of January 30, 1992 No. 909-XII
About social protection of the citizens who were injured owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash
This law protects the rights and interests of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova who were injured owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash, participating in liquidation of the Chernobyl accident and its consequences in exclusion zone.
The citizens of other states who arrived to the permanent residence to the Republic of Moldova have the right to compensations and provision of privileges according to the procedure, determined by interstate agreements.
Social protection of the citizens who were injured owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash is provided with this law and other regulations published according to it.
Persons specified in article 6 of this law have the right to medical observation (medical examination). For ensuring accounting of these persons the State register on accounting of the citizens who were injured owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash is created.
Delivery of health care to persons who were injured owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash, and dispensary observation of them are performed by healthcare institutions for the place of their residence. Specialized medical attendance of these persons is provided with healthcare institutions which list, and also procedure for delivery of health care and carrying out medical examination are determined by the bodies authorized by the Government.
The causal relationship of disease, restriction of opportunities and working capacity at persons specified in Item 1 of article 6 of this law with the Chernobyl accident is established by the National consultation of establishment of restriction of opportunities and working capacity or its structures.
Persons which are not satisfied with solutions of the National consultation of establishment of restriction of opportunities and working capacity or its structures have the right to require reconsideration of the case by the Commission on disputes under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection for establishment of causal relationship of disease or restriction of opportunities with performance of works for recovery from the accident on the Chernobyl NPP or other nuclear accidents.
To persons at whom the causal relationship of disease with performance of works on the Chernobyl NPP is revealed for certain period or restriction of opportunities and working capacity is for life set. Re-examination of these persons is performed according to their statement, or according to the recommendation of the National consultation of establishment of restriction of opportunities and working capacity or its structures, or at the request of the Commission on disputes under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.
Citizens of the Republic of Moldova have the right to compensation of the damage caused to their health owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash, preferential medical attendance, receipt of compensations and provision of privileges for work in the territory polluted by radioactive materials in the conditions of action of the adverse factors caused by this catastrophic crash.
Realization of the rights of the citizens established by this Article is guaranteed by the state.
Citizens and public associations have the right to timely receipt of complete and reliable information on the questions connected with the Chernobyl catastrophic crash and radiation situation in the republic. Information is provided by the organizations and the organizations authorized for this purpose by the Government.
Officials of the companies, organizations and organizations, public associations and mass media bear responsibility for intentional misstatement and concealment of objective data on the questions connected with the Chernobyl catastrophic crash and radiation situation in the republic according to the current legislation.
Treat the citizens who were injured owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash to whom operation of this law extends:
1. The persons who got sick and had the radiation sickness caused by consequences of the Chernobyl accident, and also person with limited opportunities concerning which the causal relationship of restriction of opportunities is established with the Chernobyl catastrophic crash, from number:
a) persons (temporarily directed or sent) who were taking part in recovery from the accident in exclusion zone or other works on the Chernobyl NPP;
b) the military personnel, employees of the law-enforcement bodies, persons liable for call-up called on special charges, serving in armed forces, troops and bodies of KGB, internal and railway troops, other military forming and involved to accomplishment during this period of works in exclusion zone on recovery from the accident or other works on the Chernobyl NPP:
c) the persons which arrived in 1986 from exclusion zone and who obtained citizenship of the Republic of Moldova.
2. Persons (temporarily directed or sent) taking in 1986-1987 part in works on recovery from the accident on the Chernobyl NPP in exclusion zone and also the military personnel, employees of law-enforcement bodies and persons liable for call-up called on the special charges serving in this the period in armed forces, troops and bodies of KGB, internal and railway troops, other military forming and performing works in exclusion zone on mitigation of consequences of the specified accident.
3. Persons (temporarily directed or sent) taking in 1988-1990 part in works on recovery from the accident on the Chernobyl NPP in exclusion zone and also the military personnel, employees of law-enforcement bodies and persons liable for call-up called on the special charges serving in this the period in armed forces, troops and bodies of KGB, internal and railway troops, other military forming and performing works in exclusion zone on mitigation of consequences of the specified accident.
Persons specified in Item 1 of article 6 of this law have the right on:
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