Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of March 26, 2003 No. 35-FZ

About power industry

(as amended on 25-10-2024)

Accepted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on February 21, 2003

Approved by Council of the Russian Federation on March 12, 2003

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Federal Law

This Federal Law establishes the legal basis of the economic relations in the sphere of power industry, determines powers of public authorities on regulation of these relations, basic rights and obligations of subjects of power industry when implementing activities in the sphere of power industry (including productions in the mode of the combined development of electrical and heat energy) and consumers of electrical energy.

Article 2. Legislation of the Russian Federation on power industry

1. The legislation of the Russian Federation on power industry is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and consists of the Civil code of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other Federal Laws, and also presidential decrees of the Russian Federation, orders of the Government of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted according to the specified Federal Laws governing the relations in the sphere of power industry.

2. The legislation of the Russian Federation on power industry is applied to the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing activities in the territory of the international medical cluster taking into account the features established by the Federal Law "About the International Medical Cluster and Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation".

3. The legislation of the Russian Federation on power industry is applied to the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing activities in the territories of the innovative scientific and technological centers taking into account the features established by the Federal Law "About the Innovative Scientific and Technological Centers and about Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation".

Article 3. Determination of the basic concepts

For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:

power industry - the industry of economy of the Russian Federation including complex of the economic relations arising in production process (including productions in the mode of the combined development of electrical and heat energy), transfers of electrical energy, supervisory control in power industry, sale and consumption of electrical energy with use of the production and other property facilities (including entering into Power pool system of Russia) belonging on the property right or on other basis provided by the Federal Laws to subjects of power industry or other persons. The power industry is basis of functioning of economy and life support;

Power pool system of Russia - the electric utility system located within the territory of the Russian Federation which part the joint electric utility systems and territorial electric utility systems forming them are and which centralized supervisory control is exercised of the system operator of electric utility systems of Russia (further - the system operator);

electric utility system - set of power generation facilities and the power accepting installations of the consumers of electrical energy connected by general regime of work in single engineering procedure of production, transfer and consumption of electrical energy in the conditions of centralized supervisory control in power industry;

subjects of power industry - the faces performing activities in the sphere of power industry including production of electrical, heat energy and capacity, acquisition and sale of electrical energy and capacity, power supply of consumers, rendering services in transfer of electrical energy, to supervisory control in power industry, to management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy, sale of electrical energy (capacity), the organization of purchase and sale of electrical energy and capacity;

consumers of electric - persons acquiring electrical energy for own domestic and (or) production needs;

consumers of capacity - persons acquiring capacity including for own domestic and (or) production needs and (or) for the subsequent sale, persons realizing electrical energy in the retail markets, persons realizing electrical energy in the territories in which electric utility systems of foreign states are located;

the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity (further - the wholesale market) - the sphere of the address of special goods - electrical energy and capacity, services in management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy within Power pool system of Russia in borders of common economic space of the Russian Federation with participation of large producers and large buyers of electrical energy and capacity, and also the other persons who received the status of the subject of the wholesale market and acting on the basis of the rules of the wholesale market approved according to this Federal Law the Government of the Russian Federation. Criteria of reference of producers and buyers of electrical energy to category of large producers and large buyers are established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

subjects of the wholesale market - the legal entities having the status of the subject of the wholesale market received according to the procedure, established by this Federal Law and rules of the wholesale market;

the retail markets of electrical energy (further - the retail markets) the sphere of the address of electrical energy out of the wholesale market with participation of consumers of electrical energy;

electric grid economy objects - power lines, transformer and other substations, distribution points and other equipment intended for ensuring electric communications and implementation of transfer of electrical energy;

services in transfer of electrical energy - complex organizationally and technologically connected actions, including for operational technologically management which provide transfer of electrical energy via technical devices of power networks according to mandatory requirements and which making can be performed taking into account features, stipulated in Item the 11th Article 8 and Item 2 of article 26 of this Federal Law;

