of November 29, 2010 No. 357-IV ZRK
About the republican budget for 2011-2013
Article 1. Approve the republican budget for 2011-2013 according to appendices 1, 2 and 3 respectively, including for 2011 in the following amounts:
1) the income - 4 346 215 971 thousand tenges, including on:
to tax revenues - 2 934 895 657 thousand tenges;
to non-tax receipts - 86 371 534 thousand tenges;
to sales proceeds of fixed capital - 14 192 088 thousand tenges;
to receipts of transfers - 1 310 756 692 thousand tenges;
2) costs - 4 647 429 633 thousand tenges;
3) net budget crediting - 91 160 728 thousand tenges, including:
budget credits - 184 469 274 thousand tenges;
repayment of budget credits - 93 308 546 thousand tenges;
4) balance on transactions with financial assets - 338 013 062 thousand tenges, including:
acquisition of financial assets - 338 323 062 thousand tenges;
sales proceeds of financial assets of the state - 310 000 thousand tenges;
5) deficit - 730 387 452 thousand tenges, or percent 2,8 to country gross domestic product;
6) budget deficit financing - 730 387 452 thousand tenges.
Article 2. Provide in the republican budget for 2011 of receipt of the rents for use of the Russian Federation of the Baikonur complex in the amount 17 250 000 thousand tenges and proving grounds in the amount of 3 717 900 thousand tenges.
Article 3. Approve amounts of the receipts in the budget for 2011 directed to National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 4.
Article 4. Determine that are enlisted in the income of the relevant budget:
by the "Severance tax" code of classification of the income of single budget classification - debt of subsoil users on royalty, and also royalty on contracts for subsurface use in which guarantees of stability of tax regime remain;
by the Social tax code of classification of the income of single budget classification - debt on the fees which were earlier listed in the Pension fund, the State center for pension payment, Fund of compulsory medical insurance, Fund of the national social insurance, Fund of assistance of employment, and also the expels of users of highways which were earlier arriving in Road fund.
At the same time the taxpayers performing activities for contracts for subsurface use in whom guarantees of stability of tax regime remain reduce the above-stated assignments or the social tax by the amount of contributions to the State Social Insurance Fund estimated according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About compulsory social insurance";
by the "Gasoline (Except for Aviation) Self-produced, Realized by Producers Wholesale" code - debt on the collection from gasoline which was earlier arriving in Road fund;
by the "Self-produced Diesel Fuel Realized by Producers Wholesale" code - debt on the collection from diesel fuel which was earlier arriving in Road fund.
Article 5. The negative balance formed as of December 31, 1998 as a result of excess of the amounts of the temporary disability benefits added by employers, to pregnancy and childbirth, in case of the child's birth, on burial, paid from Fund of the national social insurance, over the added amount of contributions to the specified fund, is monthly set off on account of payment of the social tax within 4 percent from salary fund.
Article 6. Provide in the republican budget for 2011 amounts of the budget withdrawals from regional budgets, city budget of Almaty in the republican budget in the amount 103 078 751 thousand tenges, including:
Atyrau - 41 707 712 thousand tenges;
Mangystau - 12 731 130 thousand tenges;
the city of Almaty - 48 639 909 thousand tenges.
Article 6-1. Provide in the republican budget for 2011 of receipt of transfers from regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty in connection with transfer:
functions and powers on carrying out the state technical inspection of vehicles - 43 355 thousand tenges;
divisions of special purpose of Arlan - 141 211 thousand tenges;
powers of local executive bodies:
concerning the state architectural construction supervision and licensing - 174 687 thousand tenges;
on the organization of activities of service centers of the population - 7 318 688 thousand tenges.
Receipts in the republican budget of the specified amounts of transfers from regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty are determined based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Article 7. Provide in the republican budget for 2011 the size of the guaranteed transfer from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the amount of 1 200 000 000 thousand tenges.
Article 8. Establish since January 1, 2011:
1) the minimum size of the salary - 15 999 tenges;
2) the size of the state base retirement benefit - 8 000 tenges;
3) the minimum size of pension - 16 047 tenges;
4) monthly settlement indicator for calculation of benefits and other social payments, and also for application of penalties, taxes and other payments according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 1 512 tenges;
5) the size of subsistence minimum for calculation of the amount of base social pays - 15 999 tenges.
