Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of January 13, 2011 No. 243-Z

(as amended on 14-01-2022)

Accepted by the House of Representatives on December 2, 2010

Approved by Council of the Republic on December 22, 2010

General part

Section I. Bases of legal regulation in the field of education

Chapter 1. Basic provisions

Article 1. The main terms applied in this Code and their determinations

1. In this Code the following main terms and their determinations are applied:

1.1. the entrant - person who addressed for education to organization of education, the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organization to the individual entrepreneur who according to the legislation grants the right to perform educational activities, in case of carrying out selection of persons which are most prepared for development of contents of educational programs;

1.2. the bachelor - the degree appropriated to the persons who mastered contents of the educational program of bachelor degree and got the general higher education;

1.3. education - purposeful process of forming versatily developed, is moral the mature, creative person of the student;

1.4. the graduate - person who got education;

1.5. grant on training - the means from the republican budget which are annually allocated for the purpose of development by the foreign citizens and stateless persons who are constantly living outside the Republic of Belarus, contents of educational programs of the higher and secondary vocational education in public institutions of the higher and secondary vocational education;

1.6. other organization which according to the legislation is granted the right to perform educational activities (further - other organization performing educational activities) - the legal entity, one of the purposes of activities of which is implementation of educational activities during implementation of the educational programs determined by this Code;

1.7. the individual entrepreneur who according to the legislation is granted the right to perform educational activities (further - the individual entrepreneur performing educational activities), - the individual entrepreneur performing educational activities during implementation of the educational programs determined by this Code;

1.8. vacation - planned breaks for rest in case of development of contents of educational programs in education presentia, except specified in subitem 1.9 of this Item;

1.9. vacation leaves - planned breaks for rest in case of development of contents of educational programs professional, secondary vocational, the higher and the scientific oriented education when training on specialties for Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, transport troops, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the state security agencies, bodies of the border service, Presidential Security Service of the Republic of Belarus, Operational analytical center in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus (further if other is not established, - military forming), law-enforcement bodies, the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, bodies of financial investigations of the State Control Committee, bodies and divisions on emergency situations (further if other is not established, - paramilitary organizations);

1.10. quality of education - education compliance to requirements of the educational standard, educational and program documentation of the appropriate educational program, to other requirements provided by this Code and other acts of the legislation;

1.11. competences - acquired in training process and education of capability to perform activities according to the got education;

1.12. conflict of interest of the pedagogical worker - situation in case of which the pedagogical worker when implementing of pedagogical activities by it has interest in receipt of property or other benefit and which influences or can influence proper execution by the pedagogical worker of professional obligations owing to contradiction between his personal interest and interests of students, legal representatives of minor students;

1.13. the correctional and pedagogical help - the type of the pedagogical help including pedagogical actions (logopedic, tiflopedagogichesky, surdopedagogichesky and others) and promoting development of contents of educational programs of the main education at the levels of preschool, general secondary, professional and secondary vocational education, vocational education by persons with the features of psychophysical development having resistant or temporary difficulties in its development;

1.14. correctional occupations - the occupations directed to overcoming, easing, compensation of violations in physical and (or) mental development of students with features of psychophysical development and promoting their social development;

1.15. person with features of psychophysical development - person having violations in physical and (or) mental development which limit its social activities and require creation of special conditions for education;

1.16. the master - the degree appropriated to the persons who mastered contents of the educational program of magistracy or the continuous educational program of the higher education and got respectively profound higher or vocational higher education;

1.17. the module - subjects, Sections of subjects, subject matters, the practician, subjects, subject matters, the practicians grouped in the block for the purpose of forming at the studying one or several competences;

1.18. education - training and education for the benefit of the personality, the societies and the states directed to intellectual, spiritual and moral, creative, physical and professional development of the personality, satisfaction of her educational requirements and interests, and also set of the acquired knowledge, abilities, skills and competences of certain amount and complexity;

1.19. educational activities - the activities for training and education performed by organization of education, the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organization, the individual entrepreneur performing educational activities during implementation of educational programs;

1.20. the educational program - set of documentation regulating educational process and requirements to the conditions necessary for obtaining according to the expected results of certain level of the main education or certain type of additional education, and also vocational education;

1.21. educational process - the training and education organized by organization of education, the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organization, the individual entrepreneur performing educational activities for the purpose of development by students of contents of educational programs;

1.22. the educational standard - the technical regulatory legal act determining contents of the educational program by means of establishment of requirements to educational process and results of development of its content;

1.23. the student - person accepted (enlisted) for development of contents of the educational program, passing of certification according to the procedure of the external studies;

1.24. training - purposeful process of the organization and stimulation of educational activities of students for mastering by them knowledge, abilities, skills, to forming at them of competences, development of their creative capabilities;

1.25. the organization - the customer of personnel - the organization which declared the need for personnel by the conclusion of the agreement on interaction or one of the agreement types in the field of education concluded in case of education or by application for training of specialists, workers, employees;

1.26. the organization participating in implementation of the educational program by means of network form of interaction - the organization providing the resources necessary for the organization of educational process according to educational and program documentation of the educational program for the purpose of development of its content by students;

1.27. training on specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities - training with professional, secondary the vocational, higher, scientific oriented education for military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities;

1.28. education - development of contents of the educational program by students which in the cases provided by this Code is confirmed by the education document or the document on training;

1.29. education at home - the organization of educational process in case of which development of contents of the educational program of preschool education, educational programs of general secondary education, educational programs of professional, vocational education, the educational program of additional education of children and youth, the educational program of professional training of working (employees) by students who temporarily or cannot constantly visit organizations of education is performed at home;

1.30. The republican information and education circle - set of the state automated information systems (resources) in the field of education providing interaction of state bodies and organizations, organizations of education and other subjects of the educational relations and satisfaction of their information requirements;

1.31. network form of interaction - the form of interaction between organization of education, the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organization, the individual entrepreneur performing educational activities, and the organization participating in implementation of the educational program by means of network form of interaction allowing to use the resources of this organization necessary for the organization of educational process according to educational and program documentation of the educational program for the purpose of development of its content by students;

1.32. the specialist - person who received scientific the oriented, higher or secondary vocational education, except person to whom qualification of the worker with secondary vocational education is appropriated;

1.33. special conditions - the organization pedagogical, medical, social, psychological and other types of the help without which development of contents of educational programs of the main, additional and vocational education by persons with features of psychophysical development, including use of technical means of social resettlement, special educational editions, ad hoc methods of training and education, information technologies, adaptation of material objects is impossible or complicated;

1.34. education step - the complete grade level and education at the level of general secondary education providing continuation of education at higher step of this education level or testimonial of receipt of general secondary education;

1.35. level of the main education - the complete stage of development of contents of one or several educational programs of the main education providing continuation of education at higher education level and (or) occupation with professional activity;

1.36. participants of educational process are students, legal representatives of minor students, pedagogical workers;

1.37. educational and methodical consolidation in the field of education - the advisory body created on a voluntary basis for the purpose of development of offers on enhancement of scientific and methodical ensuring education, training of specialists, workers, employees;

1.38. organization of education - the legal entity in form of business of organization which main objective of activities is implementation of educational activities;

1.39. target training of specialists, workers, employees - training of specialists with the higher, secondary vocational education, workers with secondary vocational education, working (employees) with vocational training at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets in day form of education for the purpose of satisfaction of personnel requirements of the organizations of the Republic of Belarus due to personal involvement of persons from among the citizens of the Republic of Belarus living in the Republic of Belarus, the foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are constantly living in the Republic of Belarus, being graduates of organizations of formation of the Republic of Belarus, performed according to the contract on target training of the specialist with the higher education, the specialist (worker) with secondary vocational education, working (employee) with vocational training.

