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The document ceased to be valid since  January 1, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of December 14, 2022 No. 79


of November 30, 2010 No. 57

About training (advanced training) and assessment of knowledge in the field of implementation of activities for ensuring fire safety

(as amended on 08-10-2019)

Based on the paragraph of the fourth Item 177 of the Regulations on licensing of separate types of activity approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of September 1, 2010 No. 450, of subitem 7.4 of Item 7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 29, 2006 No. 756, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the Instruction about procedure for training (advanced training) for workers of license applicants (licensees) and assessment of their knowledge in the field of implementation of activities for ensuring fire safety it (is applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

First Deputy Minister

V. V. Karpitsky

Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of November 30, 2010 No. 57

The instruction about procedure for training (advanced training) for workers of license applicants (licensees) and assessment of their knowledge in the field of implementation of activities for ensuring fire safety

1. This Instruction determines procedure for training (advanced training) for workers (technical leads, specialists and workers) for job seekers of special permission (license) (further – the license) and licensees, and also assessment of their knowledge of regulatory legal acts, including technical regulatory legal acts, obligatory for observance, regulating implementation of activities for ensuring fire safety.

2. Action of this Instruction extends to license applicants (licensees) irrespective of their form of business and pattern of ownership and individual entrepreneurs applying for the right of implementation of the licensed works and (or) services constituting activities for ensuring fire safety.

3. Training of workers (technical leads, specialists and workers) of license applicants (licensees) (further – workers) is performed in the organizations of education providing education, necessary for implementation of the licensed works and (or) services constituting activities for ensuring fire safety.

4. Advanced training of workers is carried out in organizations of education (their divisions) providing advanced training by the corresponding type of the licensed works and (or) services constituting activities for ensuring fire safety, as required, but at least once in five years.

5. Assessment of knowledge of workers is carried out by officials of the bodies and divisions for emergency situations authorized on conducting examination of compliance of opportunities of the license applicant (licensee) to licensed requirements and conditions of implementation of activities for ensuring fire safety (further - the officials who are carrying out assessment of knowledge).

6. The head of the license applicant (licensee) is notified by the officials who are carrying out assessment of knowledge on the place and time of evaluating knowledge of workers.

7. Assessment of knowledge of workers is performed in the form of offsetting by testing, including with use of the computer equipment (further – offsetting).

8. Workers are allowed to offsetting after the identity certificate.

The workers who did not pass the identity certificate or late for offsetting are considered as not been.

9. Subjects on which assessment of knowledge of workers is carried out and the approximate list of questions are determined by these subjects by "The Republican Center of Certification and Examination of the Licensed Types of Activity" organization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus and posted on the global computer Internet on the official site of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

10. The officials who are carrying out assessment of knowledge inform tested procedure for passing a test.

The number of the correct answers which is the basis for recognition of results of assessment of knowledge positive shall make at least 90 percent from quantity of the questions containing in tests. The answer in case of which of the offered answer options all true are chosen is considered correct and it is not chosen any incorrect answer option. In other cases the result of assessment of knowledge of workers is considered negative.

11. When carrying out offsetting use by workers of regulatory legal acts, reference and special books, means of communication, negotiating with other workers is not allowed. The workers who violated these requirements are considered not passed test.

12. Results of assessment of knowledge of workers on form are drawn up by the protocol of assessment of knowledge of workers in form according to appendix.

13. The workers who received negative result of assessment of knowledge pass assessment of knowledge according to the procedure, determined by this Instruction, only in case of the repeated appeal of the license applicant (licensee) to the licensing body with the statement for licensing, introduction in it of changes and (or) amendments.

14. No. 58 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 08.10.2019


to the Instruction about procedure for preparation (advanced training) for workers of license applicants (licensees) and assessment of their knowledge of regulatory legal acts (technical regulatory legal acts) in the field of implementation of activities for ensuring fire safety


Protocol of assessment of knowledge of workers


(name of the legal entity, foreign organization, surname, own name,


middle name (if that is available) the individual entrepreneur)


___ __________ 20 __.



(venue of assessment of knowledge)


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