Article 9. Establish since January 1, 2011 the monthly size of monetary compensation on content of the dwelling and payment of utilities in the amount of 3 739 tenges by the serviceman (except the military personnel of conscription service) and to law enforcement officers.
Article 10. Provide in the republican budget for 2011 amounts of the subventions transferred from the republican budget to regional budgets, city budget of Astana in the amount of 789 938 833 thousand tenges, including:
Akmola - 49 552 059 thousand tenges;
Aktyubinsk - 21 836 600 thousand tenges;
Almaty - 94 077 476 thousand tenges;
East Kazakhstan - 81 700 063 thousand tenges;
Jambyl - 75 778 457 thousand tenges;
The West Kazakhstan - 13 983 926 thousand tenges;
Karaganda - 55 937 850 thousand tenges;
Kostanay - 48 552 068 thousand tenges;
Kyzylorda - 64 395 637 thousand tenges;
Pavlodar - 25 809 390 thousand tenges;
The North Kazakhstan - 47 000 200 thousand tenges;
The southern Kazakhstan - 193 272 522 thousand tenges;
the city of Astana - 18 042 585 thousand tenges.
Article 11. Distribution and (or) procedure for use of target current transfers regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty for 2011 are determined based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
on ensuring protection of public order during actions of the international value;
on carrying out transaction of IAC;
on content, material equipping of the additional number of staff of migratory police;
on content and material equipping of the Center of temporary accommodation of oralmans and the Center of adaptation and integration of oralmans;
in connection with transfer of the number of staff of pedagogical employees of comprehensive schools of public institutions of criminal executive system;
on increase in the amount of surcharge for qualification category to teachers of boarding schools for the children presented in sport;
on holding antiepizootic actions;
on seed farming support;
on support of breeding livestock production;
on subsidizing of increase in productivity and product quality of livestock production;
on subsidizing of increase in productivity and quality of commodity fish breeding;
on subsidizing of cost of services in supply of drinking water from especially important group and local water supply systems which are uncontested sources of drinking water supply;
for implementation of measures of social support of specialists;
on subsidizing of increase in productivity of products of crop production;
on the organization and carrying out identification of farm animals;
on provision of special social services;
on capital and average repair of highways of regional, district value and streets of the cities of Astana and Almaty; on seizure of land for the state needs;
on implementation of the state educational order in the preschool organizations of education;
on equipment by the educational equipment of offices of physics, chemistry, biology in public institutions of the main secondary and general secondary education;
on creation of language and multimedia laboratories in public institutions of primary, main secondary and general secondary education;
on updating and re-equipment of industrial practice workshops, laboratories of educational institutions of technical and professional education;
on acquisition of the educational equipment for advanced training of pedagogical personnel;
on equipment, software of handicapped children, students at home;
on providing and expansion of the guaranteed amount of free medical care;
on material equipment of the medical organizations of health care at the local level.
Article 12. Distribution and (or) procedure for use of the means realized in the following directions are determined based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
subsidizing of rate of remuneration on the credits issued on support of agricultural industry;
subsidizing of production management systems of agricultural products;
reduction in cost of cost of costs for transportation expenses when exporting grain;
support of creation new, upgrade and improvement of the operating productions within the Performance-2020 direction;
support of private entrepreneurship in regions within the Road Map of Business-2020 program.
Article 13. Determine that the funds allocated for payment of special public welfare payments, public social benefits for disability on the occasion of loss of the supporter and on age, are provided taking into account increase since January 1, 2011 in their sizes for nine percent.
Article 13-1. Distribution and procedure for use of funds for program implementation of employment of 2020 are determined based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Article 14. Distribution and procedure for use of funds for program implementation "N, rla to, sh" for 2009-2011 are determined based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
on target transfers on development to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on development, arrangement and (or) acquisition of engineering and communication infrastructure;
on crediting of regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty for construction and (or) acquisition of housing.
Article 15. Distribution and procedure for use of funds for realization of intersectoral and interdepartmental interaction concerning protection of public health for 2011 are determined based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Article 16. Approve reserve of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 in the amount of 67 860 188 thousand tenges.