2. Determinations of other terms contain in individual clauses of this Code.

Article 2. Bases of state policy in the field of education

1. State policy in the field of education is based on the principles:

1.1. education priority;

1.2. priority of universal values, human rights, humanistic nature of education;

1.3. guarantees of constitutional right of everyone for education, spiritual, moral and physical development;

1.4. the inklyuziya in education providing equal access to education for all students taking into account variety of special individual educational needs and individual opportunities of each student (gifted, talented, the student whose individual needs are caused by its life situation, the state of health, other circumstances);

1.5. obligation of general secondary education;

1.6. integration into world educational space during the preserving and development of traditions of national education system;

1.7. ensuring inclusion in contents of the educational program of preschool education, educational programs of general secondary education, educational programs of vocational training, educational programs of secondary vocational education, educational programs of vocational education and the educational program of additional education of children and youth of bases of knowledge in the field of environmental protection and environmental management, health and safety;

1.8. support and development of education taking into account tasks of sustainable social and economic development of the state;

1.9. state public nature of management of education;

1.10. secular nature of education.

2. The main directions of state policy in the field of education are:

2.1. providing the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens in the field of education, including the rights to education as at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets, and on paid basis;

2.2. ensuring right to education during all life according to needs of the personality, adaptivity of education system to level of training, features of development, capabilities and interests of the person;

2.3. ensuring availability of education, objects of material and technical resources of organizations of education, other organizations, the individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities including to persons with features of psychophysical development, taking into account the state of health of students, their cognitive opportunities at all levels of the main education and in case of receipt of additional education, vocational education;

2.4. creation of special conditions for education by persons with features of psychophysical development and rendering the correctional and pedagogical help to these persons;

2.5. creation of necessary conditions for satisfaction of requests of the personality in education, requirements of society and state for forming of the personality, training of qualified personnel;

2.6. realization of the principle of inklyuziya in education;

2.7. ensuring participation of state bodies and other organizations, including public associations, in educational development;

2.8. implementation of target training of specialists, workers, employees;

2.9. ensuring succession and continuity of levels of the main education, education steps within general secondary education;

2.10. ensuring equality of the Belarusian and Russian languages;

2.11. ensuring activities of organizations of education for education implementation, including on forming at students of civic consciousness, patriotism, spiritual and moral values, healthy lifestyle, responsibility, diligence.

3. In organizations of education creation and activities of political parties, other public associations pursuing political goals, and also creation, the anonymous or contradicting the legislation other activities of the religious organizations are not allowed.

4. Organizations of education in questions of education based on written applications of students, legal representatives of minor students in nonlearning time can interact with the registered religious organizations taking into account their influence on forming of spiritual, cultural and state traditions of the Belarusian people. The procedure, conditions, content and forms of such interaction are determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus in coordination with the President of the Republic of Belarus.

5. Organizational basis of implementation of state policy in the field of education is the state program of educational development approved by the Government of the Republic of Belarus according to acts of the legislation.

Article 3. The state guarantees of the rights in the field of education

1. Each citizen of the Republic of Belarus has right to education.

2. Citizens of the Republic of Belarus irrespective of floor, race, age, nationality, language, origin, property, social and official capacity, the residence, the relation to religion, beliefs, belonging to public associations, and also from other circumstances have the right in the public institutions of education, the state organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, free preschool, general secondary, professional, vocational education, additional education of children and youth (except the additional education of children and youth received at the public children's schools of arts), additional education of exceptional children and youth, the additional education of adults got in case of development of contents of the educational program of advanced training of leading employees and specialists the educational program of advanced training of working (employees), the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having the higher education, the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having secondary vocational education, the educational program of retraining of working (employees), the educational program of professional training of working (employees), the educational program of training of leading employees and specialists, the educational program of the special preparation necessary for occupation of separate positions of employees and also in case of development of other educational programs if it is provided by legal acts, and on competitive basis - free secondary vocational, the higher, the scientific oriented education if republican and (or) local budgets they receive the corresponding education at the expense of means for the first time.

Categories of persons who got secondary vocational, higher education at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets and have the right to the second and subsequent according to secondary vocational, higher education at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets, are determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Persons receiving the scientific oriented education with which the educational relations are stopped on the bases established by the President of the Republic of Belarus have no right to receipt in the organizations of education and the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education for receipt of the scientific oriented education at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets.

Persons who received the first the higher, the scientific oriented education at the expense of means of the republican budget can go to the foreign organizations for receipt of the higher, the scientific oriented education at the expense of means of the republican budget for the specialties necessary for the Republic of Belarus on preparation in which Republic of Belarus is not performed.

Citizens at will, and minor citizens also with the consent of one of their legal representatives can get the corresponding education on paid basis in the public institutions of education, the state organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education if in them the realization of educational programs on paid basis is enabled.

3. The second and subsequent professional, secondary vocational, the higher, the scientific oriented education, the additional education of adults got in case of development of contents of the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having the higher education, the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having secondary vocational education, the educational program of retraining of working (employees) can be received on condition of training in other specialty, profession of the worker, the employee's position.

4. Persons with features of psychophysical development in case of education are given correctional and pedagogical help and special conditions for education taking into account features of their psychophysical development are created.

5. The foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are constantly living in the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons which or their relatives on the direct ascending line were born or lived in the territory of the modern Republic of Belarus, constantly living in the territory of foreign states, and also foreign citizens and stateless persons to which the status of the refugee or shelter in the Republic of Belarus are provided have right to education, equal with citizens of the Republic of Belarus, if other is not established by legal acts, international treaties of the Republic of Belarus. The minor foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are temporarily living in the Republic of Belarus and also minor foreign citizens and stateless persons to which are provided the status of the refugee, additional protection or shelter in the Republic of Belarus or which petition for provision of the status of the refugee, additional protection or shelter in the Republic of Belarus have the right on

preschool, general secondary and vocational education on an equal basis with minor citizens of the Republic of Belarus.

6. For education on specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities only citizens of the Republic of Belarus are accepted if other is not established by international treaties of the Republic of Belarus.

Training on specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities is financed by means of the republican budget.

7. The right of citizens of the Republic of Belarus to education is provided:

7.1. development of network of organizations of education;

7.2. creation of social and economic conditions for education in the public institutions of education, the state organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, including free;

7.3. financing at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets of functioning of public institutions of education, the state organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, the state organizations of education providing functioning of education system;

7.4. availability in the public institutions of education, the state organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, the places intended for receipt of education by citizens which financing is performed at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets;

7.5. establishment of annually target figures of acceptance for education at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets;

7.6. creation of conditions for education taking into account national traditions, and also individual requirements, capabilities and requests of students;

7.7. provision of possibility of the choice of organization of education, specialty, form of education, level of studying of subjects, subject matters, educational areas, subjects;

7.8. creation of necessary number of places in the organizations for practical training, inservice training of students;

7.9. creation to persons with features of psychophysical development of the special conditions for education providing their social integration;

7.10. development of credit granting system of the citizens getting education on paid basis.

Article 4. The relations regulated by this Code

1. This Code governs the public relations in the field of education including:

1.1. the public relations on realization of the right of citizens to education which purpose is development studying contents of educational programs (the educational relations);

1.2. the public relations connected with the educational relations which purpose is creation of conditions for realization of the right of citizens to education, and also connected with employment in case of distribution on account of armor, in case of redistribution, job placement, redirection for work of graduates, redistribution and redirection for work of young specialists, young working (employees).

