of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ
About technical regulation
Accepted by the State Duma on December 15, 2002
Approved by the Federation Council on December 18, 2002
1. This Federal Law governs the relations arising in case of:
development, acceptance, application and execution of mandatory requirements to products, including buildings and constructions (further - products), or to products and the design processes connected with requirements to products (including researches), productions, constructions, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, realization and utilization;
application and execution on voluntary basis of requirements to products, design processes (including researches), productions, constructions, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, realization and utilization, and also to performance of works or rendering services for the purpose of voluntary confirmation of conformity;
to assessment of conformity.
This Federal Law also determines the rights and obligations of participants of the relations regulated by this Federal Law.
2. The requirements to functioning of single communication network of the Russian Federation connected with ensuring integrity, stability of functioning of the specified communication network and its safety the relations connected with ensuring integrity of single communication network of the Russian Federation and use of radio-frequency range are respectively established and regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of communication.
3. Operation of this Federal Law does not extend to social and economic, organizational, sanitary and hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic, rehabilitation measures in the field of labor protection, federal state educational standards, federal state requirements, educational standards and independently established requirements, regulations (standards) on financial accounting and edited (standards) of auditor activities, standards of issue of securities and prospectuses of the issue of securities, standards of estimative activities, standards of distribution, provision or disclosure of information, the minimum social standards, standards of provision of the state and municipal services, professional standards, standards of social services in the sphere of social servicing, standards of medical care.
4. This Federal Law does not govern the relations connected with development, acceptance, application and execution of sanitary and epidemiologic requirements, requirements in the sphere of drug circulation, requirements in the field of environmental protection, requirements in the field of labor protection, requirements to safe use of atomic energy, including safety requirements of subjects to use of atomic energy, safety requirements of activities in the field of use of atomic energy, requirements to implementation of activities in the field of industrial safety, safety of engineering procedures on hazardous production facilities, requirements to ensuring reliability and safety of electric utility systems and power generation facilities, requirements to safety of space activities, except as specified developments, acceptances applications and execution of such requirements to products or to products and the design processes connected with requirements to products (including researches), productions, constructions, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, realization and utilization.
For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:
ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 23.06.2014 No. 160-FZ
safety of products and the related production processes, operation, storage, transportation, realization and utilization (further - safety) condition in case of which there is no unacceptable risk connected with damnification of life or to health of citizens, property of physical persons or legal entities, the state-owned or municipal property, the environment, life or health of animals and plants;
veterinary and sanitary and phytosanitary measures - requirements, obligatory for execution, and the procedures established for the purpose of protection against the risks arising in connection with penetration, fixing or distribution of harmful organisms, diseases, carriers of diseases or pathogenic organisms including in case of transfer or distribution by their animals and (or) plants with products, freights, materials, vehicles, with availability of additives, pollutants, toxins, wreckers, weed plants, pathogenic organisms, including with foodstuff or sterns, and also requirements, obligatory for execution, and the procedures established for the purpose of prevention of other damage connected with distribution of harmful organisms;
declaring of compliance - form of confirmation of conformity of products to requirements of technical regulations;
the declaration of conformity - the document certifying compliance issued in the product circulation to requirements of technical regulations;
the applicant - physical person or legal entity which for confirmation of conformity adopts the declaration of conformity or addresses for receipt of the certificate of conformity receives the certificate of conformity;
market access mark - the designation serving for informing acquirers, including consumers, on compliance issued in the product circulation to requirements of technical regulations;
mark of conformity - the designation serving for informing acquirers, including consumers, on compliance of subject to certification to requirements of system of voluntary certification;
identification of products - establishment of identity of product characteristics to its essential signs;
paragraph eleventh ceased to be valid
the international standard - the standard accepted by the international organization;
the paragraph the thirteenth ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 05.04.2016 No. 104-FZ
invalidity of the declaration of conformity - the basis for the termination by state control (supervision) body, national authority on accreditation of action of the declaration of conformity in the cases established according to this Federal Law. The declaration of conformity it is terminated from the moment of introduction of data on recognition of the declaration of conformity invalid in the register of the issued certificates of conformity and the registered declarations of conformity (further - the register of certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity) including including national part of the Unified register the issued certificates of conformity and the registered declarations of conformity of the Eurasian Economic Union;
invalidity of the certificate of conformity - the basis for the termination by state control (supervision) body, national authority on accreditation of action of the certificate of conformity in the cases established according to this Federal Law. The certificate of conformity is terminated from the moment of introduction of data on recognition of the certificate of conformity invalid in the register of certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity;
certification body - the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about accreditation in national accreditation system for performance of works on certification;
assessment of conformity - direct or indirect determination of observance of requirements imposed to object;
