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of June 22, 1993 No. 1530-XII

About protection of monuments

(as amended on 26-05-2023)

The parliament of the Republic of Moldova adopts this law.

Chapter I General provisions

Art. 1. – (1) for the purposes of this law monuments are the immovable cultural values (further – monuments) which are the certificate of development of civilization in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and also spiritual, political, economic and social development and entered in the Register of the monuments of the Republic of Moldova protected by the state (further – the Register of monuments), and in registers of monuments of local value.

(2) All monuments located in the territory of the Republic of Moldova are part of its cultural property and are protected by the state.

(3) treat the monuments which are part of cultural property:

a) works of monumental architecture, sculpture, elements or structures of archaeological type, text, grottoes and groups of elements having national or international value from the historical, art or scientific point of view;

b) complexes: groups of separate or group constructions, including building zones which thanks to the architecture, landscape unity and integrity have national or international value from the historical, town-planning, art or scientific point of view;

c) landscapes: the creations of the person or the work created as a result of interaction of the person and the nature and also the zones including archaeological areas which have national or international value from the historical, town-planning, esthetic, ethnographic or anthropological point of view.

(4) Protection of monuments irrespective of their mode of property is the activities which are of public interest.

Art. 2. – (1) the category of single monuments joins structures, constructions or structures representing different functional programs (defense, residential, cult, social, administrative, trade, scientific, educational, industrial and engineering), structures of rural architecture, historical or ethnoanthropological value, historical and memorial structures, and also structures of art and funeral nature.

(2) the category of ensembles joins the architectural complexes combining constructions/structures which are characterized by historical, legal or functional uniformity, including fortresses, monastic ensembles, cemeteries, seigniorial estates, mansions, industrial complexes, architectural and landscape complexes, gardens, squares, historical parks, the historic city or rural centers, the historical cities or villages and fragments of the historical city or rural layout, quarters, the areas, streets. In borders of the historic city or rural centers, the historical cities and villages there can be single monuments or ensembles.

(3) the category of noteworthy places joins the memorable places connected with significant historical or cultural events, with life of outstanding persons, cultural and historical or cultural and natural reservations. In borders of noteworthy places there can be single monuments or ensembles.

(4) Each monument consists of the following components:

a) the constructed components: buildings and elements of improvement;

b) the territory connected with constructed komponenty from historical and/or function point of sight;

c) underground cultural and archaeological layer.

(5) Monuments have the border established on external perimeter of their territory. The border of monument is established as a result of research of archive materials, historical boundary/cadastral plans, other scientific research taking into account ensuring integrity of objects of cultural property, and also stages of their historical development according to the methodological regulations approved by the Ministry of Culture.

(6) the immovable objects which remained in full can be Monuments it is fragmentary or in the form of ruins.


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