2. Civil and other legislation is applied to the public relations in the field of education in the part which is not settled by this Code.

Article 5. Subjects of the educational relations, subjects of the public relations connected with the educational relations

1. Subjects of the educational relations are participants of educational process, organization of education, the organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, the organizations participating in implementation of educational programs by means of network form of interaction and also other organizations, the individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities.

2. Subjects of the public relations connected with the educational relations are entrants, graduates, legal representatives of minor entrants, graduates, young specialists, young working (employees), the state organizations of education providing functioning of education system, organization of education, the organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organizations, the individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities, the organizations - customers of personnel both other organizations and individual entrepreneurs participating in the public relations connected with the educational relations.

Chapter 2. Legal regulation of the relations in the field of education

Article 6. Legal regulation of the relations in the field of education

1. The public relations in the field of education are governed by the legislation on education, and also the international treaties of the Republic of Belarus and other international legal acts containing obligations of the Republic of Belarus.

2. If the international treaty of the Republic of Belarus establishes other rules, than those which contain in this Code then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 7. Purposes and principles of the legislation on education

1. The purposes of the legislation on education are ensuring realization of constitutional right of citizens on education and regulation of the public relations in the field of education.

2. The legislation on education is based on the following principles:

2.1. compliance of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus;

2.2. compliance to the conventional principles of international law;

2.3. ensuring realization of the right of citizens to education;

2.4. ensuring availability of education;

2.5. education quality assurance;

2.6. establishment of responsibility for non-compliance with the legislation on education.

Article 8. Operation of the legislation on education in time, in space and around persons

1. Acts of the legislation on education if other is not established by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and other legal acts adopted according to it, have no retroactive force and are applied to the relations which arose:

1.1. after their introduction in action;

1.2. before their introduction in action regarding the rights and obligations which arose after their introduction in action.

2. This Code, other regulatory legal acts governing the public relations in the field of education are binding in all territory of the Republic of Belarus if action of regulatory legal acts in space is not limited to these regulatory legal acts, regulatory legal acts of local councils of deputies, executive and administrative organs - in the corresponding territory.

3. Operation of acts of the legislation on education extends to citizens, legal entities and other organizations of the Republic of Belarus, foreign legal entities and other foreign organizations to which the right of the Republic of Belarus, diplomatic representations and consular establishments of foreign states located in the territory of the Republic of Belarus extends and also on the representations and bodies of the international organizations and interstate educations accredited in the Republic of Belarus if other is not provided by these acts, international treaties of the Republic of Belarus and other international legal acts containing obligations of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 9. Application of the legislation on education by analogy

1. In cases when the public relations in the field of education are directly not settled by acts of the legislation on education, the legislation regulation governing the similar public relations (analogy of the law) is applied to such relations.

2. In case of impossibility of use of analogy of the law of the right and obligation of the Parties in the field of education are determined proceeding from the general beginnings, sense of the legislation, the principles of the legislation on education, cross-industry and all-legal principles (analogy is right).

3. Application by analogy of the regulations limiting the rights, establishing obligations and responsibility in the field of education is not allowed.

Chapter 3. Education system

Article 10. Education system

1. Education system - set of the interacting components directed to education goal achievement.

2. The purposes of education are forming of civic consciousness and patriotism, intellectual, spiritual and moral, creative, physical and professional development of the identity of the student, forming at it of knowledge, abilities, skills and competences.

3. Components of education system are:

3.1. participants of educational process in case of implementation of educational programs;

3.2. educational programs;

3.3. organizations of education;

3.4. the organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education;

3.5. other organizations performing educational activities;

3.6. the individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities;

3.7. the state organizations of education providing functioning of education system;

3.8. educational and methodical associations in the field of education;

3.9. the organizations providing carrying out practical training, practical training, inservice training by students;

3.10. the organizations participating in implementation of educational programs by means of network form of interaction;

3.11. the organizations - customers of personnel;

3.12. the organizations directing workers for development of contents of educational programs of additional education of adults;

3.13. state bodies, the Republic of Belarus subordinate and (or) accountable to the President, the National academy of Sciences of Belarus, republican state bodies, other state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs, other organizations within their powers in the field of education.

4. Education is subdivided into the main, additional and special.

5. The education system includes system of preschool education, system of general secondary education, system of vocational training, system of secondary vocational education, system of the higher education, system of the scientific oriented education, system of additional education of children and youth, system of additional education of exceptional children and youth, system of additional education of adults, system of vocational education.

Article 11. Main education

1. The main education - training and education of students by means of implementation of educational programs of the main education.

2. The main education in the Republic of Belarus includes the following levels:

2.1. preschool education;

2.2. general secondary education;

2.3. vocational training;

2.4. secondary vocational education;

2.5. the higher education;

2.6. the scientific oriented education.

3. The unity and continuity of the main education are provided with succession of its levels and coordination of contents of educational programs of the main education.

Article 12. Additional education

1. Additional education - training and education of students by means of implementation of educational programs of additional education.

2. Additional education is subdivided into the following types:

2.1. additional education of children and youth;

2.2. additional education of exceptional children and youth;

2.3. additional education of adults.

Article 13. Vocational education

1. Vocational education - training and education of students which are faces with features of psychophysical development, by means of implementation of educational programs of vocational education at the levels of preschool, general secondary education.

Educational programs of vocational education at the levels of preschool, general secondary education are developed on the basis of the educational program preschool and educational programs of general secondary education taking into account features of psychophysical development of students, their individual opportunities and if necessary provide correction of violations of development, social development and integration into society of persons with features of psychophysical development.

2. The certificate on general basic education or the certificate on general secondary education are issued to the persons with features of psychophysical development who mastered contents of the educational program of vocational education at the level of general secondary education and successfully passed final assessment upon completion of training and education on II or III steps of general secondary education respectively. Such persons are considered got respectively the general basic education or general secondary education.

3. The certificate of development of contents of the educational program of vocational education at the level of general secondary education in form installed by the Ministry of Education is issued to person with features of psychophysical development who mastered contents of the educational program of vocational education at the level of general secondary education to which the certificate on general basic education or the certificate on general secondary education are issued by organization of education also.

4. To the person with features of psychophysical development who mastered contents of the educational program of vocational education at the level of general secondary education for persons with intellectual insufficiency and successfully passed final assessment if other is not established by this Code, the certificate on vocational education is granted.

5. Person with features of psychophysical development can exercise the right to vocational education in the presence of the conclusion of the state center of the correctional developing training and rehabilitation.

Article 14. Receipt of the basic and additional education by students with special individual educational needs

1. In the Republic of Belarus support of gifted and talented students, persons with features of psychophysical development is performed, the children needing special conditions of education and assistance in receipt by such persons of the basic and additional education is rendered, and also conditions for receipt of preschool and general secondary education are created at home, the opportunity of receipt of general average and vocational training is given to the persons containing in correctional facilities of criminal executive system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, medical and labor dispensaries of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, studying in special teaching and educational facilities, special medical and educational facilities.

2. For the purpose of identification and support of gifted and talented students the Olympic Games, competitions, tournaments, festivals and other educational actions, sports competitions, sports and improving, sports and mass actions directed to identification and development in the studying mental and creative abilities, capabilities to occupations by physical culture and sport, interest in scientific (research) activities, creative activities on promotion of scientific knowledge, creative achievements, physical culture and sport will be organized and held.

For rendering assistance in receipt by gifted and talented students of the basic and additional education, satisfaction of their special individual educational needs different types of organizations of education, condition for the organization of educational and training process for the purpose of preparation of sports reserve and (or) high-class athletes are created, will be organized in addition to occupation studies, aimed at the intellectual, spiritual and physical development, development of creative capabilities of students, privileges in case of acceptance for receipt of the main education are established.

