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of December 10, 2010

About the Annual report of the Secretary general of the Collective Security Treaty Organization

Council of collective security of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, noting accomplishment of decisions of session of Council of collective security of the Collective Security Treaty Organization which took place on June 14, 2009 in Moscow, stating realization of the tasks set in Priority activities of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in 2009-2010 and in the corresponding part of the Plan of the main actions for comprehensive strengthening of interstate cooperation, to forming and development of system of collective security within the Collective Security Treaty Organization for 2006-2010, confirming commitment of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (further - the CSTO) to forming of general system of collective security, solved:

1. Take into consideration the enclosed Annual report of the Secretary general of the CSTO.

2. To the secretary general of the CSTO together with the Permanent Council under the CSTO to submit by February 1, 2011 for approval of the Chairman of the board of collective security of the CSTO the draft of the Actions plan on implementation of decisions December (2010) of session of Council of collective security of the CSTO.

It is made in the city of Moscow on December 10, 2010 in one authentic copy in Russian. The authentic copy is stored in the Secretariat of the Collective Security Treaty Organization which will send to each state which signed this Decision, its verified copy.


For the Republic of Armenia

For the Russian Federation

For the Republic of Belarus

For the Republic of Tajikistan

For the Republic of Kazakhstan

For the Republic of Uzbekistan

For the Kyrgyz Republic



to the Decision of Council of collective security of the Collective Security Treaty Organization of December 10, 2010 "About the Annual report of the Secretary general of the Collective Security Treaty Organization"

Annual report of the Secretary general of the Collective Security Treaty Organization

During the accounting period the main efforts of the Organization were concentrated on implementation of decisions of sessions of Council of collective security (February and June, 2009), instructions of informal meetings of Chapters of state members (August, 2009, May and August, 2010), and also Priority activities of the CSTO in 2009-2010 with due regard to tendencies of development of situation in the world and zone of responsibility of the organization.

The Collective rapid reaction forces of the CSTO (KSOR) created in 2009 became new component of system of the collective security answering to present challenges. Work of the Organization was aimed at completion of the regulatory legal base of the specified forces, their practical forming and preparation of KSOR for accomplishment of tasks on purpose, including their equipment by modern arms and military equipment.

According to the become effective Agreement on peacekeeping activities of the CSTO forming of the peacekeeping contingents intended for completing of Peacekeeping forces of the CSTO was performed. The first educational and methodical collection responsible for this field of activity in state members is carried out. To the forthcoming session of special design bureau it is prepared, approved and the draft statement of the states of members of the CSTO in which confidence that Peacekeeping forces of the CSTO can become the effective instrument of peacekeeping is expressed is submitted for consideration, being effective independently or in cooperation with other concerned parties.

Due to the events in Kyrgyzstan threatening with destabilization of this country and all region of Central Asia, the CSTO of the first sent to Bishkek the delegation for provision assessment on site and became the initiator of operational cooperation with the UN, OSCE and the EU for the purpose of coordination of efforts on peaceful resolution of the arisen crisis. For development of practical recommendations the emergency consultations of secretaries of the Security Councils were held. Deep study of questions of situation in Kyrgyzstan and its influences on the region became priority subject of discussion of two informal meetings of heads of states - members of the CSTO in the summer of this year: in Moscow operational and long-term conclusions are drawn, the corresponding instructions are this, and in Yerevan the most important decision of the summit the order began to prepare offers on development and enhancement of the mechanism of response to crisis situations operating in the CSTO and on entering of corresponding changes into statutory documents of the Organization.

In this regard the Secretariat quickly prepared packet from eight draft documents. They were considered on consultations of representatives of state members in three stages - on September 7, from September 28 to October 1, from October 13 to October 15, and also on Consultations of deputy ministers of foreign affairs, defenses, finance and deputy secretaries of the Security Councils of state members of the CSTO on October 28 of this year and at number of meetings of the Permanent Council under the CSTO. Following the results of the done work five draft documents are submitted for consideration of session of special design bureau of the CSTO:

- The protocol on introduction of amendments to the Agreement on collective security of May 15, 1992;

- The protocol on introduction of amendments to the Charter of the CSTO of October 7, 2002;

- Regulations on procedure for response of the CSTO to crisis situations;

- Decision of special design bureau of the CSTO on modification of Rules of procedure of bodies of the CSTO;

- Decision of special design bureau of the CSTO on modification of the Regulations on bodies of the CSTO.