operational and technological management - package of measures for management of technological operating modes and operational condition of power generation facilities and (or) the power accepting installations of the consumers of electrical energy performed by owners or other legal owners of these objects and (or) installations according to dispatching teams and orders of the subject of supervisory control in power industry and (or) in coordination with such subject concerning power lines, the equipment and devices of power generation facilities and (or) the power accepting installations which technological operating mode and operational condition influence electrical power working hours of electric utility system, or independently or in coordination with other subjects of power industry and consumers of electrical energy concerning other power lines, the equipment and devices of power generation facilities and (or) the power accepting installations;

supervisory control in power industry - the package of measures for central planning and management of technological operating modes and operational condition of power generation facilities and the power accepting installations of the consumers of electrical energy performed by the subject of supervisory control in power industry concerning determined by it in the procedure for power lines, the equipment and devices of power generation facilities and the power accepting installations established by the Government of the Russian Federation which technological operating mode and operational condition influence electrical power working hours of electric utility system and can change only according to dispatching team of the subject of supervisory control in power industry or in coordination with such subject, and also measures for designing of development of electric utility system;

services in supervisory control in power industry - package of measures for supervisory control in power industry, performed for the purpose of ensuring reliable functioning and development of electric utility system;

the power sales organizations - the organizations performing power sales activities;

the prices (rates) in power industry - system of price rates at which calculations for electrical energy (capacity), and also for the services rendered on wholesale and the retail markets (further - the prices (rates) are perfromed;

social norm of consumption of electrical energy (capacity) certain quantity (amount) of electrical energy (capacity) which is consumed by the population and categories of consumers equated to it within which and over which deliveries of electrical energy (capacity) are performed at various regulated prices (rates);

the size of cross subsidizing - the size of financial resources which is considered when implementing state regulation of the prices (rates) for electrical energy (capacity) of the prices (rates) for services in transfer of electrical energy and (or) sales allowances of the guaranteeing suppliers for consumers (buyers) in the retail markets, but is not considered in case of price fixation (rates) for electrical energy (capacity), the prices (rates) for services in transfer of electrical energy and (or) sales allowances of the guaranteeing suppliers for the population and categories of consumers equated to it;

the bilateral agreement of purchase and sale of electrical energy - the agreement according to which the supplier shall deliver to the buyer the electrical energy conforming to mandatory requirements in certain quantity and certain quality and the buyer shall accept and pay electrical energy on the terms of the wholesale market concluded according to rules and basic provisions of functioning of the retail markets of the agreement;

the paragraph the twenty first ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 02.08.2019 No. 262-FZ

the combined development of electrical and heat energy - working hours of thermal power plants in case of which production of electrical energy is directly connected with simultaneous production of heat energy;

commercial accounting of electrical energy (capacity) - process of measurement of quantity of electrical energy and scoping of capacity, collection, storage, processing, transfer of results of these measurements and forming, including settlement way this about quantity of the made and consumed electrical energy (capacity) for the purposes of settlement for the delivered electrical energy and capacity, for connected with the specified deliveries of service, service in management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy, and also for services in change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy;

settlement period - the period, single for the purposes of determination by the commercial operator of purchase prices and sale of electrical energy, capacity, services and other objects allowed to the address in the wholesale market and established according to the rules of the wholesale market approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

price zones of the wholesale market - the territories which are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and in which borders there is forming of equilibrium prices of the wholesale market according to the procedure, established by this Federal Law and rules of the wholesale market;

not price zones of the wholesale market - the territories which are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and in which wholesale trade by electrical energy (capacity) is performed at regulated prices (rates);

technologically isolated territorial electric utility systems - the power systems which are in the territories which are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and which technological connection with Power pool system of Russia is absent;

the zone of free overflow of electrical energy (capacity) (further - zone of free overflow) - part of Power pool system of Russia within which the electrical energy and capacity made or planned for deliveries on the generating equipment with certain technical characteristics in case of determination of balance of the demand and supply on electrical energy and capacity, including for the purposes of advance planning, can be replaced with the electrical energy and capacity made or planned for deliveries with use of other generating equipment with similar technical characteristics in the same zone of free overflow and replacement with electrical energy and the capacity made on the generating equipment located in other zone of free overflow can be performed only within restrictions of overflow of electrical energy and capacity between such zones. At the same time cumulative technical characteristics of the generating equipment within zone of free overflow shall conform to the requirements established by the system operator and necessary for providing normal operating mode of the corresponding part of power system;

