of December 17, 1997 No. 1422-XIII
About protection of atmospheric air
The parliament adopts this law.
The purpose of this law is preserving purity of atmospheric air as environment component, improvement of its quality, prevention and decrease in level of the harmful physical, chemical, biological, radioactive and other effects on the atmosphere leading to negative effects for the population and/or for the environment.
This law regulates activities of physical persons and legal entities (irrespective of type of property and form of business) which directly or indirectly worsen or can worsen quality of atmospheric air.
In this law the following concepts are applied:
air - unique mix of gases (nitrogen and oxygen, small amounts of argon, neon, helium, krypton, xenon, radon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, water vapor and different particles) of the highest vital importance in which there can live live organisms, the most changeable component of the environment which is knowing no limit, owing to what capable in the course of massive movement to extend traces of human activities to unpredictable distances;
quality of air - set of the quality and quantity characteristics of atmospheric air determining its condition;
pollutant - any airborne substance - firm, liquid, gaseous, vaporous - or energy (radiation, electromagnetic, ionized, thermal, sound, vibration) which can make negative impact on health of the person and/or on the environment;
Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants - the threshold limit value of pollutants in the atmosphere permitted by the existing rules for different zones and intervals of time in case of which the negative impact on the environment, standard rates of quality of air in settlements, criteria of quality of air is not noted;
PDV of pollutants - the maximum permissible emission of pollutants established by way of calculation of dispersion to prizemny layer of the atmosphere source or group of sources of emission which do not exceed the standard rates of quality of air established for the population, animal and flora;
the report on standard rates of PDV - the description of quantity of PDV constituted by the laboratories accredited in accordance with the established procedure;
permission to emission of pollutants in the atmosphere by stationary sources of pollution - the document issued by the Agency of the environment which the right of the owner to perform during fixed term, in full or partially, the type of activity specified in it with obligatory observance at the same time of permission conditions makes sure;
VSE of pollutants - temporarily approved issues of pollutants which as a result of emission and dispersion in atmospheric air over the land surface by source or group of sources of issue exceed standard rates of quality of air (maximum allowable concentration) and for which the plan of measures for decrease in level of issue is provided of PDV;
NPU - adverse weather conditions, the period during which climatic conditions lead to concentration of issues in atmospheric air over the Earth's surface, exceeding standard rates of quality of air (maximum allowable concentration).
air pollution level - concentration of pollutants in atmospheric air, in specific point or zone, established by systematic measurements and comparison to certain criteria (background air pollution, maximum allowable concentration of pollutants, risk for health of the person and/or for the environment, etc.);
background air pollution - pollution of atmospheric air in zones in which there is no direct impact of sources of pollution;
extreme air pollution - situation, in case of which:
1) concentration of one or several pollutants in atmospheric air exceeds maximum allowable concentration:
a) at 20-29 times when preserving this level within more than 48 hours;
b) at 30-49 times when preserving this level within 8 and more hours;
c) in 50 and more times;
2) radiation level in air makes more 0,2 X-ray/hour;
hazardous substance - the physical, chemical or biological agent making harmful effects on live organisms and/or the environment;
harmful effects - property of pollutant to make harmful effects per capita, animal and flora;
anthropogenous impact - the pollution of atmospheric air caused by activities of the person;
impact level - the minimum concentration of pollutant in case of which the first manifestations of its negative impact on live organisms and material values are noted;
air pollution monitoring - system of regular observation of concentration of hazardous substances in atmospheric air for the purpose of assessment of level of its pollution;
rules of protection of air - the list of stipulated by the legislation measures also governed according to the prevention and non-admission of air pollution.
The government exercises control in the field of protection of atmospheric air through the central body in the field of environmental protection and management of natural resources, the Ministry of Health, work and social protection, and also bodies of local public authority according to the legislation.
The central body in the field of environmental protection and management of natural resources:
a) develops and realizes environmental policy in the field of protection of the atmosphere;
b) develops drafts of regulations, including standard rates of PDV, ecological programs and the main directions of protection of atmospheric air;
c) it is excluded
d) develops national system of the state accounting of harmful effects on atmospheric air;
e) performs air pollution monitoring;
f) it is excluded
g) ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Republic of Moldova of 21.09.2017 No. 185
h) it is excluded
i) quickly informs the Government, bodies of local public authority, the population on the level of pollution of atmospheric air, including in extreme cases.
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The document ceased to be valid since May 13, 2024 according to article 45 of the Law of the Republic of Moldova of April 14, 2022 No. 98, except for provisions:
a) Articles 11-13, of part (3) Article 20 and appendices 1-4, which remain in force before entry into force of the Law on industrial emissions No. 227/2022.
b) Item b) parts (3) Articles 17, which remain in force before approval of the regulatory base connected with the Law on chemicals No. 277/2018.