Work on completion of implementation of provisions of the Plan of the main actions for comprehensive strengthening of interstate cooperation, forming and development of system of collective security within the Collective Security Treaty Organization for 2006-2010 was continued.

Besides, in the context of dynamic changes in international situation and forward development of the Organization in all growth there was task of urgent updating and development of number of key documents: Concepts of collective security of gosudarstvuchastnik of the Agreement on the collective security accepted in 1995; The Strategy of collective security and the System of strategic and operational planning within the CSTO reflecting modern requirements. The corresponding draft decision of special design bureau including Item on creation for this purpose of the working group of representatives of state members was developed by the Secretariat, approved and is submitted for consideration of session.

For the purpose of further development of the CSTO as multipurpose organization of safety the program documents in the field of counteraction to challenges and threats accepted in 2006-2009 actively were implemented. Taking into account the becoming complicated practical tasks efforts on activation of the anti-terrorist direction in organization activity were made. Within the CSTO from 2010/2011 academic years training in Russia of citizens of state members of the CSTO on the specialties connected with safety is organized (300 places are allocated). Systematic work in the field of ensuring information security of state members is begun. According to the specifying of heads of states this at their informal summit in the city of Cholpon-Ata on closing stage there is question of creation of the Center of information technologies.

In 2010 the break in development of system interaction of the Organization with the UN is performed. The resolution of the General Assembly on cooperation of the UN with the CSTO is adopted, and also the Mutual declaration about cooperation between the Secretariat of the CSTO and United Nations secretariat is signed. The resolution of the 65th session of the UN General Assembly on development of interaction with the CSTO is in process of work.

The big stride forward in adjustment of cooperation of leading organizations of Eurasia is taken (EurAsEC, the CSTO, the CIS and SCO). On October 12 of this year the first working meeting of the highest administrative officials of these organizations took place.

The actions provided by the Plan of consultations of representatives of state members concerning foreign policy, safety and defense on the second half of the year 2009 the first half of the year 2010 and also for the period July - November of this year were in full performed.

Carrying out in life of the specified decisions and plans, despite difficulties of their timely approval and full-scale realization, promoted increase in level of cooperation of state members in political and military spheres, in joint counteraction to safety hazards, in information exchange.

Successfully bonds between parliaments of state members of the CSTO within Parliamentary Assembly of the CSTO developed. The cooperation of parliamentarians of these countries on harmonization of the regulatory base concerning, in particular, safety issues became more active their cooperation in the international structures was established.

Versatile global and regional factors continued to influence situation in zone of responsibility of the CSTO and areas adjoining to it.

First of all treated factors of global action: the remaining tendency to solution by force of crises; violations of the principle of inadmissibility of ensuring own safety due to safety of other states; the growing distribution threat to OHM and too slow promotion in questions of arms control; challenges of the international terrorism; the world financial and economic crisis leading in some cases to destabilization of social and economic situation.

Regional factors were among first of all: the centers of the conflicts and tensions in the regions adjoining from the South to zone of responsibility of the CSTO (especially alarming was provision in Afghanistan); massive faults of the European security system and resistance of its adaptation; in general the remaining possibility of unleashing of armed conflicts in Eurasia.

On the European region the negative impact continued to be exerted: expansion of military presence of NATO near borders of Belarus and Russia, in particular activation of military activities of the block in the Baltic States; plans of placement of missile defense of the USA in Bulgaria and Romania, the air defenses rockets in Poland; preserving readiness for further expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance on the East.

In the most Caucasian region of the area of responsibility of the CSTO concern was caused first of all the continuing militarization of Georgia fraught with new provocations in the region, and building-up of military capacity of Azerbaijan in the conditions of suspense of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Nevertheless certain hopes for easing of intensity were pinned on the beginning of the Armenian-Turkish dialogue, activity of the Minsk group of OSCE and initiatives of the President of Russia of carrying out series of tripartite meetings with participation of presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Potential hazard of stability of South Caucasus is created also by possibility of split of Iraq and involvement of neighboring states in its internal affairs, and also probability of renewal of large military operations in the adjacent Middle East region.

The major external factors of influence on situation in the Central Asian region: activation of military operations in Afghanistan; the increasing activity of the terrorist organizations and more and more sophisticated attempts of distribution of religious extremism; the increasing flow of drugs from IRA in state members of the CSTO.

The threat of escalation of intensity and even military operations in connection with the nuclear program of Iran and the forced development of missile armament in this country remained that negatively influenced situation in Central Asia and in South Caucasus.

