It is registered
in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
January 19, 2011.
No. 78/18816
of December 24, 2010 No. 1535/1027
About approval of form of the Declaration on the maximum retail prices on excise goods (products), the Procedure for creation and submission of the declaration on the maximum retail prices on excise goods (products)
1. Approve form of the Declaration on the maximum retail prices on excise goods (products) (further - the Declaration) and the Procedure for creation and submission of the declaration on the maximum retail prices on excise goods (products) (is applied).
2. To the State Customs Service of Ukraine in time which does not exceed two working days from acceptance date from importers of Declarations to provide transfer of their copies in State Tax Administration of Ukraine with mark about date of its acceptance and registration number of the adopted Declaration.
3. (Zvarich V. V.) in accordance with the established procedure to submit to department of administration of customs payments of the State Customs Service of Ukraine this order to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on state registration.
4. To the press service of the State Customs Service of Ukraine (S.D.'s Pike perch) to inform media and the public on provisions of this order.
5. To department of mass and explanatory work and addresses of citizens of State Tax Administration of Ukraine (Kosarchuk V. P.) after registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine through mass media to bring this order to permission of taxpayers.
6. To provide to heads of customs authorities informing subjects of foreign economic activity on requirements of this order.
7. Consider invalid the order of State Tax Administration of Ukraine, the State Customs Service of Ukraine of 21.11.2003 N 551/786 "About approval of form of the Declaration on the maximum retail prices established by the producer or the importer on excise goods, the Procedure for its creation and entering of Amendments into the Procedure by customs authorities of control of payment by taxpayers of the value added tax and the excise duty which are levied when importing (transfer) of goods and other objects to customs area of Ukraine", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 02.12.2003 for N 1108/8429.
8. Determine that this order becomes effective in 10 days after its official publication.
9. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the First Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Service of Ukraine of Dorokhovsky O. M. and on the vice-chairman of State Tax Administration of Ukraine Matveev O. V.
Chairman State Customs Service of Ukraine |
I. G. Kaletnik
Chairman State tax administration of Ukraine |
O. O. Papaika
IT IS APPROVED: Minister of Finance of Ukraine |
Approved by the Order of the State Customs Service of Ukraine of State Tax Administration of Ukraine of December 24, 2010 No. 1535/1027
Получено "____" ________ 20___ года
егистрационный N _____________
Гостаможслужбы или
Государственной налоговой администрации Украины
| 1 |ДЕКЛА АЦИЯ о максимальных |с 1 ____________ 20__ года |
| |розничных ценах на подакцизные | |
| |товары (продукцию) | |
| 2 |Полное наименование (фамилия, | |Юридическое лицо|
| |имя, отчество) производителя |-----+----------------|
| |(импортера) ________________________ | |Другая категория|
| |_____________________________________| | |
| 3 |Код | | | | | | | | |Код вида | | | | | | |
| |по ЕГ ПОУ, | | | | | | | | | экономической | | | | | | |
| |регистрационный номер | | | | | | | | | деятельности (КВД)| | | | | | |
| |учетной карточки | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| |плательщика налогов - | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| |физического лица (серия| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| |и номер паспорта*) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 4 |Местонахождение (место проживания) производителя |Почтовый | | | | | |
| |(импортера) ______________________________ |индекс | | | | | |
| |___________________________________________________|------------------------|
| | |Телефон |
| |---------------------------------------------------+------------------------|
| |лектронный адрес |Факс | |
| |E-mail | | |
| N |Код товара | Описание | Собственное | Единица |Максимальная|
|п/п|(продукции)| товара | название |товара (продукции)| розничная |
| |по УКТ ВД |(продукции)| подакцизного | |цена единицы|
| |
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The document ceased to be valid since April 30, 2015 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of March 25, 2015 No. 359