of February 25, 2011 No. 72
About some questions of price regulation (rates) in the Republic of Belarus
For the purpose of streamlining of price regulation (rates) in the Republic of Belarus I decide:
1. Determine the inventory (works, services), the prices (rates) for which are regulated by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, state bodies (organizations), according to appendix 1.
2. Determine that:
2.1. the prices (rates) for the goods (works, services) included in the list determined in Item 1 of this Decree are regulated by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, state bodies (organizations) according to the procedure, established by them according to legal acts;
2.1-1. legal entities shall constitute the economic calculations confirming the level of selling prices (rates) on the goods (works, services) included in the list determined in Item 1 of this Decree, except for:
the legal entities applying simplified taxation system and recording in the book of accounting of the income and expenses of the organizations applying simplified taxation system;
the legal entities applying fixed prices (rates) established according to the legislation;
peasant farms;
legal entities in case of realization of the agricultural products made by them;
legal entities in case of sales of goods (works, services) at the exchange biddings of "Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange" open joint stock company;
2.2. before reduction of acts of the legislation in compliance with this Decree they are applied in the part which is not contradicting this Decree;
2.3. the Item is excluded according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of 13.06.2023 No. 171
3. Recognize invalid presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus and their separate provisions according to appendix 2.
4. In six-months time to provide to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus:
4.1. reduction of regulatory legal acts in compliance with this Decree and to take other measures for its realization;
4.2. entering in accordance with the established procedure into the House of Representatives of National assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the bill of the Republic of Belarus providing reduction of the Code of Administrative Offences and Procedural and executive Code of Administrative Offences in compliance with this Decree.
5. This Decree becomes effective since March 1, 2011, except for item 4 and this Item which are becoming effective from the date of official publication of this Decree.
President of the Republic of Belarus
A. Lukashenko
to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 25, 2011 No. 72
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus
The utilities provided to the population (gas supply, supply with the liquefied hydrocarbonic gas from individual balloon or reservoir installations, electric utility service and heat supply), payment for use of premises in hostels of public institutions of education
Services in maintenance (the customs escort obligatory for maintenance) of the goods and (or) vehicles moved on the territory of the Republic of Belarus with road transport, and also services in obligatory maintenance of the protected loads moved on the territory of the Republic of Belarus by rail
Products of military (service) including realized (rendered) according to the state defense order and also the materials and component parts delivered for production (rendering services) military according to the state defense order
The goods (the works, services) made and realized (which are carried out, rendered) according to the state defense order (except for products of military (services))
The realtor services rendered to physical persons (except for individual entrepreneurs), concerning premises, the parcels of land, dachas, garden lodges, garages, parking places
Making of notarial actions and rendering services of legal and technical nature
The services of technical nature rendered by employees of notarial archives
Vehicle registration in system of electronic queue of vehicles for entrance to road check points through Frontier of the Republic of Belarus
Services (works) rendered (carried out) when implementing ministerial procedure
Ministry of anti-monopoly regulation and trade
Socially important goods (works, services) according to the list determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus
Alcoholic products with a strength over 28 percent (except for the alcoholic beverages with a strength over 28 percent intended for realization in duty-free shops, and also realized in duty-free shops)
Wine fruit fortified branded, the improved quality and special technology
Goods (works, services) the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs included in the State register of the business entities holding dominant position in the goods markets of the Republic of Belarus (republican and local levels) * including acquired by the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs holding monopsonichesky position ** and included in the specified Register
* In case of non-inclusion of goods (works, services) in other Sections of this list.
** For the purposes of this Decree the term "monopsonichesky provision" is used in the value determined in the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 12, 2013 No. 94-Z "About counteraction of monopolistic activities and development of the competition".
Gas natural and liquefied (except for compressed fuel gas, gas of the hydrocarbonic road transport liquefied for gas station and gas, the prices (rates) for which are regulated by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus)
The electrical and heat energy released by the organizations of the national production association of power industry Belenergo (except for the energy released to the population), and also the electrical energy made in the Republic of Belarus by the legal entities who are not part of this consolidation, and individual entrepreneurs and released to the power supplying organizations of this consolidation
Security services (works) rendered (carried-out) Department of protection Ministries of Internal Affairs (together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
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