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of December 21, 2010 No. 2818-VI

About the Basic principles (strategy) of the state environmental policy of Ukraine for the period till 2020

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Basic principles (strategy) of the state environmental policy of Ukraine for the period till 2020 it (is applied).

2. To the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to develop and approve the National plan of action for protection of the surrounding environment till March 31, 2011.

3. This Law becomes effective from the date of its publication.


President of Ukraine V. Yanukovych

Approved by the Law of Ukraine of December 21, 2010 No. 2818-VI

The basic principles (strategy) of the state environmental policy of Ukraine for the period till 2020

Section 1. General provisions

Anthropogenous and technogenic load of the surrounding environment in Ukraine several times exceeds the corresponding indicators in developed countries of the world.

Life expectancy in Ukraine averages about 66 years (in Sweden - 80, in Poland - 74). Considerably it is caused by pollution of the surrounding environment as a result of implementation of productive activity by the companies of the mining, metallurgical, chemical industry and fuel and energy complex.

The prime causes of environmental problems of Ukraine are:

the inherited structure of economy with the prevailing share of resursoa of power-intensive industries which negative impact was strengthened by transition to market conditions;

wear of fixed assets of industrial and transport infrastructure;

the existing system of public administration in the field of protection of the surrounding environment, regulation of use of natural resources, lack of accurate differentiation of nature protection and economic functions;

insufficient formation of institutes of civil society;

insufficient understanding in the society of priorities of preserving the surrounding environment and benefits of stable development;

non-compliance with the nature protection legislation.


Atmospheric air

According to the state statistical reporting of 2009 the main pollutants of atmospheric air are the companies of the overworking and mining industry and the company electro-and heat-and-power engineeering (respectively 31 and 21 and 40 percent of total amount of emissions of the pollutants arriving in atmospheric air from stationary sources of pollution). Emissions of pollutants by portable sources constitute 39 percent of total quantity of emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air. Emissions of pollutants by road transport constitute 91 percent of pollutants which are thrown out portable sources.

Nitrogen oxide, carbon oxide, dioxide and other compounds of sulfur, dust belong to pollutants which mainly are thrown out atmospheric air.

The quantity of cases of exceeding of the established standard rates of maximum permissible emissions of pollutants by stationary sources increases. The basic reasons causing unsatisfactory condition of quality of atmospheric air in settlements is non-compliance with the mode of operation of the pylegazoochisny equipment by the companies, non-realization of actions for decrease in amount of emissions of pollutants to the established standard rates, low rates of implementation of the latest technologies and significant increase in number of vehicles, in particular that which exhausted suitability term.

For the last years in industrially developed cities in atmospheric air availability to 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from which 8 are carcinogens of groups of nitrosamines (to nitrozodimetila and нитрозодиэтиламин) and heavy metals (chrome, nickel, cadmium, lead, beryllium) constantly was registered. At the same time in pollution amounts chemical carcinogens connections of class of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have the greatest specific weight.

In general the cancerogenic risk in 2009 reached 6,4-13,7 of case of oncological diseases on 1 thousand people that considerably exceeds the international hazard rates.


Protection of waters

Water use in Ukraine is performed mainly irrationally, unproductive expenses of water increase, I will eat around water resources, suitable for use, as a result of pollution and depletions decreases. Practically all superficial water sources and ground waters are contaminated. The main substances leading to pollution - compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus, organic substances which give in to easy oxidation, agricultural chemicals, oil products, heavy metals, phenols. Intensive euthrophication of internal reservoirs leads to deterioration in condition of the Black and Azov seas.

On the level of rational use of water resources and qualities of water Ukraine, according to UNESCO, among 122 countries of the world takes the 95th place.

The system of public administration in the field of protection of waters needs immediate reforming in the direction of transition to the integrated water resources management. Management functions in the field of protection, uses and reconstructions of waters are distributed between different central executive bodies that leads to their duplication, ambiguous interpretation of provisions of the nature protection legislation and inefficient use of budgetary funds.