Article 17. Consider that as a part of costs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan for forming and storage of the state material reserve means are provided in the amount of 7 193 995 thousand tenges, including with reflection in the income of the republican budget of means from realization of the material values issued according to the procedure of refreshening in the amount 6 505 813 thousand tenges.
Article 18. Provide in the republican budget for 2011 1 747 853 thousand tenges for repayment and servicing of the loans guaranteed by the state.
Article 19. Set limit of provision of the state guarantees of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2011 in the amount of 65 000 000 thousand tenges.
Article 20. Set limit of government debt for December 31, 2011 in the amount of 3 200 000 000 thousand tenges.
Article 21. Set limit of provision of guarantees of the state in 2011 in the amount of 50 000 000 thousand tenges.
Article 22. Approve the list of the republican budget programs which are not subject to the sequester in the course of execution of the republican budget for 2011 according to appendix 5.
Determine that in the course of execution of local budgets for 2011 local budget programs according to appendix 6 are not subject to the sequester.
Article 23. This Law becomes effective since January 1, 2011.
Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev
to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the republican budget for 2011 - 2013" of November 29, 2010 No. 357-IV
See Appendix 1 (0.13Mb In original language)
to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the republican budget for 2011-2013" of November 29, 2010 No. 357-IV
Republican budget for 2012
+--------------------------------------------------------------------ї |Категория | +----+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | |Класс | +----+-----+---------------------------------------------------------+ | | |Подкласс | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | | | Наименование | Сумма, | | | | | | тыс. тенге | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | 1 | | 2 | 3 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | | |I. Доходы |4 257 347 134 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ |001 | | |Налоговые поступления |2 879 344 489 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |001 | |Подоходный налог |1 206 161 500 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Корпоративный подоходный налог |1 206 161 500 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |005 | |Внутренние налоги на товары,|955 268 122 | | | | |работы и услуги | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Налог на добавленную стоимость |786 449 814 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |002 |Акцизы |22 318 698 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |003 |Поступления за использование|140 668 102 | | | | |природных и других ресурсов | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |004 |Сборы за ведение|1 981 925 | | | | |предпринимательской и| | | | | |профессиональной деятельности | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |005 |Налог на игорный бизнес |3 849 583 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |006 | |Налоги на международную торговлю|702 187 532 | | | | |и внешние операции | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Таможенные платежи |684 260 265 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |002 |Прочие налоги на международную|17 927 267 | | | | |торговлю и операции | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |007 | |Прочие налоги |4 280 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Прочие налоги |4 280 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |008 | |Обязательные платежи, взимаемые|15 723 055 | | | | |за совершение юридически значимых| | | | | |действий и (или) выдачу| | | | | |документов уполномоченными на то| | | | | |государственными органами или| | | | | |должностными лицами | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Государственная пошлина |15 723 055 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ |002 | | |Неналоговые поступления |60 599 213 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |001 | |Доходы от государственной|43 028 609 | | | | |собственности | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Поступления части чистого дохода|1 760 361 | | | | |государственных предприятий | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |003 |Дивиденды на государственные|10 205 836 | | | | |пакеты акций, находящиеся в| | | | | |государственной собственности | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |004 |Доходы на доли участия в|17 312 | | | | |юридических лицах, находящиеся в| | | | | |государственной собственности | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |005 |Доходы от аренды имущества,|24 462 847 | | | | |находящегося в государственной| | | | | |собственности | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |006 |Вознаграждения за размещение|244 206 | | | | |бюджетных средств на банковских| | | | | |счетах | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |007 |Вознаграждения по кредитам,|1 507 788 | | | | |выданным из государственного| | | | | |бюджета | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |009 |Прочие доходы от государственной|4 830 259 | | | | |собственности | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |002 | |Поступления от реализации товаров|1 819 000 | | | | |(работ, услуг) государственными| | | | | |учреждениями, финансируемыми из| | | | | |государственного бюджета | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Поступления от реализации товаров|1 819 000 | | | | |(работ, услуг) государственными| | | | | |учреждениями, финансируемыми из| | | | | |государственного бюджета | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |003 | |Поступления денег от проведения|44 759 | | | | |государственных закупок,| |