the guaranteeing supplier of electrical energy (further - the guaranteeing supplier) - the commercial organization which is in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation given the status of the guaranteeing supplier which performs power sales activities and shall sign according to this Federal Law the contract of power supply, the purchase and sale agreement (deliveries) of electrical energy (capacity) with any consumer of electrical energy who addressed it or with person acting on its own behalf or on behalf of the consumer of electrical energy and for the benefit of the specified consumer of electrical energy and the person interested to acquire electrical energy;

the paragraph the thirtieth ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 11.06.2022 No. 174-FZ

the territorial network organization - the commercial organization which renders services in transfer of electrical energy with use of the objects of electric grid economy which are not relating to single national (all-Russian) power network, and in the cases established by this Federal Law - with use of objects of electric grid economy or part of the specified objects entering single national (all-Russian) power network and which corresponds to the criteria of reference of owners of objects of electric grid economy approved by the Government of the Russian Federation to the territorial network organizations;

the established generating capacity - the electric power with which the facility for production of electrical energy, the generating equipment of the facility for production of electrical energy can work without restriction on duration of such work in case of nominal parameters and (or) in the normal conditions determined according to regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the sphere of power industry;

available capacity - the electric power determined as the installed capacity of the generating equipment reduced by the size of restrictions of installed capacity or increased by size it is long admissible excess over installed capacity;

the paragraph the thirty fourth ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 11.06.2022 No. 174-FZ

power generation facilities - the property objects which are directly used in production process, transfers of electrical energy, supervisory control in power industry and sale of electrical energy including electric grid economy objects;

the organizations of commercial infrastructure - the organizations to which functions of providing commercial infrastructure are in accordance with the established procedure assigned;

energy efficiency of power industry - the attitude of the electrical energy delivered to consumers towards the energy spent for this purpose from non-renewable sources;

renewable energy resources - energy of the sun, wind power, energy of waters (including energy of sewage), except as specified uses of such energy at hydroheat-sink electrical power stations, energy of inflows, energy of waves of water objects, including reservoirs, the rivers, seas, oceans, geothermal power with use of natural underground heat carriers, low-potential heat energy of the earth, air, water with use of special heat carriers, the biomass including the energies of plant which are specially grown up for obtaining, including trees, and also production wastes and consumption, except for the waste received in the course of use of hydrocarbonic raw materials and fuel, biogas, the gas emitted by production wastes and consumption on dumps of such waste, the gas which is formed on coal developments;

manipulation the prices in the wholesale market of electrical energy (capacity) - making economically or technologically not reasonable actions, including with use of the dominant position in the wholesale market which lead to the essential change in price (price) of electrical energy and (or) capacity in the wholesale market, way:

submissions of unreasonably overestimated or underestimated price purchasing requests or sale of electrical energy and (or) capacity. Overestimated can be recognized the request in which price exceeds the price which was created in the comparable goods market, or the price established in this goods market earlier (for similar hours of prior days, for similar hours of days of the last week, for similar hours of days of the last month, the last quarter);

submissions of the price request for sale of electrical energy with indication of amount which does not correspond to the amount of electrical energy developed with use of the maximum value of the generating capacity of the generating equipment of the participant determined by the system operator according to the rules of the wholesale market established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

submissions of the price request which is not conforming to the established requirements of economic justification determined by the federal executive bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation;

manipulation the prices in the retail market of electrical energy (capacity) - making economically or technologically not reasonable actions by the business entity holding dominant position in the retail market which lead to essential change of the non-regulated prices (price) of electrical energy and (or) capacity;

reliability of electric utility system - capability of electric utility system to perform production, transfer of electrical energy (capacity) and supply of consumers with electrical energy in single engineering procedure and to resume them after violations;

stability of electric utility system - capability of electric utility system to keep synchronous work of power plants after shutdowns of power lines, the equipment of power generation facilities and the power accepting installations;

the power accepting installation, the power receiving device - the device, the aggregate, the equipment or their set united by electric communication which are intended for transformation of electrical energy to other type of energy for its consumption;

power sales activities - the sales activity of the made and (or) acquired electrical energy (except for activities for charging electrical energy of rechargeable batteries, including rechargeable batteries of the vehicles equipped with electric motors) performed in the retail markets within Power pool system of Russia and in the territories which technological connection with Power pool system of Russia is absent;

