of April 20, 2000 No. 939-XIV
About publishing
The parliament adopts this ordinary law.
the author (coauthor) - physical person (group of physical persons), which creative activity (which) the work in the field of literature, arts and sciences is created;
the customer of publishing products - legal entity or physical person which according to the current legislation orders publishing products, undertaking the corresponding financial expenses;
the national bibliography - the bibliography in which according to international standards the documents published in one country are registered and catalogued, prepared by the national bibliographic center which is regularly constituting the national bibliography of Moldova;
the book - the printing edition consisting from the bound or filed pages in cover;
the audiobook - the electronic publication which is representing record of the text read by voice (with background music and sound effects or without them), having own bibliographic identifiers (the name, the author, year of the edition, ISBN) in the form of the electronic file for transfer and listening by means of electronic means;
the e-book - the electronic publication licensed or not licensed in which to the main components the text is and which can be considered to the equivalent printing book;
output data - data set, characterizing the published work and intended for informing the consumer, use for the purpose of bibliographic processing and the statistical recording of editions;
CIP (cataloguing before publication) - the standardized bibliographic description of the publication preparing for release printed, as a rule, on the back of the title page including identification these books: author, title, publisher, place and year of the edition, ISBN number, ISMN, UDC classification index;
national bibliographic control - the standardized bibliographic description of the publication executed once in the country of its origin and available to use in any library of the world;
the distributor of publishing products - the legal entity or physical person which is engaged in realization and distribution of publishing products;
the document - information unit with certain content provided in one of expression forms (the text, the image, sound, etc.) on the traditional or electronic medium;
the edition - all copies of one publication made from the same original and published by the same publishing house or group of publishing houses or the same person; in case of old monographic publications - all copies of the work printed at any time from the same typographical page;
the publishing house/publisher - the legal entity or physical person specializing in preparation of manuscripts for publication (books, magazines etc.);
obligatory copies - copies of each of works of seal, graphical, audiovisual and electronic which producers shall provide free of charge to the organizations specified in this law;
examination of publishing products - activities for complex bibliographic classification by means of which the commission of experts determines subject of publishing products according to the approved scheme of classification and makes the decision on release from the VAT;
ISBN (International Standard Book Number) - International standard number of the book;
ISMN (International Standard Music Number) - International standard number of printing music;
ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) - International standard number of serial editions;
the manuscript - the original of handiwork provided to the edition handwritten executed by typewriting or processed by means of the processor;
publishing products - set of the works issued by publishing house;
the publication - the material or non-material object of intellectual and/or art content created, made and/or published as a unit based on which the single bibliographic description is constituted. The text, music, motionless or moving images, graphics, cards, audio-and videos, electronic data or computer programs, including serial belong to publications;
reissuing - publication of work in the form of the new edition with changes and updating to 25 percent of the text of the first edition;
reprinting - publication of the first edition without changes;
the magazine - the serial publication specialized on certain areas or having general and information character, appearing under the same name through regular periods where the provided material is characterized by variety of content and the author's structure brought in table of contents which is addressed to certain category of readers/users;
typography/printer - the legal entity or physical person specializing in printing and replication of publishing products;
circulation - quantity of the printed copies of one work.
(1) Publishing represents the cumulative activities of publishing house (organizing, creative, economic) consisting in preparation for printing, printing and distribution of different types of publications: books, newspapers, magazines, calendars, editions on art, printing music etc.
(2) the Publishing activities are subdivided into the following stages:
a) preparation for printing - set of the actions including editing, transfer, enrollment, updates, technical edition, illustration and prototyping of works;
b) printing - engineering procedure of reproduction of the publishing original;
c) distribution - distribution of publishing products through retail chain stores, libraries, and also other ways.
The publishing and printing and book-selling system of the Republic of Moldova includes publishing houses, typographies, editions of serial (periodic) editions, bookstores and National book chamber of the Republic of Moldova.
Voided according to the Law of the Republic of Moldova of 25.11.2011 No. 228
Publishing aims:
a) requirements satisfaction of the personality, society, state in publishing products;
b) creation to citizens of opportunities for self-expression as authors irrespective of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, floor, views, political affiliation, property status or social origin;
c) ensuring right to liberty of thought and the word, on free expression of views and beliefs;
d) assistance national culturally to development of the people by significant increase in circulations and amounts of editions, and also expansion of subject of book products;
e) increase in cultural level of citizens through availability of publishing products, their familiarizing with universal values by the edition in the original or in transfer of outstanding works of the national and world literature;
f) establishment of bonds with publishing houses of other countries and the conclusion of international conventions and agreements in the field of publishing;
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