| | | |организуемых государственными| | | | | |учреждениями, финансируемыми из| | | | | |государственного бюджета | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Поступления денег от проведения|44 759 | | | | |государственных закупок,| | | | | |организуемых государственными| | | | | |учреждениями, финансируемыми из| | | | | |государственного бюджета | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |004 | |Штрафы, пени, санкции, взыскания,|2 445 031 | | | | |налагаемые государственными| | | | | |учреждениями, финансируемыми из| | | | | |государственного бюджета, а также| | | | | |содержащимися и финансируемыми из| | | | | |бюджета (сметы расходов)| | | | | |Национального Банка еспублики| | | | | |Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Штрафы, пени, санкции, взыскания,|2 445 031 | | | | |налагаемые государственными| | | | | |учреждениями, финансируемыми из| | | | | |государственного бюджета, а также| | | | | |содержащимися и финансируемыми из| | | | | |бюджета (сметы расходов)| | | | | |Национального Банка еспублики| | | | | |Казахстан, за исключением| | | | | |поступлений от организаций| | | | | |нефтяного сектора | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |005 | |Гранты |444 834 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |002 |Финансовая помощь |444 834 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |006 | |Прочие неналоговые поступления |12 816 980 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Прочие неналоговые поступления |12 816 980 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ |003 | | |Поступления от продажи основного|15 288 673 | | | | |капитала | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |001 | |Продажа государственного|230 000 | | | | |имущества, закрепленного за| | | | | |государственными учреждениями | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Продажа государственного|230 000 | | | | |имущества, закрепленного за| | | | | |государственными учреждениями | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |002 | |Продажа товаров из|15 058 673 | | | | |государственного материального| | | | | |резерва | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Продажа товаров из|15 058 673 | | | | |государственного материального| | | | | |резерва | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ |004 | | |Поступления трансфертов |1 302 114 759 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |001 | |Трансферты из нижестоящих органов|102 114 759 | | | | |государственного управления | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Трансферты из областных бюджетов,|102 114 759 | | | | |бюджетов городов Астаны и Алматы | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |004 | |Трансферты из Национального фонда|1 200 000 000 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Трансферты из Национального фонда|1 200 000 000 | | | | |в республиканский бюджет | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------ї |Функциональная группа | +----+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | |Администратор | +----+-----+---------------------------------------------------------+ | | |Программа | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | | | Наименование | Сумма, | | | | | | тыс. тенге | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | 1 | | 2 | 3 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | | |II. Затраты |4 663 240 459 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ |001 | | |Государственные услуги общего|176 031 592 | | | | |характера | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |101 | |Администрация Президента|3 304 185 | | | | | еспублики Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Услуги по обеспечению|2 911 835 | | | | |деятельности Главы государства | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |002 |Прогнозно-аналитическое |177 828 | | | | |обеспечение стратегических| | | | | |аспектов внутренней и внешней| | | | | |политики государства | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |003 |Обеспечение сохранности архивного|201 623 | | | | |фонда, печатных изданий и их| |
| | | |специальное использование | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |005 |Капитальные расходы|12 899 | | | | |подведомственых учреждений | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |102 | |Хозяйственное управление|9 199 124 | | | | |Парламента еспублики Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Обеспечение деятельности|9 178 796 | | | | |Парламента еспублики Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |004 |Капитальные расходы ХОЗУ|13 169 | | | | |Парламента еспублики Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |090 |Социологические исследования по|7 159 | | | | |разработке законопроектов | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |104 | |Канцелярия Премьер-Министра|1 959 836 | | | | | еспублики Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Обеспечение деятельности|1 759 708 | | | | |Премьер-Министра еспублики| | | | | |Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |021 |Создание Ситуационного центра|200 128 | | | | |Премьер-Министра еспублики| | | | | |Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |106 | |Национальный центр по правам|68 394 | | | | |человека | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Услуги по соблюдению прав и|67 338 | | | | |свобод человека и гражданина | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |002 |Капитальные расходы Национального|1 056 | | | | |центра по правам человека | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |201 | |Министерство внутренних дел|14 306 | | | | | еспублики Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |002 |Обеспечение политических|14 306 | | | | |интересов страны в области| | | | | |общественного порядка | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |204 | |Министерство иностранных дел|33 329 768 | | | | | еспублики Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Услуги по координации|4 836 777 | | | | |внешнеполитической деятельности | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |003 |Делимитация и демаркация|227 963 | | | | |государственной границы | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |004 |Капитальные расходы Министерства|864 947 | | | | |иностранных дел еспублики| | | | | |Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |005 |Заграничные командировки |2 515 910 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |008 |Обеспечение специальной,|63 813 | | | | |инженерно-технической и| | | | | |физической защиты дипломатических| | | | | |представительств за рубежом | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |009 |Приобретение и строительство|4 544 138 | | | | |объектов недвижимости за рубежом| | | | | |для размещения дипломатических| | | | | |представительств еспублики| | | | | |Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |010 |Представление интересов|16 223 513 | | | | | еспублики Казахстан за рубежом | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |013 |Представление интересов|179 394 | | | | | еспублики Казахстан в уставных и| | | | | |других органах Содружества| | | | | |Независимых Государств | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |017 |Участие еспублики Казахстан в|3 873 313 | | | | |международных организациях, иных| | | | | |международных и прочих органах | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |217 | |Министерство финансов еспублики|77 315 845 | | | | |Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Обеспечение бюджетного|47 183 669 | | | | |планирования, исполнения и| | | | | |контроля за исполнением| | | | | |государственного бюджета | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |002 |Осуществление аудита|41 800 | | | | |инвестиционных проектов,| | | | | |финансируемых международными| | | | | |финансовыми организациями | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |003 |Проведение процедур ликвидации и|63 827 | | | | |банкротства | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |008 |Проведение мониторинга бюджетных|58 863 | | | | |инвестиционных проектов | |
+----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |009 |Услуги кинологического центра |107 354 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |014 |Модернизация таможенной службы |423 404 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |016 |Приватизация, управление|426 925 | | | | |государственным имуществом,| | | | | |постприватизационная деятельность| | | | | |и регулирование споров, связанных| | | | | |с этим | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |019 |Выплата курсовой разницы по|15 425 | | | | |льготным жилищным кредитам | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |021 |Капитальные расходы Министерства|1 012 610 | | | | |финансов еспублики Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |023 |Проведение таможенной экспертизы |19 576 | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |024 |Выплата премий по вкладам в|5 010 926 | | | | |жилищные строительные сбережения | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |025 |Услуги учебно-методического|67 823 | | | | |центра | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |027 |Проведение мониторинга|283 838 | | | | |собственности и использование его| | | | | |результатов | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |031 |Создание информационной системы|460 483 | | | | |"ТАИС" и "лектронная таможня" | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |036 |Модернизация информационных|7 423 902 | | | | |систем Налоговых органов,| | | | | |связанных с изменением налогового| | | | | |законодательства | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |061 |Создание интегрированной|5 072 067 | | | | |автоматизированной информационной| | | | | |системы "е-Минфин" | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |067 |Финансирование политических|5 974 004 | | | | |партий | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |070 |Учет арендованного имущества|21 769 | | | | |комплекса "Байконур" | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |071 |Оценка объектов комплекса|140 000 | | | | |"Байконур" и регистрация прав на| | | | | |недвижимое имущество | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |072 | еформирование системы налогового|3 507 580 | | | | |администрирования | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | |220 | |Министерство экономического|4 032 205 | | | | |развития и торговли еспублики| | | | | |Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |001 |Услуги по формированию и развитию|1 035 884 | | | | |экономической и торговой| | | | | |политики, системы| | | | | |государственного планирования и| | | | | |управления | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |005 |Услуги по совершенствованию|34 221 | | | | |мобилизационной подготовки и| | | | | |мобилизации | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |006 |кспертиза и оценка документации|477 065 | | | | |по вопросам бюджетных инвестиций| | | | | |и концессии | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |009 |Обеспечение деятельности торговых|215 794 | | | | |представительств за рубежом | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |010 |Взаимодействие с международными|29 940 | | | | |рейтинговыми агентствами по| | | | | |вопросам пересмотра суверенного| | | | | |кредитного рейтинга еспублики| | | | | |Казахстан | | +----+-----+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | | |011 |Обеспечение реализации|675 000 | | | | |исследований проектов,| | | | | |осуществляемых совместно с| | | | | |международными организациями | | +----+-----+--------+-------------------------
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