confirmation of conformity - the documentary certificate of compliance of products or other objects, design processes (including researches), productions, constructions, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, realization and utilization, performance of works or rendering services to requirements of technical regulations, to documents on standardization or conditions of agreements;
products - the result of activities provided in material and material form and intended for further use in economic and other purposes;
risk - probability of damnification of life or to health of citizens, property of physical persons or legal entities, the state-owned or municipal property, the environment, life or health of animals and plants taking into account weight of this harm;
certification - form of the confirmation of conformity of objects performed by certification body to requirements of technical regulations, documents for standardization or conditions of agreements;
the certificate of conformity - the document certifying object compliance to requirements of technical regulations, to documents on standardization or conditions of agreements;
system of certification - set of rules of performance of works on certification, her participants and rules of functioning of system of certification in general;
the paragraph of ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 05.04.2016 No. 104-FZ
the paragraph of ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 05.04.2016 No. 104-FZ
technical regulation - legal regulation of the relations in the field of establishment, applications and execution of mandatory requirements to products or to products and the design processes connected with requirements to products (including researches), productions, constructions, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, realization and utilization, and also in scope on voluntary basis of requirements to products, design processes (including researches), productions, constructions, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, to realization and utilization, performance of works or rendering services and legal regulation of the relations in the field of assessment of conformity;
the technical regulation - the document which is accepted by the international treaty of the Russian Federation which is subject to ratification according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or according to the international treaty of the Russian Federation ratified according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, either the presidential decree of the Russian Federation, or the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, or regulatory legal act of federal executive body on technical regulation and establishes obligatory for application and execution of the requirement to objects of technical regulation (products or to products and the design processes connected with requirements to products (including researches), productions, constructions, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, realization and utilization);
form of confirmation of conformity - certain procedure for the documentary certificate of compliance of products or other objects, design processes (including researches), productions, constructions, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, realization and utilization, performance of works or rendering services to requirements of technical regulations, to provisions of documents on standardization or conditions of agreements;
the scheme of confirmation of conformity - the list of actions of participants of confirmation of conformity whose results are considered by them as proofs of compliance of products and other objects to the established requirements;
the paragraph of ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 05.04.2016 No. 104-FZ
regional standardization organization - the organization, members (participants) of which are national authorities (organizations) for standardization of the states entering one geographical region of the world and (or) group of the countries which are according to international treaties in process of economic integration;
the standard of foreign state - the standard accepted by national (competent) authority (organization) for standardization of foreign state;
the regional standard - the standard accepted by regional standardization organization;
the set of rules of foreign state - the set of rules accepted by competent authority of foreign state;
the regional set of rules - the set of rules accepted by regional standardization organization;
the paragraph of ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 05.04.2016 No. 104-FZ
ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 23.06.2014 No. 160-FZ
ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 23.06.2014 No. 160-FZ
for the first time the released products - products which were not in circulation in the territory of the Russian Federation earlier or which was released also properties earlier or characteristics of which were changed subsequently;
production in the address - delivery or import of products (including sending from warehouse of the manufacturer or shipment without warehousing) for the purpose of distribution in the territory of the Russian Federation during business activity on non-paid or paid basis;
state control (supervision) body - the regulatory (supervising) authority authorized on implementation of type of federal state control (supervision) or type of regional state control (supervision) within which the state control (supervision) of observance of requirements of the technical regulations and (or) mandatory requirements which are subject to application about day of entry into force of technical regulations according to this Federal Law is exercised;
the expert-auditor - the physical person who is the employee of certification body has knowledge and skills of work of confirmation of conformity in certain area, is included in the unified register of experts-auditors and participates in the works on obligatory certification performed by certification body.
Technical regulation is performed according to the principles:
applications of single rules of establishment of requirements to products or to products and the design processes connected with requirements to products (including researches), productions, constructions, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, to realization and utilization, performance of works or rendering services;
compliance of technical regulation to the level of development of national economy, development of material and technical resources, and also to technological level;
independence of accreditation bodies, certification bodies of manufacturers, sellers, contractors and acquirers, including consumers;
single system and rules of accreditation;
unities of rules and methods of researches (testing) and measurements when holding procedures of obligatory assessment of conformity;
unities of application of requirements of technical regulations irrespective of types or features of transactions;
inadmissibility of restriction of the competition when implementing accreditation and certification;
inadmissibility of combination by one body of powers on the state control (supervision), except for implementation of federal state control (supervision) of activities of accredited persons, with powers on accreditation or confirmation of conformity;
inadmissibility of combination by one body of powers on accreditation and confirmation of conformity;
inadmissibility of off-budget financing of the state control (supervision) of observance of requirements of technical regulations;
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