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of December 23, 2010 No. 2862-VI

About social dialogue in Ukraine

(as amended of the Law of Ukraine of 12.05.2022 No. 2253-IX)

This Law determines legal principles of the organization and procedure for conducting social dialogue in Ukraine for the purpose of development and realization of the state social and economic policy, regulation of the employment, social, economic relationships and ensuring increase in level and quality of life of citizens, social stability in society.

Article 1. Social dialogue

1. Social dialogue - process of determination and rapprochement of line items, achievements of general arrangements and acceptance of agreed decisions by the parties of social dialogue representing the interests of workers, employers and executive bodies and local government bodies concerning forming and realization of the state social and economic policy, regulation of the employment, social, economic relationships.

Article 2. Legislation of Ukraine on social dialogue

2. If the international treaty which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine establishes other regulations, than those which are stipulated by the legislation Ukraine about social dialogue are applied regulations of the international treaty.

Article 3. Basic principles of social dialogue

1. Social dialogue is performed on the principles:

legality and supremacy of law;

representativeness and legal capacity of the parties and their representatives;

independence and equality of participants;

constructibility and interaction;

voluntariness and adoption of real obligations;

mutual respect and search of compromise solutions;

obligation of consideration of offers of the parties;

priority of conciliation procedures;

openness and publicity;

obligation of observance of the reached agreements;

responsibility for accomplishment of undertaken obligations.

Article 4. Levels and parties of social dialogue

1. Social dialogue is performed:

at the national, industry, territorial levels on tripartite or bilateral basis;

at the local level (at the company, in organization, the organization, and also with the physical person using wage labor) on bilateral basis.

2. Treat the parties of social dialogue:

at the national level - the trade-union party which subjects are merging of the labor unions having the status All-Ukrainian; the party of employers which subjects is merging of the organizations of the employers having the status All-Ukrainian; the party of executive bodies which subject is the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

at the industry level - the trade-union party which subjects are the All-Ukrainian labor unions and their associations operating within certain type or several types of economic activity; the party of employers which subjects are the All-Ukrainian Unions of the organizations of the employers acting within certain type or several types of economic activity; the party of executive bodies which subjects are the relevant central executive bodies;

at the territorial level - the trade-union party which subjects are the labor unions of appropriate level and their consolidation operating in the territory of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit; the party of employers which subjects are the organizations of employers and their consolidation operating in the territory of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit; the party of executive bodies which subjects are the local executive bodies operating in the territory of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit. In the territory of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit local government bodies within the powers determined by the legislation can be the party of social dialogue;


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