Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 3, 2001 No. 121-XV

About additional social protection of some categories of the population

(as amended on 29-02-2024)

The parliament adopts this organic law.

This law establishes procedure for provision of additional social protection to some categories of the population - citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

Article 1. Establish since May 1, 2001 monthly public welfare payment to some categories of the population from among receivers of the pensions or the public social benefits established according to the national legal system, and their families. To the categories of persons specified in Items 3), 31), 5), 51), 7), 8), 9) and 10) to part (1) Articles 2, monthly public welfare payment irrespective of is established whether they are receivers of pensions or the public social benefits.

Article 2. (1) the Size of monthly public welfare payment is established depending on category of receivers as follows:

1) to persons with limited opportunities owing to war, officers of information and safety and faces of the commanding and ordinary structure of law-enforcement bodies and system of penitentiary administration whose restriction of opportunities came owing to wound, contusions, mutilations received during World War II in case of execution of other obligations of military or special service, or owing to the disease connected with stay at the front in guerrilla groups and connections, the underground organizations and groups during World War II:

with heavy restriction of opportunities – 2050 lei;

with the expressed restriction of opportunities – 1900 lei;

with average restriction of opportunities – 1825 lei;

To 1-1) persons with limited opportunities from among the military personnel, officers of information and safety, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure of law-enforcement bodies and system of penitentiary administration whose restriction of opportunities came owing to wound, contusions or mutilations received in case of recovery from the accident on the Chernobyl NPP or owing to the disease connected with participation in recovery from the accident on the Chernobyl NPP including persons who received extent of restriction of the opportunities as a result of participation in recovery from the accident sent to official journeys by the ministries, departments, the companies and the organizations and also the persons who got sick with radiation sickness or received extent of restriction of opportunities as a result of nuclear testing, accidents with the ionizing radiation and their consequences on civil or military nuclear facilities during execution of military or special service, disabled persons arrived in 1986 from exclusion zone and obtained citizenship of the Republic of Moldova:

a) with heavy restriction of opportunities - 1600 lei;

b) with the expressed restriction of opportunities - 1450 lei;

c) with average restriction of opportunities - 1375 lei; 

To 1-2) persons with limited opportunities from among the military personnel, officers of information and safety, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure of law-enforcement bodies and system of penitentiary administration whose restriction of opportunities is received owing to wound, contusion or mutilation during participation in fighting on protection of territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova, or participation in fighting in other states or participations in fighting in peace time:

a) with heavy restriction of opportunities - 1850 lei;

b) with the expressed restriction of opportunities - 1700 lei;

c) with average restriction of opportunities - 1625 lei;

2) to participants of World War II from among the military personnel serving as a part of field army in guerrilla groups and connections, members of the underground organizations and groups, to the former prisoners of fascist concentration camps and ghetto, other places of detention created by fascist Germany and its allies during World War II, to the widows of Heroes of the Soviet Union, persons working on free hiring as a part of field army in the years of World War II to persons, who were in the city of Leningrad (nowadays St. Petersburg) during its blockade (from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944), to persons which were involved by municipal authorities in collection of ammunition and military equipment, in mine clearing of the territory and objects in the years of World War II - 1750 lei;

3) to surviving spouses of participants of World War II or the fighting in peace time which died on duty, or the died persons with limited opportunities owing to war - 1250 lei. The husband/wife, being married to person, the dead on duty or, on the circumstances which died on the date of his death has the right to monthly public welfare payment;

To 3-1) surviving spouses of the died participants of recovery from the accident on the Chernobyl NPP - 1000 lei. The husband/wife, being married to the died person, on the date of his death has the right to monthly public welfare payment;

4) to children of participants of World War II or the fighting in peace time which died on duty, or the died persons with limited opportunities owing to war, to children of the died participants of recovery from the accident on the Chernobyl NPP, before achievement of 18 years or is more senior than this age, studying in educational institutions on day form of education, before the end of study, but no more than before achievement of 23 years, - 1250 lei to everyone;

 5) to one of parents of combatants in peace time or fighting on protection of territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova, the dead on duty, the dead or the military personnel of compulsory military service who died on duty in the ranks of the Soviet Army or National Army - 1250 lei. In case of the parents consisting divorced the determined sum according to the statement is divided between them equally;

5-1) to one of parents of the died participants of recovery from the accident on the Chernobyl NPP - 1000 lei. In case of the parents consisting divorced the determined sum according to the statement is divided between them equally;

6) to persons awarded with awards and medals for dedicated work and faultless military service in the back in the years of World War II - 850 lei;

7) to persons who were involved in fighting in Afghanistan and also in fighting in the territory of other states, from among the military personnel and civilians of the Soviet Army, Navy, the state security agencies, the staff of law-enforcement bodies of the former USSR; to the workers of these categories sent by public authorities of the former USSR to other states and who were involved in fighting in their territory - 1250 lei;


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