of July 1, 1992 No. 930-XII
About the status of the military personnel
The status of the military personnel is set of the rights, freedoms guaranteed by the state and also obligations and responsibility of the military personnel established by the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic and legal and other acts issued on its basis.
Military personnel has the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic with the restrictions caused by conditions of military service. Others are assigned to them constitutional, all-civil, and also military service duties.
Nobody has the right to deprive of military personnel and members of their families of any rights and freedoms or to limit them in the rights differently as according to the Constitution and the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Restrictions of the all-civil laws, and also provision by the serviceman of the additional rights and assignment for them of the subsidiary duties caused by conditions of military service are determined by this Law, all-army regulations and other acts of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Features of the status of the military personnel passing military service in wartime during mobilization, during fulfillment of duties of military service in the conditions of emergency state and in case of armed conflicts, are regulated by the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic who are in the military service in Armed Forces, other military forming and state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic in which the law provides military service, and also the persons liable for call-up who are on military charges have the status of the military personnel.
The military personnel who was in the military service in Armed Forces of the USSR, border, internal and railway troops, troops of civil defense, bodies and troops of state security, other military forming of the USSR and continued military service in the State Party of the CIS, after dismissal from military service elected the place of permanent residence the Kyrgyz Republic, has rights and social guarantees provided by the international treaties which came in the procedure established by the law into force which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.
The military personnel who was serving in Armed Forces of the USSR, border, internal and railway troops, troops of civil defense, bodies and troops of state security, other military forming of the USSR and continued military service in Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic, other military forming and state bodies in which the law provides military service on condition of continuous service after January 1, 1993 has the rights and guarantees provided by the international treaties which came in the procedure established by the law into force which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.
Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic acquire the status of the military personnel from the date of appeal (receipt in voluntary procedure and under the contract) on military service or appeal on charges.
The status of the military personnel is lost with dismissal from military service (from the date of exception of lists of military unit) or upon termination of charges.
The procedure for appeal (revenues) to military service or appeal on charges, and also dismissals from military service (the end of charges) is performed according to regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The status of the military personnel remains for the military personnel in cases:
stays in captivity, as hostages or interned if they at the same time did not violate the military oath and did not commit crime before the Kyrgyz Republic. At the same time public authorities and military command shall take measures for release of the specified military personnel according to rules of international law;
unknown absence before their recognition in the procedure established by the law it is unknown absent or announcements the dead.
The political and social rights granted to citizens within the status of the military personnel remain behind them and after their dismissal from military service.
Content and amount of the rights, obligations and legal responsibility of the military personnel depends on whether there are they in case of fulfillment of duties of military service or not in case of execution of those.
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