3. In case of receipt of the basic and additional education inclusion of persons with features of psychophysical development in joint educational process with other students by means of creation of special conditions taking into account features of their psychophysical development, the state of health and cognitive opportunities, rendering in need of the correctional and pedagogical help is provided.

Depending on degree of expressiveness of violations correctional and pedagogical help can be given in physical and (or) mental development of students in case of development of contents of educational programs of the main education by them within the appropriate educational program and (or) separately.

Correctional and pedagogical help is given in Items of the correctional and pedagogical help, the centers of employment and social resettlement of persons with features of psychophysical development, the state centers of the correctional developing training and rehabilitation. Content of the correctional and pedagogical help, procedure and conditions of its rendering in Items of the correctional and pedagogical help, the centers of employment and social resettlement of persons with features of psychophysical development, the state centers of the correctional developing training and rehabilitation are determined by the Ministry of Education.

The procedure for determination of fullness of groups, classes, educational groups, associations in case of development of contents of educational programs of the basic and additional education with inclusion in educational process of persons with features of psychophysical development is determined by interests by the Ministry of Education if other is not established by this Code.

Person with features of psychophysical development can exercise the right to creation of special conditions in case of receipt of the basic or additional education, receipt of the correctional and pedagogical help in the presence of the conclusion of the state center of the correctional developing training and rehabilitation or the certificate of development of contents of the educational program of vocational education at the level of general secondary education.

4. For persons containing in correctional facilities of criminal executive system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, medical and labor dispensaries of the Ministry of Internal Affairs conditions for receipt of general average and vocational training by creation of the public high schools (branches of the public high schools), branches of the state colleges by local executive and administrative organs in the territory of correctional facilities of criminal executive system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, republican unitary production enterprises subordinated to Department of execution of punishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, medical and labor dispensaries of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are provided.

Article 15. Educational programs

1. Educational programs are subdivided into educational programs of the main education, educational programs of additional education and educational programs of vocational education.

According to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Belarus or the body authorized by it and in the procedure determined by them experimental educational programs, the international educational programs can be implemented.

2. Educational programs of the main education - educational programs which implementation allows to receive preschool, general secondary, professional, secondary vocational, the higher, the scientific oriented education.

3. Educational programs of additional education - educational programs which implementation allows to get additional education of children and youth, additional education of exceptional children and youth, additional education of adults.

4. Educational programs of vocational education - educational programs of vocational education at the levels of preschool and general secondary education which realization allows to get vocational education.

5. Educational programs of the main education, except educational programs of the scientific oriented education, educational programs of vocational education, the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having the higher education the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having secondary vocational education include the content determined by the educational standard and scientific and methodical ensuring education and resource (personnel and material) providing.

6. Educational programs of the scientific oriented education, the educational program of additional education of children and youth, the educational program of additional education of exceptional children and youth, educational programs of additional education of adults, except the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having the higher education, the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having secondary vocational education include the content determined by scientific and methodical ensuring education and resource (personnel and material) providing.

7. Educational programs professional, secondary vocational, the higher, the scientific oriented education, the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having the higher education, the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having secondary vocational education are implemented on specialties on condition of opening of preparation on them. The educational program of advanced training of leading employees and specialists is implemented on education profiles, the directions of education on condition of opening of preparation on them.

Names and codes of profiles of education, the directions of education, groups of specialties, specialties on which educational programs of professional, secondary vocational, higher education are implemented, the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having the higher education, the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having secondary vocational education, the educational program of advanced training of leading employees and specialists, the appropriated qualifications are determined according to the Nation-wide qualifier of the Republic of Belarus "Specialties and qualifications".

Educational programs of the scientific oriented education are implemented on the specialties and branches of science corresponding to the nomenclature of professions of scientists of the Republic of Belarus established by the Highest certifying commission. The procedure for opening of preparation on specialties for receipt of the scientific oriented education is established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

The educational program of professional training of working (employees), the educational program of retraining of working (employees) and the educational program of advanced training of working (employees) are implemented by professions of workers, positions of employees, except positions of heads and specialists, on condition of opening of preparation on them. The list of professions of workers for preparation according to the educational program of professional training of working (employees), the list of positions of employees, except positions of heads and specialists, for preparation and the list of professions of workers by which categories are appropriated only by results of development of contents of the educational program of retraining of working (employees) are determined by the educational program of professional training of working (employees) by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.

The procedure for opening of preparation on education profiles, the directions of education, specialties, professions of workers, positions of employees, except positions of heads and specialists, is established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

8. The educational program of additional education of children and youth is implemented on the profiles determined by this Code and Regulations on organization of additional education of children and youth or its type.

9. The educational program of additional education of exceptional children and youth is implemented in the directions determined according to the procedure, established by this Code.

10. Educational programs of the main education, except the educational program of preschool education, educational programs of additional education of adults, educational programs of vocational education are subdivided into the types determined by this Code.

11. In case of implementation of educational programs the modular principle of creation of contents of the educational program in educational and program documentation of the educational program can be applied.

12. Educational programs can be implemented by means of network form of interaction.

The realization of the educational program by means of network form of interaction is enabled based on the agreement on network form of interaction.

The procedure and sales terms of educational programs by means of network form of interaction, financing of expenses of the organizations participating in implementation of educational programs by means of network form of interaction in the cases which are not provided by this Code of the direction of the expenses connected with providing students in case of implementation of the educational programs by means of network form of interaction financed by means republican and (or) local budgets other aspects of implementation of educational programs by means of network form of interaction are established by the Regulations on network form of interaction in case of implementation of educational programs approved by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

Implementation of educational programs when training for specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities by means of network form of interaction is performed based on the decision of state body, subordinate and (or) accountable to the President of the Republic of Belarus, republican state body under whose supervision are organization of education, the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education and in whom such preparation is performed, and in case of training of specialists for the benefit of other state body - including in coordination with this state body.

Article 16. Education forms, use of remote educational technologies

1. Education can be got in internal (day, evening), the correspondence, remote forms of education and in the form of competition.

2. Education full-time - the training and education providing permanent personal participation of the student in the regular studies, occupations and its personal participation in certification organized by organization of education, the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organization, the individual entrepreneur performing educational activities.

Day form of education - education full-time type when education is main type of employment of the student.

Evening form of education - education full-time type when education is combined, as a rule, with other type of employment of the student.

3. The correspondence form of education - the training and education providing mainly independent development of contents of the educational program by the student participating personally only in limited number of studies (occupations) and certification organized by organization of education, the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organization, the individual entrepreneur performing educational activities.

4. Remote form of education - the training and education providing mainly independent development of contents of the educational program by the student and interaction of the student and pedagogical workers on the basis of use of remote educational technologies.

Remote educational technologies are understood as the educational technologies realized generally using information and communication technologies in case of mediated (at distance) interaction of students and pedagogical workers.

Regulations on remote form of education in case of implementation of the appropriate educational programs affirm the Ministry of Education.

The procedure and conditions of use of remote educational technologies in case of implementation of educational programs are determined by the Ministry of Education.

In case of implementation of educational programs using remote educational technologies the place of implementation of educational activities is the location of organization of education, the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organization, the individual entrepreneur performing educational activities.

5. Competition - the training and education providing mainly independent development by the student of contents of the educational program, its personal participation only in the certification organized by organization of education, the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education.

6. In case of implementation of educational programs in the cases provided by this Code the combination of different forms of education is allowed.

