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of November 25, 2010 No. 50

About Regulations on personnel of permanent bodies of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Solved Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of state members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization:

Approve Regulations on personnel of permanent bodies of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization it (is applied).


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Republic of Kazakhstan

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People's Republic of China

Prime Minister

Republic of Tajikistan

President, deputy.

Prime Minister

Kyrgyz Republic


Prime Minister

Republic of Uzbekistan

Approved by the Decision of Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of state members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization of November 25, 2010 No. 50

Regulations on personnel of permanent bodies of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

This Provision determines working conditions, the rights and obligations of officials and staff of the permanent bodies of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization provided by the Charter of SCO of June 7, 2002.

Article 1. General provisions

1.1. Terms in this Provision mean:

1.1.1. SCO or "Organization" - the Shanghai Cooperation Organization;

1.1.2. "Permanent body of SCO (further PDO SCO) "The secretariat of SCO, Regional anti-terrorist structure of SCO (further RATS) and other permanent structures created within SCO;

1.1.3. "Secretariat" - the Secretariat of SCO;

1.1.4. "State member" - state member of SCO;

1.1.5. "The state of stay" - state member in the territory of which PDO SCO is located;

1.1.6. "The directing state" - state member which sends the citizens for work to PDO SCO;

1.1.7. "Secretary general" is the Secretary general of SCO;

1.1.8. "Director" is the Director of the RATS Executive committee;

1.1.9. "The head of PDO SCO" - the main administrative official heading PDO SCO (for the Secretariat of SCO - the Secretary general, for RATS SCO - the Director of Executive committee of RATS SCO);

1.1.10. "Officials" are the persons sent by state members on quota basis for work to PDO SCO and appointed to the corresponding established posts;

1.1.11. "Personnel" - the officials and employees/workers of PDO SCO including directed on sekondment;

1.1.12. "Employees/workers (further employees)" - the citizens of state members who are not officials, hired out of the staff list (specialists, the administrative and technical and servicing structure);

1.1.13. "The employees directed on sekondment" - the specialists directed on voluntary basis by state members for work in PDO SCO in case of that understanding that these persons do not obtain monetary pay, guarantee and compensation from the budget of SCO;

1.1.14. "Contract" - the employment contract signed between PDO SCO and personnel about working conditions in PDO SCO;

1.1.15. "Rotation" - procedure for distribution of quota vacancies, selection and hiring of officials in PDO SCO on quota vacancies, and employees - on freelancing positions, prolongation or completion of terms of contracts;

1.1.16. "Convention" - The convention on privileges and immunities of SCO of June 17, 2004.

1.2. This Provision is applied to personnel of all PDO of SCO.

Article 2. Status, privileges and immunities of personnel

2.1. Officials of PDO SCO have the status of the international employees and on duty in the territory of all state members use privileges and immunities, certain Articles 10 - 16 Conventions on privileges and immunities of SCO of June 17, 2004.

In the territory of the state of stay they also use the privileges and immunities determined by the prisoner between SCO and the government of the state of stay by the relevant agreement.

2.2. The employees of PDO SCO directed to work on the basis of sekondment (except for citizens of the state of stay), have the status of experts in business trips for SCO and during execution of the mission use privileges and immunities, according to article 17 of the Convention. Citizens of adoptive state use privileges and immunities according to the Agreement between the Organization and the state of stay.

2.3. In case of departure in official journey out of limits of the state of stay to other state members the employees of PDO SCO directed to work on sekondment irrespective of their nationality, have the status of experts in business trip for SCO and use immunities and privileges, according to article 17 of the Convention.

2.4. Persons specified in Items 2.1. - 2.3., use privileges and immunities according to this Provision, shall respect the legislation of the state of stay and not interfere with internal affairs of this state.

Article 3. Secretary general of SCO, heads, deputy managers of PDO SCO

3.1. The secretary general is the leading executive official of SCO.

3.2. The procedure for appointment of heads of PDO SCO and their deputies, their official status, powers and functions, and also interaction between them are determined by the regulating documents regulating activities of PDO SCO.

Article 4. Officials and employees of PDO SCO

4.1. Officials of PDO SCO are designated from among citizens of state members on quota basis taking into account the sizes of their contributions to the budget of SCO.

4.2. The procedure for nominations on substitution of quota vacancies and their employment is determined by regulating documents of the corresponding PDO SCO.

4.3. Employees are employed in PDO SCO by their heads within the budgetary appropriations allocated for these purposes.

In coordination with heads of PDO SCO the direction of employees by state members of SCO for work in PDO on the basis of sekondment is allowed.

4.4. Officials and employees are appointed to positions by the head of the corresponding PDO SCO on the basis of the Contract which on behalf of the Organization is signed by the head of the corresponding PDO SCO.

4.5. The head of PDO SCO also has the right to engage on a temporary basis employees by the conclusion of Contracts with them for accomplishment of separate work types within the budgetary appropriations allocated for these purposes.


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