paragraph of the forty eighth ceased to be valid

paragraph forty ninth ceased to be valid

intellectual system of accounting of electrical energy (capacity) - the set of functionally integrated components and devices intended for remote collection, processing, transfer of indications of metering devices of electrical energy, providing information exchange, storage of indications of metering devices of electrical energy, the remote management of its components, devices and metering devices of electrical energy which is not influencing results of the measurements which are carried out by metering devices of electrical energy and also provision of information on results of measurements, data on quantity and other parameters of electrical energy according to the rules of provision of access to the minimum set of functions of intellectual systems of accounting of electrical energy (capacity) approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

object of microgeneration - the facility for production of electrical energy belonging on the property right or other legal cause to the consumer of electrical energy whose power receiving devices are technologically attached to electric grid economy objects with tension level to 1000 volts, functioning including on the basis of use of renewable energy resources and used by the specified consumer for production of electrical energy for the purpose of satisfaction of own domestic and (or) production needs, and also for the purpose of sale according to the procedure, established by basic provisions of functioning of the retail markets, in case, if the amount of issue of electrical energy by such facility for production of electrical energy in power network does not exceed the size of the maximum attached capacity of power receiving devices of the specified consumer and makes no more than 15 kilowatts and if for issue of electrical energy of such object in power network the electric equipment intended for servicing more than one room in the building, including which is part of common property of the apartment house is not used;

quality of electrical energy - degree of compliance of characteristics of electrical energy in certain point of power network of set of the normalized indicators established by regulatory legal acts of the federal executive bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation;

digital information model of electric utility system - the set of the interconnected data on electric utility system (including the fragments of digital information models of power generation facilities necessary for the description of electric utility system) which are unambiguously identifying and describing electric utility system presented in the unified electronic machine-readable form and objects entering it, and also communications between them;

perspective settlement model of electric utility system - the mathematical description of electric utility system created with use of specialized program technical means on the basis of digital information model of electric utility system and intended for accomplishment of calculations and the analysis of the perspective electrical power modes, balance sheet reliability, stability or currents of short circuit;

services in management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy - the services rendered in the wholesale market by the consumers of electrical energy who received the status of the subject of the wholesale market in the procedure established by this Federal Law and rules of the wholesale market - the participant of the address of electrical energy and (or) capacity in the wholesale market, aggregators of management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy and representing complex organizationally and (or) technologically connected actions aimed at providing readiness for change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy of aggregative object of management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy and also it is direct on change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy of such object during required period of time;

services in change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy - the services rendered by consumers of the retail markets or the wholesale market based on the agreement signed with the aggregator of management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy, representing complex organizationally and (or) technologically connected actions aimed at providing readiness for change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy of subject to regulation of consumption of electrical energy of the consumer of the retail market or the wholesale market and also it is direct on change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy of such object during required period of time;

the aggregator of management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy - the commercial organization having the status of the subject of the wholesale market received according to the procedure, established by this Federal Law and rules of the wholesale market, the performing activities for forming of aggregative objects of management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy from the subjects to regulation of consumption of electrical energy of consumers of the retail markets and (or) the wholesale market belonging to the third parties and rendering services in management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy with use of such objects;

subject to regulation of consumption of electrical energy of the consumer of the wholesale market - the power receiving device (power receiving devices) and (in the presence) related (with them) object (objects) for production of electrical energy and (or) system (systems) of accumulating of electrical energy used for change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy, belonging to one consumer of electrical energy - to the subject of the wholesale market and the deliveries relating to one group of points in the wholesale market by means of which such consumer or the aggregator of management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy (in case of the conclusion of the contract of rendering services in change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy with the consumer of the wholesale market concerning the specified subject to regulation of consumption of electrical energy of the consumer of the wholesale market) renders services in management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy, if data the power receiving device (power receiving devices) and object (objects) for production of electrical energy and (or) system (systems) of accumulating of electrical energy are technologically connected among themselves by the objects of electric grid economy belonging to such consumer and their inclusion in structure of subject to regulation of consumption of electrical energy of the consumer of the wholesale market is allowed according to the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