7. The list of specialties on which education in evening, correspondence, remote forms of education is not allowed is determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

8. In case of implementation of educational programs in any form of education remote educational technologies can be used.

Article 17. Education in education system

1. The purpose of education is forming versatily developed, is moral the mature, creative person of the student.

2. Tasks of education are:

2.1. forming of civic consciousness, patriotism and national consciousness on the basis of the state ideology;

2.2. preparation for independent life, professional self-determination, choice of profession and work;

2.3. forming of moral, esthetic culture and culture in the field of environmental protection and environmental management;

2.4. forming of physical culture, mastering values and skills of healthy lifestyle;

2.5. forming of culture of the family relations;

2.6. creation of conditions for socialization, self-development and self-realization of the identity of the student.

3. Education is based on universal, humanistic values, cultural and spiritual traditions of the Belarusian people, the state ideology, reflects interests of the personality, society and state.

4. The main requirements to education are:

4.1. compliance of content, forms and methods of education of the purpose and to education tasks;

4.2. systemacity and unity of pedagogical requirements;

4.3. succession, continuity and the sequence of realization of content of education taking into account age and specific features of students;

4.4. creation of conditions for development of creative capabilities of students, their inclusion in different types of socially important activities.

5. The main components of education are:

5.1. the ideological education directed to forming at the studying knowledge of fundamentals of the state ideology, instilling in younger generation of universal, humanistic values, the ideas, the beliefs reflecting essence of the Belarusian statehood;

5.2. the civil and patriotic education directed to forming at students of active civic stand, patriotism, legal, political and information culture;

5.3. the spiritual and moral education directed to familiarizing of students with universal and humanistic values, forming of moral culture;

5.4. the esthetic education directed to forming at students of esthetic taste, development of sense of beauty;

5.5. the education of psychological culture aimed at the development, self-development and self-realization of the identity of students;

5.6. education of physical culture, physical enhancement;

5.7. forming at the studying skills of healthy lifestyle, awareness of the importance of health as value and importance of its preserving;

5.8. the family and gender education directed to forming at students of responsible attitude to family, scrap, education of children, conscious ideas of role and vital purpose of men and women according to traditional values of the Belarusian society;

5.9. the labor and professional education directed to understanding by students of work as personal and social value, forming of readiness for the conscious professional choice;

5.10. the education directed to forming at students of respect for the environment and to environmental management;

5.11. the education of culture of health and safety directed to forming at students of safe behavior in social and professional activity;

5.12. the education of culture of life and leisure directed to forming at students of the valuable relation to material environment abilities reasonablly and effectively to use free time;

5.13. the polycultural education directed to forming at other cultures studying the tolerant attitude towards representatives, nationalities, religions;

5.14. the economic education directed to forming at students of economic culture of the personality.

6. Education is performed on studies, occupations and in the course of educational work in nonlearning time.

Educational work in nonlearning time - the purposeful, systematic and planned activities of pedagogical workers, including the faculty directed to forming at students of sense of patriotism, civic consciousness, respect for memory of defenders of the Fatherland, the law and law and order, the person of work and the senior generation, careful attitude to historical and cultural heritage and traditions of the Belarusian people creation of conditions for self-determination, socialization and self-realization of the identity of the student on the basis of sociocultural, spiritual and moral values and accepted in the society of rules, standards of behavior for the benefit of the person, family, society and the states.

The procedure for carrying out educational work by pedagogical workers in nonlearning time with the students mastering contents of educational programs of general secondary education, the educational program of vocational education at the level of general secondary education, the educational program of vocational education at the level of general secondary education for persons with intellectual insufficiency, educational programs of vocational training, educational programs of secondary vocational education, educational programs of the higher education is determined by the Ministry of Education.

7. The purposes, tasks, content and procedure for carrying out educational work with students in case of education on specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations are established by acts of the legislation.

Section II. Subjects of the educational relations

Chapter 4. The organizations of education, the organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organizations, the individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities

Article 18. Organizations of education

1. Organizations of education are subdivided into the following types:

1.1. organizations of preschool education;

1.2. organizations of general secondary education;

1.3. organizations of secondary vocational education;

1.4. institutions of higher education;

1.5. organizations of vocational education;

1.6. organizations of additional education of children and youth;

1.7. organizations of additional education of exceptional children and youth;

1.8. organizations of additional education of adults;

1.9. educational and improving organizations of education;

1.10. social and pedagogical organizations;

1.11. special teaching and educational facilities;

1.12. special medical and educational facilities.

2. Organizations of formation of the corresponding type taking into account features of the organization of educational process are subdivided into the types determined by this Code.

For implementation of experimental educational programs, international educational programs for the decision of the Ministry of Education other types and types of organizations of education can be created.

3. Organizations of general secondary education, organization of secondary vocational education, institution of higher education, organization of vocational education, children's schools of arts, organizations of additional education of adults, special teaching and educational facilities, special medical and educational facilities treat educational institutions.

4. Regulations on the corresponding type and (or) type of organization of education, except Regulations on Suvorov Military School, Regulations on cadet school, Regulations on school of the Olympic reserve, Regulations on children's school of arts, affirm the Ministry of Education if other is not established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. Regulations on Suvorov Military School and Regulations on cadet school affirm the President of the Republic of Belarus. The regulations on school of the Olympic reserve affirm the Ministry of Sport and tourism. The regulations on children's school of arts affirm the Ministry of Culture.

5. Organizations of education can realize educational programs of the main education, educational programs of additional education, educational programs of vocational education, the program of education. Educational programs, programs of education which can implement organizations of formation of the corresponding type are established by this Code.

Organizations of education according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Belarus or the body authorized by it can realize experimental educational programs, the international educational programs.

6. Organizations of education can be state and private.

7. The organizations of education performing training on specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities, civil aviation, specialized lyceums, Suvorov Military Schools, cadet schools, organizations of education which are in the territory of correctional facilities of criminal executive system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, republican unitary production enterprises subordinated to Department of execution of punishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, medical and labor dispensaries of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, special teaching and educational facilities and special medical and educational facilities can be only state.

8. The type and type of organization of education are determined during its creation according to implementable educational programs and programs of education.

9. Branches, representations and other separate divisions of organization of education are created according to the procedure, established by acts of the legislation. The standard regulations on branch, representation and other separate division of organization of education affirm the Ministry of Education.

10. The status "the lead agency of education realizing educational programs of vocational training" can be provided to organization of education in system of vocational training.

The status "the lead agency of education realizing educational programs of secondary vocational education" can be provided to organization of education in system of secondary vocational education.

Special status "the national institution of education" or the status "lead agency of the higher education" can be provided to institution of higher education.

The status "the lead agency of education realizing educational programs of additional education of adults" can be provided to organization of education in system of additional education of adults.

Regulations on procedure for provision of the status "the lead agency of education realizing educational programs of vocational training" and the status "the lead agency of education realizing educational programs of secondary vocational education" affirm the Ministry of Education.

Regulations on procedure for provision of special status "national institution of education", the status "lead agency of the higher education" and the status "the lead agency of education realizing educational programs of additional education of adults" affirm the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

11. The organization of education performs the activities according to this Code, regulations on the corresponding type and (or) type of organization of education, other acts of the legislation, the charter of organization of education.