In 2010 the internal political crisis which burst in Kyrgyzstan became direct threat of destabilization of the country and all region. For the purpose of studying of provision and assessment of the real threats which arose for safety of the Union State and its neighbors the delegation of high representatives of the Secretariat of the CSTO was quickly sent to Bishkek. From April 8 to April 12 she carried out active work on site with all parties, organized working meetings with special representatives of the international organizations. Results of work of delegation were considered on consultations in format of Group of high level on April 27 of this year.

On May 8 in Moscow informal meeting of heads of states of the members of the CSTO who considered the current situation and recommendations prepared by delegation took place. At meeting there took place in-depth discussion of provision in Kyrgyzstan and around it, both operational, and long-term conclusions are made.

Due to the tragic events in the south of Kyrgyzstan at the initiative of the chairman of special design bureau urgent consultations of secretaries of the Security Councils of state members following the results of which the decisions which allowed to begin the specific help to the people and the authorities of the allied country which appeared in crisis situation were made were called on June 14.

At the informal summit of the CSTO in Yerevan the results of collective work on assistance to Kyrgyzstan (on August 20-21) were summed up, new instructions, including on preparation of the package of proposals on enhancement of the mechanism of response of the CSTO to crisis situations and modification of authorized bodies of the Organization are given.

Operational actions of Provisional government of the Kyrgyz Republic with assistance of the CSTO and other international organizations promoted country conclusion from phase of acute crisis. The public referendum was rather successfully held, there took place parliamentary elections. In general the situation was stabilized. Nevertheless in the conditions of the remaining activity of extremist forces, difficult social and economic situation in the state which just endured large shocks the safety hazard of the Union State and region in general remains.


Being guided by the tasks approved by Council of collective security, the Organization by collective efforts aimed to provide optimum foreign policy situation for state members, to make constructive contribution to strengthening of the international security. It is specifically possible to note the next moments.

First, state members continued to advance the offer of the Russian side on development and the conclusion of the legally binding Agreement on the European safety. In this plan meetings of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of state members of the CSTO on the lake of Corfu (June, 2009) and in New York (September, 2009), their active work at the ministerial session of OSCE in Athens in December, 2009, and also approval of line items on this subject on working meeting of permanent representatives of state members of the CSTO in New York in January, 2010 and at informal meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Moscow on March 25 of this year had special value. As a result of these consecutive activities feasibility of consideration of initiative of the President of Russia got more broad support of statesmen of the countries of Europe and Asia.

Secondly, presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in OSCE since January, 2010 created new opportunities for active promotion of initiatives and working offers not only Kazakhstan, but also his allies on the CSTO. The Priorities pushed by Astana and the Action plan are supported. Offers on carrying out this year in Kazakhstan of the Summit of OSCE (on December 1, Astana) and informal meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of member countries of OSCE in July of this year in Almaty, and on its "fields" - meetings of heads of the CSTO, the CIS, OSCE, the EU and NATO for discussion of the vital issues of strengthening of safety in the Euro-Atlantic region are realized.

Thirdly, actively interacting with representatives of Afghanistan, state members of the CSTO promoted bigger accounting of need of IRA for the real help to recovery of the country, its social and legal development. On bilateral basis they actively participated in rendering such help. They also played important role in assistance to transit of loads for MSSB in Afghanistan. However collective actions within the CSTO on the Afghan direction did not manage to be carried out.

Fourthly, consecutive performances of state members against placement in Europe of the third position area of missile defense of the USA, and also against the forced expansion of NATO on space of the CIS were one of influencing factors for forming of line items of the USA and all Alliance.

At the same time it should be noted that efforts of state members not always brought required results. So, there were no motions in basic approach of NATO to possibility of further expansion of Alliance, it was also not succeeded to achieve change of line item of most of participants of the CFE in that measure which would allow to start recovery of the effective mechanism of arms control in Europe.

Nevertheless positive experience of the coordinated work of state members testifies to opportunities of real promotion of interests of the Organization in general and her certain members, conclusion about need of closer interaction confirms.


In the activities the Organization was guided by the line on "activation of interaction in the international cases for the purpose of the solution of foreign policy tasks, strengthening of line items of state members of the CSTO in the modern world" which was approved in the Statement of the Moscow session (2009) of special design bureau.

For development of single approaches and the approved line items on topical issues of the international agenda official and working contacts of Chapters of state members for all intersession period had special value. In particular, exchange of opinions was constructive during informal meetings of presidents in Cholpon-At (on July 31 - on August 1, 2009), Moscow (on May 8, 2010) and Yerevan (on August 20-21, 2010).