subject to regulation of consumption of electrical energy of the consumer of the retail market - the power receiving device (power receiving devices) which is (being) in single borders of balance sheet accessory and belonging (belonging) to one consumer of electrical energy - the subject of the retail market, and (in the presence) related (with them) object (objects) for production of electrical energy and (or) system (systems) of accumulating of electrical energy used for change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy if such power receiving device (power receiving devices) and object (objects) for production of electrical energy and (or) system (systems) of accumulating of electrical energy are technologically connected among themselves by the objects of electric grid economy belonging to the specified consumer and their inclusion in structure of subject to regulation of consumption of electrical energy of the consumer of the retail market is allowed according to the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

aggregative object of management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy - the subject to regulation of consumption of electrical energy of the consumer of the retail market, subject to regulation of consumption of electrical energy of the consumer of the wholesale market or data set of objects created by the aggregator of management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy according to requirements and according to the procedure which are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, or the subjects to regulation of consumption of electrical energy of the consumer of the wholesale market created by it according to requirements and according to the procedure which are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, for the purpose of use when rendering services in management of change of the mode of consumption of electrical energy;

the low-carbon generating object - the generating object functioning on the basis of use of renewable energy resources without burning process use or nuclear power plant;

qualification of the generating object - the procedure within which check of compliance of the generating object to criteria of qualification is performed and in case of confirmation of such compliance is also performed reference of the generating object to renewable generation and (or) low-carbon generation and to one or several qualification categories depending on the used power source, method of its use and other characteristics of the generating object. Qualification of the generating objects is performed for the purpose of accounting of attributes of generation, provision of certificates of origin of electrical energy, support of use of renewable energy resources, and also in other purposes, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation;

criteria of qualification of the generating object (further - criteria of qualification) - the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation to which set there shall correspond the generating object for recognition by its qualified generating object;

the qualified generating object - the generating object concerning which following the results of qualification of the generating object it is determined that such generating object functions on the basis of use of renewable energy resources and (or) is the low-carbon generating object, corresponds to other criteria of qualification, and also its reference to renewable generation and (or) low-carbon generation and to one or several qualification categories is performed;

attributes of generation - the rights connected with characteristics of production process of electrical energy on the qualified generating object and with data on such generating object and development of electrical energy by it, allowing the owner of these rights to make the actions provided by this Federal Law concerning certain quantity of electrical energy;

the certificate of origin of electrical energy (further also - the certificate of origin) - the electronic document conforming to the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on power industry, provided by the organization of the commercial infrastructure performing maintaining the register of attributes of generation, to the owner of the qualified generating object, the confirmatory fact of production of electrical energy on the qualified generating object according to its qualification category in quantity and during the period of time which are specified in this document, and certifying attributes of generation;

the systemically important territorial network organization - the territorial network organization determined by the solution of the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the criteria of reference of the territorial network organizations to the systemically important territorial network organizations and procedure for determination of the systemically important territorial network organizations established by the Government of the Russian Federation, functioning in borders of the subject of the Russian Federation, providing reliable functioning of the objects of electric grid economy located in the subject of the Russian Federation, according to the procedure and methods which are specified in this Federal Law. In the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation - the federal city of Moscow determination and functioning of the systemically important territorial network organizations are performed taking into account provisions of Item 6 of article 46.4 of this Federal Law;

digital information model of power generation facility - the set of the interconnected data on power generation facility which are unambiguously identifying and describing power generation facility and the equipments and devices, and also communications which are its part between them presented in the unified electronic machine-readable form;

means of remote control - the program, hardware-software and other technical means providing technical capability of change of technological operating modes and (or) operational condition of power lines, the equipment and devices of power generation facilities and the power accepting installations directly from dispatch centers of the subject of supervisory control in power industry or from other remote automated workplaces, terminals from control centers by transfer of technological information and implementation of commands of management.

Chapter 2. Bases of the organization of power industry

Article 4. Legal regulation of the relations in the sphere of power industry

1. Regulatory legal acts in the field of state regulation of the relations in the sphere of power industry are adopted according to the Federal Laws the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies authorized by it.

2. Public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies have no right to adopt the regulatory legal acts directed to regulation of the relations in the sphere of power industry, except as specified, provided by the Federal Laws.