In regulations on the corresponding type and (or) type of organization of education can be determined:

subject and procedure for activities of organization of education;

tasks and functions of organization of education;

rights and obligations of organization of education;

the list of implementable educational programs and educational programs which the organization of education can realize;

structural divisions of organization of education, their function, condition and procedure for creation and activities;

types of groups - for organizations of education in case of implementation of the educational program of preschool education, the educational program of vocational education at the level of preschool education, types of classes - for organizations of education in case of implementation of educational programs of general secondary education, the educational program of vocational education at the level of general secondary education;

categories of students, their rights and obligation;

categories of pedagogical workers, other employees of organization of education, their right and obligation;

procedure for management of education of organization;

procedure for the organization of educational process;

standard forms of the separate documents necessary for the organization of educational process in organization of education, procedure for their approval and maintaining;

criteria of type of organization of education;

procedure for acceptance (transfer) for persons in organization of education for education, the list of documents which are shown in case of acceptance (transfer) in organization of education if the procedure for acceptance (transfer) and the list of documents are not determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Belarus or bodies authorized by them, this Code;

other provisions determining operating procedure of organization of education.

12. The operating procedure of the organizations of education performing training on specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities is determined by state bodies, subordinate and (or) accountable to the President of the Republic of Belarus, other state bodies under which supervision these organizations of education are.

Article 19. Rights and obligations of organizations of education

1. Organizations of education are independent in implementation of educational, scientific, scientific and technical activities, activities for scientific methodically ensuring education, to matching and placement of personnel and other activities in the limits set by acts of the legislation.

2. Organizations of education according to acts of the legislation have the right:

2.1. perform educational activities;

2.2. create structure and the staff list of organization of education;

2.3. transfer functions on ensuring activities to the public institutions created by executive committees of the regional and basic territorial levels, for ensuring activities subordinated to them state-financed organizations;

2.4. perform the activities which are bringing in incomes;

2.5. participate in scientific, scientific and technical, experimental and innovative activities, activities for scientific methodically ensuring education;

2.6. perform check of authenticity of the education document by sending an inquiry in the Ministry of Education about confirmation of the fact of its issue in case of doubts in authenticity of the education document issued in the Republic of Belarus in case of acceptance (transfer) of person for education;

2.7. be part of associations (unions) and other associations of non-profit organizations;

2.8. perform international cooperation in the field of education, including foreign trade activity.

3. Organizations of general secondary education in the cases provided by this Code can create conditions for the organization of educational and training process or organize educational and training process for the purpose of preparation of sports reserve and (or) high-class athletes. Educational and training process for the purpose of preparation of sports reserve and (or) high-class athletes is performed on the basis of the training programs on separate sports approved by the Ministry of Sport and tourism according to acts of the legislation.

4. Organizations of education shall provide:

4.1. quality of education;

4.2. development and approval in accordance with the established procedure structural elements of scientific and methodical ensuring the corresponding education, its enhancement;

4.3. matching, employment and placement of personnel, increase in their qualification;

4.4. observance of sanitary and epidemiologic requirements;

4.5. creation of safe conditions under the organization of educational and educational processes;

4.6. development and adoption of regulations for students;

4.7. development of regulations in hostels;

4.8. moral and material incentive of students, pedagogical and other employees of organization of education;

4.9. measures of social protection of students;

4.10. creation of necessary conditions for catering services and delivery of health care, accommodation (if necessary) students;

4.11. participation in forming of target figures of acceptance;

4.12. the organization of distribution, employment on account of armor, redistributions, job placements, redirections for work of graduates, redistributions and redirections for work of young specialists, young working (employees) and control of their employment;

4.13. acquaintance of persons, legal representatives of minors in case of acceptance (transfer) in organizations of education with the certificate on state registration, special permission (license) for educational activities, certificates on the state accreditation, the charter, regulations for students, regulations in hostels, other local legal acts of organizations of education containing the rights and obligations of students, and according to their requirement - also with educational and program documentation;

4.14. patronage of persons with features of psychophysical development within two years after education in these organizations of education according to the Regulations on patronage of persons with features of psychophysical development approved by the Ministry of Education;

4.15. assistance to authorized state bodies, other organizations in monitoring procedure behind education quality assurance.

5. Other rights and obligations of organizations of education are established by this Code, other acts of the legislation, charters of organizations of education.

Article 20. Creation, reorganization and liquidation of organizations of education

1. Creation, reorganization and liquidation of organizations of education are performed according to the procedure, established by this Code and other acts of the legislation.

2. Can be founders of organizations of education:

2.1. President of the Republic of Belarus, Government of the Republic of Belarus;

2.2. state bodies, the Republic of Belarus subordinate and (or) accountable to the President, the National academy of Sciences of Belarus, republican state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus;

2.3. local executive and administrative organs;

2.4. legal entities and citizens of the Republic of Belarus;

2.5. foreign states, the foreign organizations, the international organizations, interstate educations, foreign citizens, stateless persons if other is not established by legal acts, international treaties of the Republic of Belarus.

3. Full name of organization of education shall contain the words "organization of education" and specifying on its type and (or) type if other is not established by legal acts.

Use in the names of legal entities which are not organizations of education, words "recreation camp", "kindergarten", "school" (except the organizations of physical culture and sport), "gymnasium", "lyceum", "school", "college", "university", "institute" is forbidden if other is not established by legal acts.

4. The state universities, academies (conservatory), institutes, the organizations of education performing training on specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities are created and will be reorganized according to the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Belarus or the bodies authorized by them, and vessels are liquidated according to the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Belarus or the bodies authorized by them.

5. Specialized lyceums are created and will be reorganized according to the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Belarus or the bodies authorized by them, and vessels are liquidated according to the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Belarus or the bodies authorized by them.

6. Suvorov Military Schools are created and will be reorganized according to the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, and liquidated according to the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, court.

7. Cadet schools are created and will be reorganized according to the decision regional (The Minsk city) executive committee, and liquidated according to the decision regional (The Minsk city) executive committee, court.

8. Organizations of additional education of exceptional children and youth are created and will be reorganized according to the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Education, and liquidated according to the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Education, court.

9. Special teaching and educational facilities, institutes of professional education, institutes of control of knowledge are created and will be reorganized according to the decision of the Ministry of Education, and liquidated according to the decision of the Ministry of Education, court.

Special medical and educational facilities are created and will be reorganized according to the decision of the Ministry of Education, regional (The Minsk city) executive committee, and liquidated according to the decision of the Ministry of Education, regional (The Minsk city) executive committee, court.

10. Decisions on change of type, on reorganization, liquidation of public institutions of general secondary education are accepted by founders based on assessment of effects of adoption of such decisions taking into account the number of persons which are subject to training and education at the level of general secondary education in the territory of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit, and the number of the public institutions realizing educational programs of general secondary education in this territory.

11. Decisions on reorganization and liquidation of public institutions of vocational education are accepted by their founders based on assessment of effects of adoption of such decisions taking into account the number of the persons with features of psychophysical development getting vocational education in the territory of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit, and the number of public institutions of education, realizing educational programs of vocational education, and the organizations of education having conditions for implementation of educational programs of vocational education.

