of May 6, 1999 No. 382-XIV
About turnover of narcotic, psychotropic substances and precursors
The parliament adopts this organic law.
This law determines state policy concerning turnover of narcotic, psychotropic substances and precursors and is accepted for the purpose of health protection of the person and ensuring social and state security.
Art. 1. - In this law the following basic concepts are used in value:
drugs – the plants and the narcotic (stupefying) or psychotropic substances or mix of such plants or substances established by the Government;
the narcotic (stupefying) substances (further – narcotic substances) – the substances included in appendices to the Single convention of the UN on drugs of 1961 with the amendments made by the Protocol of 1972 and the Governments provided by regulations;
psychotropic substances – the substances included in appendices to the Convention on psychotropic substances of 1971 and provided by regulations of the Government;
medicine - the mix of substances in any physical condition containing one or several narcotic or psychotropic substances;
precursor - the substance of natural or synthetic origin used as raw materials for production of narcotic and psychotropic substances;
turnover of narcotic, psychotropic substances and precursors - cultivation of the plants containing narcotic and psychotropic substances, conversion and use of these plants, and also development, production, production, extraction, conversion, possession, storage, leave, realization, distribution, acquisition, delivery, use, transportation, including transit, the transfer, import, export, destruction of narcotic, psychotropic substances and precursors which are subject to control according to the legislation;
analog of narcotic or psychotropic substance (analog) – any substance or combination of substances of natural or synthetic origin in any physical condition or any product, plant, mushroom or their parts which have capability to cause psychoactive effects and which, irrespective of content, names, method of acceptance, representation or advertizing, are or can be used instead of the narcotic substance, narcotic, psychotropic drug or medicine having psychotropic effect or instead of the plant or substance which is subject to national and/or international control;
ethnobotanical means – mix of powders and/or plants or mix of herbs and various parts of plants which are sprayed by chemicals, defiant changes with physiological, mental, hallucinogenic and/or psychoactive effects;
the classified substance – any substance specified in the table IV of appendix including the mixes and natural products containing these substances referred to the categories provided by the Government. The medicines, pharmaceutical medicines, mixes, natural products and other medicines containing the classified substances which are combined so that they could not be used or taken by methods, easily applicable or viable from the economic point of view, are excluded;
not classified substance – any substance which, though has no certain legal regime is identified as used for illegal manufacture of narcotic and psychotropic substances;
introduction on the market – any paid or free deliveries of the classified substances or storage, production, production, conversion, realization, distribution or broker activities with these substances for the purpose of their delivery;
the operator – any physical person or legal entity performing introduction on the market of the classified substances;
the user – physical person or legal entity, except the operator which owns the classified substance and participates in process of conversion, creation, consumption, warehousing, storage, processing, loading in reservoirs, movements from one reservoir to another, mixing, transformation or any other use of the classified substance;
natural product – live organism or its part in any form or any substance of natural origin;
the medical purposes – activities in the therapeutic sphere with narcotic, psychotropic substances, precursors and analogs of those;
the scientific purposes – the activities directed only to scientific research of narcotic, psychotropic substances, precursors and those analogs, and also ethnobotanical means;
the examination purposes – the activities directed only to conducting examination of narcotic, psychotropic substances, precursors and those analogs, and also ethnobotanical means.
Art. 2. - (1) in the territory of the Republic of Moldova restrictions for turnover of narcotic, psychotropic substances and precursors are set.
(2) the Activities connected with turnover of narcotic, psychotropic substances and precursors, production, use and acquisition of the equipment for production of narcotic and psychotropic substances, cultivation and use of the plants containing these substances are under control and are operated by the state through the National commission on fight against drugs.
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