3. Establishment and assessment of application of the mandatory requirements containing in regulatory legal acts in the sphere of power industry are performed according to the Federal Law of July 31, 2020 No. 247-FZ "About mandatory requirements in the Russian Federation".

For the purpose of ensuring compliance with the general principles of the organization of the economic relations, bases of state policy in the sphere of power industry and the basic principles of state regulation in power industry provided by articles 6 and 20 of this Federal Law, terms of entry into force and effective periods of regulatory legal acts in the sphere of power industry are determined by the specified regulatory legal acts without provisions of parts 1 and 4 of article 3 of the Federal Law of July 31, 2020 No. 247-FZ "About mandatory requirements in the Russian Federation".

Article 5. Technological and economic bases of functioning of power industry

1. The technological basis of functioning of power industry is constituted by single national (all-Russian) power network, territorial distribution networks on which transfer of electrical energy, and single system of supervisory control is performed.

2. Economic basis of functioning of power industry is the system of the relations connected with production and turnover of electrical energy and capacity on wholesale and the retail markets caused by technological features of functioning of power generation facilities.

3. Subjects of power industry and consumers of electrical energy shall observe requirements of this Federal Law, other Federal Laws and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted according to them in the field of power industry which are establishing relevant requirements to ensuring reliability of electric utility systems, reliability and safety of power generation facilities and the power accepting installations, and also requirements to quality assurance of electrical energy.

Reliability of electric utility system is provided by means of accomplishment by each subject of power industry and each consumer of electrical energy in the course of implementation of the activities of the requirements established by this Federal Law, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and the federal executive bodies authorized by it.

Subjects of power industry and consumers of electrical energy, power generation facilities and (or) the power accepting installations of which function or will function as a part of electric utility system, shall provide compliance of technical characteristics and parameters of work of the installations belonging to them on the property right or other legal cause of power generation facilities and power accepting, their equipment and devices to the requirements providing finding of parameters of electrical power working hours of electric utility system within admissible values, reliability and stability of electric utility system and quality of electrical energy established by regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and the federal executive bodies authorized by it and to support compliance of the specified technical characteristics and parameters to these requirements in use of power generation facilities and (or) the power accepting installations.

4. Within the technological and economic relations in the sphere of power industry by regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation or the federal executive body authorized by it receipt of power industry by subjects and (or) consumers of electrical energy, and also the organizations performing or planning to perform activities in the sphere of power industry, permissions in the form of coordination (including coordination of relevant decisions, actions or documents with the organizations of technological or commercial infrastructure of power industry or receipt of permissions of such organizations to their implementation), certifications and can be provided in other forms determined by the Government of the Russian Federation or the federal executive body authorized by it.

Article 6. The general principles of the organization of the economic relations and basis of state policy in the sphere of power industry

1. The general principles of the organization of the economic relations and bases of state policy in the sphere of power industry are:

ensuring energy security of the Russian Federation;

technological unity of power industry;

ensuring smooth and reliable functioning of power industry for the purpose of satisfaction of demand for electrical energy of the consumers providing proper execution of the obligations to subjects of power industry;

freedom of economic activity in the sphere of power industry and unity of economic space in the sphere of the address of electrical energy taking into account the restrictions set by the Federal Laws;

respect for balance of economic interests of suppliers and consumers of electrical energy;

use of the market relations and the competition as one of the main instruments of forming of steady system of satisfaction of demand for electrical energy on condition of ensuring proper quality and minimization of cost of electrical energy;

providing non-discriminatory and stable conditions for implementation of business activity in the sphere of power industry, ensuring the state regulation of activities of subjects of power industry necessary for realization of the principles established by this Article in case of regulation of application of methods of state regulation, including due to establishment of their exhaustive list;

assistance by means of the measures provided by the Federal Laws, to development of the Russian energy mechanical engineering and instrument making, the electrotechnical industry and the related service industries;

ensuring economically reasonable profitability of the invested capital used when implementing by subjects of power industry of types of activity in whom state regulation of the prices (rates) is applied (further - regulated type of activity);

providing ecological safety of power industry;

economic justification of payment of capacity of the generating objects of suppliers regarding ensuring development of electrical and heat energy with them.