12. In case of abolition of structural division, the termination of activities of separate division, reorganization of organization of education in the absence of opportunity to continue the educational relations, liquidations of organization of education, cancellation, cancellation of special permission (license) for educational activities of organization of education (on its separate divisions, concerning one or several works and (or) services constituting educational activities) the founder or the body authorized by it take measures for transfer of students from their consent, the consent of legal representatives of minor students in other organizations of education realizing the appropriate educational programs, according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 21. Charter of organization of education

1. The organization of education acts on the basis of the Charter.

2. In the charter of organization of education if other is not determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus, are specified:

2.1. the name of organization of education according to requirements of the legislation;

2.2. location of organization of education;

2.3. type, type of organization of education;

2.4. subject, purposes and tasks of activities of organization of education;

2.5. information about the founder of this organization of education;

2.6. language (languages) of training and education, the list of implementable educational programs, programs of education, education form, profiles of education, the direction of education, specialty on which the educational programs in organization of education appropriated to qualification are implemented;

2.7. sources and procedure for forming of property of organization of education;

2.8. procedure for management of education of organization, structure and procedure for forming of governing bodies and self-government;

2.9. procedure for forming of structure and staff list of organization of education;

2.10. powers of the founder of this organization of education;

2.11. procedure for the organization of educational process in organization of education;

2.12. data on branches, representations, other separate divisions of organization of education;

2.13. data on creation, reorganization with indication of data on legal succession, renamings of this organization of education with references to relevant decisions of the founder and registering body;

2.14. procedure for reorganization and liquidation of organization of education;

2.15. procedure for modification and (or) amendments in the charter of organization of education;

2.16. other data on this organization of education provided by acts of the legislation and determined by the founder.

Article 22. Structure of organizations of education

1. Organizations of education can have the isolated and (or) structural divisions in the structure.

The isolated and (or) structural divisions of organizations of education are created in the presence of the positive sanitary and hygienic conclusions issued by results of the state sanitary and hygienic examination which is carried out by the bodies and organizations exercising the state sanitary inspection if availability of such conclusions is provided by acts of the legislation in the field of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population.

2. Branches, representations, other separate divisions treat separate divisions of organizations of education.

3. Libraries, hostels, educational-experimental sites, educational-experimental farms, educational-experimental forestries, industrial practice workshops, laboratories, faculties, departments, branches of departments, sports clubs, student's sanatoria dispensaries, the centers, managements, parts, departments, sectors, departments, educational farms, Items of the correctional and pedagogical help, children's social shelters, other structural divisions treat structural divisions of organizations of education.

4. Structural divisions according to the decision of heads of organizations of education can be created as separate divisions.

5. Organizations of education create the structure according to acts of the legislation, their charters.

Article 23. Change of type of organization of education

1. The type of organization of education can be changed.

2. The decision on change of type of organization of education is made by the founder on own initiative or at the initiative of organization of education in case of set of the following conditions:

2.1. justification of need of change of type of organization of education;

2.2. compliance of organization of education to criteria of the declared type.

Article 24. Management of education of organization

1. Control of organization of education is exercised according to this Code, regulations on the corresponding type and (or) type of organization of education, other acts of the legislation, the charter of organization of education and is under construction on combination of the principles of one-man management and self-government.

2. Direct management of organization of education is performed by his head who is appointed to position and is dismissed according to the procedure, established by this Code and other legal acts.

3. The head of organization of education in activities for management of education of this organization interacts with self-government institutions of organization of education.

4. The main self-government institutions in organizations of preschool, general secondary, vocational education, additional education of children and youth, additional education of exceptional children and youth, educational and improving organizations of education, social and pedagogical organizations, special teaching and educational facilities and special medical and educational facilities is the faculty meeting, in other organizations of education - council. The faculty meeting, council is headed by the head of organization of education.

5. In the cases provided by this Code in organization of education the following self-government institutions are created (can be created): faculty meeting, council, scientific and methodical council, methodical council, board of trustees, parent committee, student's council, student council, trainer's council.

6. Regulations on faculty meeting, council, scientific and methodical council, methodical council, the board of trustees, parent committee, student's council, student council of organization of education affirm the Ministry of Education. The regulations on trainer's council of organization of education affirm the Ministry of Sport and tourism.

7. According to the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus in institutions of higher education other self-government institutions which perform the activities in the procedure determined by it can be created.

8. Self-government institutions of organization of education are created and perform the activities according to acts of the legislation, the charter of organization of education.

Article 25. Powers of the head of organization of education

1. Head of organization of education:

1.1. acts on behalf of organization of education without power of attorney and bears responsibility for results of the activities;

1.2. issues orders, signs agreements, issues powers of attorney, opens accounts in banks within the powers;

1.3. performs acceptance and dismissal of workers, approves their official (workers) instructions.

2. The head of public institution of education has the right to provide to pupils, students during receipt of secondary vocational, higher education of discount from the created training cost on the conditions established by the President of the Republic of Belarus, according to the procedure and the sizes determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus to make transfer of pupils, students from paid training on training at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets on the conditions established by the President of the Republic of Belarus, and according to the procedure, determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

3. The head of private institution of education has the right to provide to pupils, students during receipt of secondary vocational, higher education of discount from the created training cost.

4. Other powers of the head of organization of education are established by this Code, other acts of the legislation, the charter of organization of education.

Article 26. The organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organizations, the individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities

1. The organizations performing scientific and methodical ensuring the scientific oriented education, subordinated to National academy of Sciences of Belarus, republican state bodies and realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, the scientific organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, and also the organizations authorized by the President of the Republic of Belarus on implementation of educational programs of the scientific oriented education and realizing them treat the organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education.

The organizations realizing the educational programs of the scientific oriented education performing training on specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities can be only state.

The organizations realizing the educational programs of the scientific oriented education performing training on specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities are created and will be reorganized according to the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Belarus or the bodies authorized by them, and vessels are liquidated according to the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Belarus or the bodies authorized by them.

2. Other organizations performing educational activities can realize the educational program of preschool education, the educational program of additional education of children and youth, the educational programs of vocational education and (or) educational programs of additional education of adults determined by this Code.

3. The individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities can realize the educational program of preschool education, educational programs of vocational education and (or) educational programs of additional education of adults determined by this Code.

4. The organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organizations the individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities perform educational activities according to this Code, other acts of the legislation, their charters.

Other organizations, the individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities notify the local executive and administrative organs exercising control of education quality assurance in the place of their stay on implementation and the termination of implementation of educational activities by them, except the licensed activities, educational activities in case of implementation of educational programs of additional education of the adults specified in subitems 1.2 and 1.3 of Item 1 of Article 252 of this Code.

5. In case of abolition of structural division, the termination of activities of separate division, reorganization of the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education of other organization performing educational activities in the absence of opportunity to continue the educational relations, liquidations of the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organization performing educational activities, cancellations, cancellation of special permission (license) for educational activities of other organization performing educational activities (on its separate divisions, concerning one or several works and (or) services constituting educational activities), the founder or the body authorized by it take measures for transfer of students from their consent, the consent of legal representatives of minor students in other organizations of education, the organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organizations performing educational activities, realizing the appropriate educational programs, according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 27. The rights and obligations of the organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organizations, the individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities

1. The organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organizations the individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities are independent in implementation of educational, scientific, scientific and technical activities, activities for scientific methodically ensuring education, to matching and placement of personnel and other activities in the limits set by acts of the legislation.

2. The organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organizations the individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities have the right:

2.1. perform educational activities;

2.2. participate in scientific, scientific and technical activities, activities for scientific methodically ensuring education;

2.3. perform international cooperation in education, scientific activities, including foreign trade activity.

3. The individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities shall provide the organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organizations:

3.1. quality of education;

3.2. development and approval in accordance with the established procedure structural elements of scientific and methodical ensuring the corresponding education, its enhancement;

3.3. observance of sanitary and epidemiologic requirements;

3.4. creation of safe conditions under the organization of educational and educational processes;

3.5. moral and material incentive of students, pedagogical workers;

3.6. acquaintance of persons, legal representatives of minors in case of acceptance (transfer) with the certificate on state registration, constituent documents, special permission (license) for educational activities, certificates on the state accreditation, regulations for students, regulations in hostels, other local legal acts containing the rights and obligations of students, and according to their requirement - also with educational and program documentation;

3.7. assistance to authorized state bodies, other organizations in monitoring procedure behind education quality assurance.

