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of February 25, 1998 No. 1538-XIII

About fund of the natural territories protected by the state

(as amended on 30-11-2023)

The parliament adopts this law.

Section I General provisions

Art. 1. - This law establishes the legal basis of creation and functioning of fund of the natural territories protected by the state, the principles, the mechanism and procedure for its preserving, and also power of the central and local authorities of the public power, non-governmental organizations and citizens in the field.

Art. 2. - In this law the following basic concepts are used:

specially protected territory for avifauna - the natural space intended for preserving, maintenance and, depending on circumstances, recovery of the favorable security status of bird species and specific habitats for the purpose of protection of the migrating types of wild birds;

the protected natural territory - geographically isolated natural territory including typical and rare natural elements allocated and regulated for the purpose of preserving and protection of all factors of the circle in its limits;

the territory of multipurpose use - the territory and/or the water area with economic resources in which along with ensuring preserving the nature regulated economic use of flora, fauna, water resources, pastures and occupation is performed by tourism;

the central body of environmental protection - the supreme and single state body in the field of environmental protection developing, pursuing and performing environmental policy at the national level;

biocenosis - set of the microorganisms, mushrooms, plants and animals inhabiting more or less homogeneous land area or reservoir and which are characterized by certain relations among themselves and fitness to conditions of the circle surrounding them;

biodiversity - variety of live organisms within land and marine ecosystems, other water ecosystems and ecological complexes which part they are. The concept covers intraspecific, trans-species variety and variety of ecosystems;

ecosystem - dynamic complex of communities of plants, animals, mushrooms and microorganisms, and also set of abiotic factors of the circle which interaction constitutes single functional whole;

ecological equilibrium - complex of functional conditions of ecosystem which dynamics provides its structure and functions;

fund of the protected territories - set of the natural territories, natural objects and complexes protected by the state;

gene pool - set of vegetable, animal types, and also types of mushrooms, the microorganisms which are carriers of heritable information;

habitat, biotope - the natural habitat of organisms and populations of flora, fauna, mushrooms and microorganisms;

nature sanctuary - the unique natural object having special ecological, scientific, cultural, historical and esthetic value;

national park - the typical natural territory including different landscapes, natural and cultural and historical objects and complexes, local types of plants and animals held for use in scientific, recreational, economic, cultural, tourist, educational, educational and other targets;

the landscape reserve - the homogeneous natural system (forest, steppe, meadow, plavnevy and marsh) having scientific, ecological, recreational, esthetic, didactic, educational value, intended for preserving its natural qualities and implementation of regulated economic activity;

the scientific reserve - the biogeographical territory and/or the water area of national value having the status of research establishment, intended for preserving in natural state of natural objects and complexes, preserving biodiversity, development of scientific bases of environmental protection;

the natural reserve - the natural territory having scientific value and intended for preserving and recovery of separate or several natural components for the purpose of maintenance of ecological equilibrium;

the resource reserve - the natural territory including especially valuable resources of national value kept for future generations;

the biospheric reserve - the geographical territory and/or the water area with physiographic elements and educations, types of plants and animals of national and international value having the status of research establishment, recognized by UNESCO part of world natural property;

wetland ground of the international value - the water territory and/or water space including the different types of wetland ecosystems which are answering to criteria of allocation of wetlands of the international value of the Ramsarsky convention, having rich biodiversity and playing important role as places of dwellings of waterfowl.

Art. 3. - (1) In structure of fund of the natural territories protected by the state (further - fund of the protected territories), the natural objects and complexes having indisputable paramount value for enter:

a) preserving biodiversity and the natural habitats in particular having the international and cross-border value;

b) preserving natural habitats of special value for the migrating animal species, in particular in places of their flight, concentration, hibernation, molt and reproduction;

c) studying of natural processes;

d) recoveries of ecological equilibrium;

e) ecological education of the population;

f) developments of ecological tourism.

(2) Primary data about fund of the protected territories are used in case of plan development of arrangement of the territory.

Art. 4. - (1) the Fund of the protected territories consists of the following categories in case of the family of objects and complexes:

1) allocated according to classification of International union oh of nature wound:

a) scientific reserves;

b) national parks;

c) nature sanctuaries;

d) natural reserves;

e) landscape reserves;

f) resource reserves;

g) territories of multipurpose use;

2) not entering classification of International union of conservation:

a) dendrology gardens;

b) monuments of landscape gardening art;

c) zoos;

3) established by other international documents:

a) biospheric reserves (Program of UNESCO);

b) wetlands of the international value (Ramsarsky convention).

(2) Wetlands of the international value and their components can have at the same time the status of one of the categories provided in part (1), or to incorporate one or several objects of these categories.


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