Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of February 17, 2011 No. 90

About procedure for connection of objects of oil production to trunk oil pipelines in the Russian Federation and accounting of the subjects of business activity performing oil extraction

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 22.08.2024 No. 1128)

The government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of connection of objects of oil production to trunk oil pipelines in the Russian Federation and accounting of the subjects of business activity performing oil extraction.

2. Determine that the realization of this resolution is enabled within the limiting Russian Federation established by the Government of the number of employees of central office and territorial authorities of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, and also budgetary appropriations provided to the Ministry in the federal budget on management and management in the field of the established functions.

3. The rules approved by this resolution become effective after 1 month from the date of official publication of this resolution.

Russian Prime Minister

V. Putin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2011 No. 90

Rules of connection of objects of oil production to trunk oil pipelines in the Russian Federation and accounting of the subjects of business activity performing oil extraction

I. General provisions

1. These rules establish procedure for non-discriminatory access to services in connection of objects of oil production to trunk oil pipelines and accounting of the subjects of business activity performing oil extraction.

2. The concepts used in these rules mean the following:

"agreement" - the agreement between the organization of pipeline transport and the owner or other legal owner of object of oil production on cross liabilities of the parties when rendering services in connection of object of oil production to trunk oil pipeline;

"applicant" - the owner or other legal owner of object of oil production;

"trunk oil pipeline" - set of technology interconnected objects providing oil transportation, the Russian Federation conforming to requirements of the legislation from places of its acceptance to places of delivery or transfer on other modes of transport;

"actions for connection of object of oil production to trunk oil pipeline" - the actions aimed at providing technological capability of connection of object of oil production, and directly technology connection of object of oil production to trunk oil pipeline;

"object of oil production" - the single property and technology complex including constructions, technology installations and the equipment, providing implementation of production, collection, preparation and oil transportation for delivery in trunk oil pipeline;

"the organization of pipeline transport" - the owner of trunk oil pipeline or the organization authorized by it;

"connection of object of oil production to trunk oil pipeline" technology accession of object of oil production to trunk oil pipeline and (or) expansion of handling capacity of trunk oil pipelines if such expansion is provided by specifications;

"oil acceptance" - oil acceptance process by the organization of pipeline transport from the applicant or other authorized person;

"the design capacity of object of oil production" - capability of object of oil production to hand over in trunk oil pipeline for certain period of time amount of the oil conforming to requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

"project handling capacity of trunk oil pipeline" capability of trunk oil pipeline for certain period of time to transport amount of oil (taking into account physical and chemical parameters of oil) according to the project documentation;

"handling capacity of trunk oil pipeline" the actual capability of trunk oil pipeline for certain period of time to transport amount of oil (taking into account physical and chemical parameters of oil, and also equipment in place);

"delivery and acceptance point" - Item on accounting of quantity and quality evaluation of oil on which the organization of pipeline transport and the applicant or other authorized person carry out oil acceptance delivery transactions;

"oil delivery point" - initial delivery and acceptance point of route (collection point the organization of pipeline transport of oil from the applicant or other authorized person);

"oil delivery point" - final delivery and acceptance point of route (Item of delivery by the organization of pipeline transport of oil to the consignee);

"expansion of handling capacity of trunk oil pipeline" of action for increase in handling capacity of trunk oil pipeline for providing technological capability of connection of object of oil production;

"the scheme of normal (technology) cargo flows of oil" the document approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, normalizing the technology directions of cargo flows of oil and mass fraction of sulfur in them taking into account technological capability of oil transportation from collection points to oil delivery points and engineering procedures of its conversion at oil refineries and quality requirements of export deliveries;

"specifications" - the document containing the conditions necessary for connection of object of oil production to trunk oil pipeline and the subsequent acceptance of oil, issued by the organization of pipeline transport;

"technological capability of connection of object of oil production" condition under which after connection of new object of oil production and (or) increase in acceptance of oil from object of oil production there are no restrictions of project handling capacities of trunk oil pipelines and restrictions of amount of the accepted oil from earlier connected objects of oil production, and also restrictions of obligations on the issued specifications and (or) the signed agreements which effective period did not expire;

"point (node) of connection" - the place of connection of devices and constructions on the pumping station (operating or the projectible organization of pipeline transport), necessary for acceptance of oil from object of oil production in trunk oil pipeline.

Other concepts used in these rules correspond to the values determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. Procedure for connection of object of oil production to trunk oil pipeline

3. Connection of object of oil production to trunk oil pipeline is performed in the following procedure:

a) direction of the statement for issue of specifications;

b) issue of specifications;

c) conclusion of the agreement;

d) accomplishment of the actions for connection of object of oil production to trunk oil pipeline provided by the agreement;

e) signing of the act of accomplishment of the actions for connection of object of oil production to trunk oil pipeline provided by specifications and the agreement, the act of implementation of technology connection of object of oil production to trunk oil pipeline, and also the act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory of objects and the act of operational responsibility of the parties.


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