4. Other rights and obligations of the organizations realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organizations of the individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities are established by this Code, other acts of the legislation, their constituent documents.

Article 28. The state accreditation of organizations of education, other organizations performing educational activities, confirmation of the state accreditation

1. The state accreditation of organization of education, other organization performing educational activities - activities of state bodies (organizations) for establishment of compliance of educational activities of organization of education, other organization performing educational activities, to the legislation on education, contents and qualities of the provided education to requirements of educational standards, educational and program documentation of educational programs.

The organizations of education and other organizations performing educational activities are subject to the state accreditation.

2. Following the results of carrying out the state accreditation of organization of education, other organization performing educational activities the decision on the accreditation of organization of education, other organization performing educational activities or on refusal in accreditation of organization of education, other organization performing educational activities is made.

3. In the presence of the decision on accreditation of organization of education, other organization performing educational activities, organization of education, other organization performing educational activities are considered accredited and it issues certificates on the state accreditation.

4. The decision on the accreditation of organization of education, other organization performing educational activities establishes the right of organization of education, other organization performing educational activities to issue to graduates of education documents.

5. The state accreditation of organizations of education, other organizations performing educational activities is carried out:

5.1. on compliance to the declared type - for organizations of general average, secondary vocational, higher education, special teaching and educational facilities, special medical and educational facilities, organizations of vocational education realizing the educational program of vocational education at the level of general secondary education and also for organizations of additional education of the adults realizing the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having the higher education, the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having secondary vocational education, the educational program of advanced training of leading employees and specialists;

5.2. on each specialty - for specialties on which educational programs of secondary vocational education, educational programs of the higher education, the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having the higher education, the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having secondary vocational education are implemented;

5.3. on education profile, the direction of education - for profiles of education, the directions of education on which the educational program of advanced training of leading employees and specialists in other organization performing educational activities is implemented.

6. The organizations of education, other organizations performing educational activities shall confirm the state accreditation.

7. Confirmation of the state accreditation is the basis for preserving behind organization of education, other organization performing educational activities, the rights to issue to graduates of education documents.

8. In case of non-confirmation of the state accreditation the organization of education, other organization performing educational activities lose the corresponding state accreditation.

9. Regulations on procedure for carrying out the state accreditation and confirmation of the state accreditation of organizations of education, other organizations performing educational activities affirm the Government of the Republic of Belarus, samples of certificates on the state accreditation are established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

Chapter 5. Students, legal representatives of minor students. Social protection of students, support of graduates

Article 29. Students. The documents confirming the status of the student

1. Treat students:

1.1. the graduated in a military academy - person accepted (enlisted) for development of contents of the educational program of postgraduate study (graduate military course) in day or correspondence form of education on specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations;

1.2. the graduate student - person accepted (enlisted) for development of contents of the educational program of postgraduate study (graduate military course) in day or correspondence form of education except the faces carried according to subitem 1.1 of this Item to adjoints;

1.3. the pupil - person accepted (enlisted) for development of contents of the educational program of preschool education, the educational program of vocational education at the level of preschool education or the educational program of vocational education at the level of preschool education for persons with intellectual insufficiency;

1.4. the doctoral candidate - person accepted (enlisted) for development of contents of the educational program of doctoral studies in day form of education;

1.5. the cadet - person accepted (enlisted) for development of content of one of types of educational programs of professional, secondary vocational education or the educational program of bachelor degree, the continuous educational program of the higher education in day form of education on specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations, civil aviation except the faces carried according to subitem 1.7 of this Item to listeners;

1.6. the undergraduate - the student accepted (enlisted) for development of contents of the educational program of magistracy;

1.7. the listener - person from among officers of military forming accepted (enlisted) for development of content of one of types of educational programs of the higher education or person from among faces of the commanding and ordinary structure of paramilitary organizations accepted (enlisted) for development of contents of the educational program of bachelor degree or the continuous educational program of the higher education in the correspondence or remote form of education, the educational program of magistracy for specialties for military forming and paramilitary organizations and also person from among the managerial personnel, the faces included in reserves of the managerial personnel accepted (enlisted) for receipt of the second general higher education or vocational higher education in Academy of management in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus or person accepted (enlisted) for development of content of one of types of educational programs of additional education of adults except the educational program of training of leading employees and specialists;

1.8. the job seeker - person accepted (enlisted) for development of content of one of types of educational programs of the scientific oriented education in the form of competition;

1.9. the trainee - person accepted (enlisted) for development of contents of the educational program of training of leading employees and specialists;

1.10. the student - person accepted (enlisted) for development of content of one of types of educational programs of the higher education except the faces carried according to subitems 1.5 and 1.7 of this Item to cadets and listeners;

1.11. the pupil - person accepted (enlisted) for development of content of one of types of educational programs of general secondary education, including the candidate for transfer for school of the Olympic reserve for carrying out educational and training process, educational programs of vocational training except the faces carried according to subitem 1.5 of this Item to cadets, educational programs of secondary vocational education except the faces carried according to subitem 1.5 of this Item to cadets, the educational program of additional education of children and youth, the educational program of additional education of exceptional children and youth, the educational program of vocational education at the level of general secondary education, the educational program of vocational education at the level of general secondary education for persons with intellectual insufficiency;

1.12. ex-sloe - person accepted (enlisted) in public institution of general secondary education for passing of certification according to the procedure of the external studies.

2. Studying for the period of development of contents of educational programs by them can be issued, and in the cases provided by this Code the documents confirming the status of the student (the ticket of the pupil, the student ID card, other document) are issued. The document confirming the status of the student can be multipurpose.

The decision on issue to students of the documents confirming the status of the student in cases when issue of such documents is not obligatory according to this Code, is accepted by the head of organization of education, the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education, other organization performing educational activities, realizing educational programs in coordination with the founder or the body authorized by it, and also the individual entrepreneur performing educational activities, realizing educational programs.

Article 30. Basic rights of students

1. Students, except the students specified in Items 3 and 4 of this Article according to this Code and other acts of the legislation have the right on:

1.1. education according to educational programs;

1.2. simultaneous development of contents of several educational programs of the main education in the cases provided by acts of the legislation;

1.3. transfer in other organization of education according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus;

1.4. transfer for education on other specialty, including in the presence of medical contraindications to training in the received specialty appropriated to qualification, in other form of education according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus;

1.5. recovery for continuation of education in organization of education, the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education in cases and procedure, stipulated in Clause the 69th of this Code;

1.6. training and education according to this Code within contents of the educational program for the individual curriculum, individual training program in the cases provided by this Code;

1.7. creation of special conditions for education taking into account features of their psychophysical development;

1.8. respect of human dignity, protection against all forms of physical and mental abuse, insult of the personality, protection of life and health during educational process;

1.9. free психолого - medico-pedagogical inspection in the state centers of the correctional developing training and rehabilitation;

1.10. free correction of violations in physical and (or) mental development in the public institutions of education realizing educational programs of vocational education, the correctional and pedagogical help in public institutions of education, realizing educational programs of the main, additional and vocational education;

1.11. use of textbooks and education guidances;

1.12. providing with grant and other money payments;

1.13. providing with the place for accommodation;

1.14. expense recovery on hiring of premises (its part) in case of failure to provide premises (its part) in the hostel;

1.15. the credit on favorable terms for payment of the first higher education;

1.16. leaves, vacation, vacation leaves;

1.17. free use of library, sports constructions, educational, production, scientific base of organization of education, the organization realizing educational programs of the scientific oriented education;


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