2. State policy in the sphere of power industry is aimed at ensuring compliance with the general principles of the organization of the economic relations in the sphere of power industry established by this Federal Law.

Article 6.1. System of perspective development of power industry

1. The system of perspective development of power industry represents set of documents of perspective development of power industry and the actions directed to their development, approval and realization for the purpose of timely ensuring requirements of economy and the population of the Russian Federation in electrical energy and capacity.

2. Planning of perspective development of power industry is provided by development and approval of the documents of perspective development of power industry approved among themselves.

 Treat documents of perspective development of power industry:

the general scheme of placement of power generation facilities approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

the scheme and development program of electric utility systems of Russia approved by the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of fuel and energy complex.

3. For the purposes of preparation of documents of territorial planning the scheme and the development program of electric utility systems of Russia are equivalent to industry documents of strategic planning of the Russian Federation.

4. Development, coordination and approval by public authorities of the Russian Federation and public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation of the documents (except for documents of perspective development of power industry) directed to determination of decisions on perspective development of power industry regarding construction of power lines and substations which project nominal class of tension constitutes 110 kilovolts and above (35 kilovolts and above within technologically isolated territorial electric utility systems), construction of facilities on production of electrical energy which established generating capacity makes 5 megawatts and above, or reconstruction of these objects of electric grid economy and facilities for production of the electrical energy connected with increase in their handling capacity, the transformer or established generating capacity are not allowed, if such construction or reconstruction are not provided by documents of perspective development of power industry.

Action of paragraph one of this Item does not extend to facilities for production of electrical energy and objects of electric grid economy which have no technological communications with Power pool system of Russia and technologically isolated territorial electric utility systems and whose joining to the specified electric utility systems is not planned, the construction or reconstruction of which is performed at the expense of own means of the organizations planning to perform such actions for the purpose of ensuring with electrical energy and capacity of exclusively own production needs or for transfer of electrical energy on own production facilities.

5. Documents of perspective development of power industry shall provide:

unity of approaches to development planning of power industry in the territory of the Russian Federation;

accounting of the forecast of social and economic development of the Russian Federation;

optimization of fuel and energy balance of power industry taking into account complex development of energy infrastructure and requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of emission limitation of greenhouse gases;

forming of rational structure of the generating capacities and optimum placement of objects of electric grid economy for the purpose of minimization of costs for ensuring requirements of economy and the population of the Russian Federation in electrical energy and capacity;

determination of technical and cost efficiency of the planned decisions on perspective development of power industry, value assessment of implementation of such decisions;

coordination of decisions on development of the facilities for production of electrical energy functioning in the mode of the combined development of electrical and heat energy, approved in schemes of heat supply and documents of perspective development of power industry;

coordination of decisions on development of single national (all-Russian) power network, placement of facilities for production of electrical energy, development of electric utility systems of the subjects of the Russian Federation including which are technologically isolated;

production forecasting and consumption of electrical energy and capacity for the perspective periods;

accounting of requirements of ensuring energy security of the Russian Federation and requirements to ensuring reliability of electric utility systems, reliability and safety of power generation facilities and the power accepting installations.

6. Within system of perspective development of power industry by the system operator the designing of development of electric utility systems providing accomplishment of functions, the specified in paragraphs four (regarding demand forecasting on electrical energy and capacity and forming of balances of electrical energy and capacity for the perspective periods), the fifth, fifteenth and sixteenth Item 1 of article 14 of this Federal Law is performed.

7. Executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation consider the draft of the scheme and the development program of electric utility systems of Russia in the part concerning the territory of appropriate subjects of the Russian Federation, according to the procedure and limits which are set by rules of development and document approval of perspective development of power industry.

8. Documents of perspective development of power industry before their approval are submitted for public discussion.

9. The rules of development and document approval of perspective development of power industry approved by the Government of the Russian Federation determine including:

order of interaction of the system operator, federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", subjects of power industry and consumers of electrical energy when forming the basic data considered in case of development of documents of perspective development of power industry;

requirements to documents of perspective development of power industry and procedure for ensuring compliance in case of development of such documents of the established requirements, including requirements, stipulated in Item the 5th this Article;

procedure and terms of development, public discussion and document approval of perspective development of power industry;

procedure and limits of consideration by executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation of the draft of the scheme and development program of electric utility systems of Russia;

mechanisms of implementation of documents of perspective development of power industry and requirement to the report on results of implementation of the scheme and development program of electric utility systems of Russia.