Drinking water supply of Ukraine almost for 80 percent is provided with use of surface water. The ecological condition of superficial water objects and quality of water in them is major factors of sanitary and epidemic wellbeing of the population. At the same time the majority of water objects on extent of pollution is referred to contaminated and very contaminated.

Underground waters of Ukraine in many regions (the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Donbass, the Dnieper Bank) do not meet the normative requirements to water supply sources for the quality that is connected first of all with anthropogenous pollution. Special concern is caused by condition of water supply of rural population as centralized water supply provides only 25 percent of rural settlements of Ukraine.

Water pollution by nitrates leads to emergence of various diseases, decrease in general resistance of organism, and, as a result, to increase in level of general incidence, in particular infectious and oncological diseases. Discrepancy of quality of drinking water to normative requirements is one of the reasons of spread of many infectious and noninfectious diseases.


Protection of lands and soils

The condition of land resources of Ukraine is near-critical. For the period holding land reform significant amount of problems in the field of land relations not only is not resolved, but also become aggravated.

Among the lands of Ukraine the greatest territory is occupied the earth of agricultural purpose (71 percent) from which 78 percent are ploughland.

In all territory processes of degradation of lands among which the most large-scale is the erosion (about territory percent 57,5), pollution (about 20 percent of the territory), flooding (about 12 percent of the territory) are widespread. Content of nutrients in soils decreases, and annual losses of humus constitute ton 0,65 on 1 hectare.

Problems in the field of protection of lands are considerably caused by incompleteness of process of inventory count and automation of system of maintaining the state land cadastre, imperfection of land management documentation and insufficiency of normative legal support, carrying out educational and educational work, low institution possibility of relevant organs of the executive authority.


Forest conservation

On the area of the woods and inventories of wood Ukraine is the state with deficit of forest resources.

The woods occupy more than 15,7 of percent of the territory of Ukraine (9,58 of million hectares) and are located generally in the north (Polesia) and the West (Carpathians). Behind the European recommendations the index of amount of forests of 20 percent for which achievement it is necessary to create more than 2 million hectares of the new woods is optimum. Total area of the lands covered with forest vegetation increased since 1961 with 7,1 to 9,5 of million hectares (by percent 33,8).

If the specified rates of zalesneniye are kept, then only in 20 years in Ukraine the optimum level of amount of forests will be reached.

Goskomleskhoz's woods carried to natural reserved fund borrow about 1,2 of million hectares, or 35 percent, prtrodno-reserved fund of Ukraine. The share of the custom woods which are under Goskomleskhoz's supervision constitutes percent 15,4.

Powers on protection and reconstruction of the woods are assigned on central and local executive bodies that leads to their duplication and inefficient use of budgetary funds. The management system in the field of protection and reconstruction of the woods not completely provides multi-purpose, continuous and not wearisome use of resources and forest ecosystems. It is necessary to perform reforming of the specified system with ensuring differentiation of nature protection and economic functions.



According to the cadastral registration in Ukraine for the beginning of 2009 there were 8658 fields with 97 types of minerals and nearly 12 thousand their manifestations. One of the greatest on amount are coal resource, iron, manganese and titanotsirkoniyevy ores, and also graphite, kaolin, potassium salts, sulfur, refractory clay, facing stone. Their share in Ukraine is considerable. In general in 2009 more than 2 thousand mining companies functioned. The total quantity of developed fields constitutes 3 thousand. In amounts of production iron ore raw materials, flux limestones, coal, and also construction stones prevail.

The majority of minerals in Ukraine are extracted within several main mining regions - Donetsk, Kryvyi Rih and Nikopol, Prikarpatye. Long-term intensive use of resources of subsoil in these regions led to considerable changes of the geological circle and emergence of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature. The main factors of negative impact is extremely high concentration of the mining companies, high level, the insufficient amount of financing of the works directed to reduction of the influence on the surrounding environment caused by the development of fields developed the vast majority of fields.


Emergency situations


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