve of Armed Forces.

The size of money contributions and procedure for their introduction by persons enlisted on service in mobilization draft reserve are determined by the separate provision approved by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The specified funds are allocated in target procedure for covering of the expenses connected with carrying out charges with employees of mobilization draft reserve, dismissal wage payment in case of dismissal of the military personnel of compulsory military service of the relevant ministries and departments in which compulsory military service, content of administration of charges, development and strengthening of material and technical resources of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including repair and construction of buildings, content in bodies for defense of workers for accounting of employees of mobilization draft reserve, purchase of arms, military and technical property and ammunition for needs of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan is provided.

The procedure for the organization and service in mobilization draft reserve is determined by the Regulations on procedure for service by citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan in mobilization draft reserve approved by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 7. Military service under the contract

Military service under the contract - type of the military service performed by the citizens who arrived on active duty in Armed Forces on voluntary basis according to the contract signed with the state on behalf of the ministries and departments in which the military service is provided.

The citizens who elected military service as profession pass military service under the contract on positions of ordinary, sergeant and officer structures.

Terms and the main conditions of passing of military service are established in the contract. At the same time the initial contract with persons arriving on active duty under the contract consists for five years; the new contract with contract servicemen (persons liable for call-up of reserve) is signed for five years or for smaller term if before age achievement of limit of stay on military service there were less than five years.

Contracts with condition of the subsequent obligatory passing of military service by them on officers positions are signed at least five years with cadets of the highest military educational institutions for the term of training.


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