Forms and formats of provision of the basic data considered in case of development of documents of perspective development of power industry are established by the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of fuel and energy complex.

10. Documents of perspective development of power industry are developed by the system operator with use of the perspective settlement models of Power pool system of Russia (since January 1, 2024 also with use of perspective settlement models of technologically isolated territorial electric utility systems) created and supported in urgent condition by the system operator on the basis of digital information models of electric utility systems.

Rules of forming and maintenance in urgent condition of digital information models of electric utility systems and perspective settlement models of electric utility systems for the purposes of perspective development of power industry are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

11. The system operator provides disclosure of digital information models of electric utility systems for the purposes of perspective development of power industry, and also provides to other subjects of power industry, consumers of electrical energy and the project organizations on a grant basis perspective settlement models of electric utility systems regarding power generation facilities class of voltage of 110 kilovolts and above or fragments of such models for the purpose of development of technical solutions on technological accession to power networks, designings of construction (reconstruction, upgrade, modernization) power generation facilities, development of offers on the list of actions for providing conclusion of power generation facilities from operation and accomplishment of calculations necessary for this purpose.

The procedure for disclosure of digital information models of electric utility systems and provision by the system operator to persons specified in paragraph one of this Item, perspective settlement models of electric utility systems or fragments of such models for the purposes of perspective development of power industry, including procedure for forming of fragments of perspective settlement models of the electric utility systems provided for the purpose of development of the technical solutions specified in paragraph one of this Item, structure, amount, format, methods and conditions of disclosure (provision) by the system operator of digital information models of electric utility systems and perspective settlement models of electric utility systems or fragments of such models, types of the digital signatures used for this purpose and condition of their application is determined by federal executive body, performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of fuel and energy complex, taking into account requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation about information, information technologies and about information security, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state, commercial and protected by the law other secret, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the digital signature, and also taking into account need of ensuring energy security of the Russian Federation and safety of functioning of electric utility system and power generation facilities.

Chapter 3. Single national (all-Russian) power network

Article 7. Concept and legal status of single national (all-Russian) power network

1. The single national (all-Russian) power network represents complex of the power networks and other objects of electric grid economy belonging on the property right or on other basis provided by the Federal Laws to subjects of power industry and the consumers providing steady electric power supply, functioning of the wholesale market, and also parallel (joint) work of the Russian electric utility system and electric utility systems of foreign states.

The project nominal class of tension, the characteristic of handling capacity, reversibility of flows of electrical energy and other technical characteristics on the objects of electric grid economy entering single national (all-Russian) power network, procedure for maintaining the register of the specified objects affirm the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. For the purpose of safety of the Russian Federation, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities and physical persons, ensuring unity of economic space in the sphere of the address of electrical energy owners or other legal owners of the objects of electric grid economy entering single national (all-Russian) power network are limited in implementation of the rights in part:

the rights of the conclusion of electrical power transmission agreements with use of the objects of electric grid economy entering single national (all-Russian) power network and determinations of conditions of these agreements;

uses (conclusion from operation) the specified objects without coordination with the organization for management of single national (all-Russian) power network.

The restrictions of the rights of owners or other legal owners of the objects of electric grid economy entering single national (all-Russian) power network set by this Federal Law cannot be applied for the purpose of withdrawal at these faces of the income acquired as a result of implementation of their rights.

Introduction of other restrictions of the rights of owners or other legal owners of the objects of electric grid economy entering single national (all-Russian) power network is not allowed if other is not established by this Federal Law.

The paragraph of the sixth ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 13.07.2024 No. 185-FZ

3. Owners and other legal owners of the objects of electric grid economy entering single national (all-Russian) power network provide accomplishment of production requirements to technical devices of networks, and also the approved working hours of Power pool system of Russia.

Article 8. Organization for management of single national (all-Russian) power network

1. The rights of owners and other legal owners of the objects of electric grid economy entering single national (all-Russian) power network limited according to article 7 of this Federal Law are performed by the organization for management of single national (all-Russian) power network.


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