Results of informal meeting of SMID in Moscow on March 25 of this year became important stage of development of foreign policy interaction. On it consent concerning measures for the consolidated support of initiatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the presiding state in OSCE in 2010 and on promotion of joint priorities of the states of members of the CSTO in this format is reached. Consensus about need of ensuring steady functioning of this Agreement was expressed in the statement adopted at meeting under the NNPT and readiness of state members of the CSTO for constructive work for the purpose of ensuring success of the Conference of 2010 on the review of the NNPT is expressed. Ministers made also the Statement for interaction in work on the Agreement on the European safety, having accented the support of key provisions of the DEB project distributed by the Russian Federation.

Already mentioned working meetings of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of state members of the Organization were very useful. As example it is necessary to mention their informative meeting in New York on September 23 of this year on "fields" of the 65th session of the UN General Assembly. The essential contribution to development of interaction of state members was made also by their regular personal contacts during the bilateral visits and meetings in multilateral formats.

One of the major areas of work remained development of cooperation with the international organizations which are engaged in the problem resolution of safety. First of all, it was talked of the United Nations and its such bodies as Counter-terrorism committee and Management of the UN on drugs and crime.

During the accounting period contacts of the CSTO with the UN significantly became more active. On January 13 of this year the Secretary general of the CSTO made a speech at the meeting of the UN Security Council devoted to perspective of interaction of the UN with the regional organizations. Within participation of the Secretary general of the CSTO in work of the 65th session of the UN General Assembly in September its meeting with the deputy secretary-general of the United Nations B. Peskou and other officials of United Nations secretariat took place of this year.

On March 2 of this year after big preparatory work of representatives of the CSTO and permanent representatives of state members in the UN the 64th session of the General Assembly adopted the resolution on cooperation between the UN and the CSTO that became new important stage of expansion of interaction between two organizations.

On March 18 of this year in Moscow secretaries general of the CSTO and the UN signed the Mutual Declaration approved in short time about cooperation between the Secretariat of the CSTO and United Nations secretariat expanding possibilities of their more operational interaction. Study of questions of very perspective interaction with Department of United Nations secretariat on peacemaking in connection with entry into force of the corresponding document package of the Organization is begun. Thus, the base for purposeful expansion of mutually useful contacts and practical cooperation on wide range of questions is created.

At the initiative of the CSTO on October 12 of this year in Moscow the working meeting of the highest administrative officials of EurAsEC, the CSTO, the CIS and SCO is held. Questions of interaction in the directions which are priority for these organizations were in detail discussed. Following the results of constructive exchange of opinions the decision on creation of joint working group at the level of deputies of the highest administrative officials for preparation of the consolidating plan of actions and the subsequent coordination of its realization is made.

In these conditions especially urgent is development of specific cooperation with SCO. The questions connected with Afghanistan including narcothreat could become the priority directions of such interaction of the CSTO and SCO in the developing situation.

On December 14, 2009 the Memorandum of cooperation between the Secretariat of the CSTO and Executive committee of the CIS became effective. On its basis on February 24 the Actions plan on interaction of the Secretariat of the CSTO and Executive committee of the CIS was signed of this year. At this stage there is approval of the draft of such plan for the three-year period.

Forward development of interrelations with OSCE continued, there were regular speeches of secretaries general of the CSTO and OSCE at meetings of these organizations. Representatives of the CSTO participated in meetings of the Annual conference on the overview of situation in the field of safety, the Forum on cooperation in the field of safety, different working meetings and seminars of OSCE. Fruitful dialogue is supported with OSCE concerning post-conflict arrangement of Afghanistan. Contacts with Anti-terrorist division of OSCE and the OSCE Center for conflict prevention are come. OSCE Representatives participated in the counter-narcotics operation "Channel" performed by the CSTO. In general SMID CSTO considered at meeting the main directions of development of interaction of the CSTO with OSCE successfully are implemented on June 14, 2009.

Despite much more active interest of number of the states of members of NATO, including high representatives of the USA, to our Organization, the official relations of the CSTO with NATO did not manage to be established. The management of Alliance continues to adhere to the line on development of bonds with state members of the CSTO only on bilateral basis. In the circumstances purposeful interaction of state members of the CSTO on all subject connected with activities of NATO is of particular importance.

The List of the main directions of interaction of the CSTO and Eurasian economic community is prepared. However on this matter the second year in a row it is not possible to accept the consensus decision.


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