Registered by
in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
December 17, 2010.
No. 1280/18575
of November 30, 2010 No. 248
About approval of Industrial safety rules in case of operation of automatic and semi-automatic transfer lines of furniture production
According to Articles 28, 33 Laws of Ukraine "About labor protection" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve Industrial safety rules in case of operation of automatic and semi-automatic transfer lines of furniture production (further - Rules) which are applied.
2. With entry into force of this order to consider those which are not applied in the territory of Ukraine, "Requirements for labor safety during the work on automatic and semi-automatic transfer lines for furniture production", approved by Minlesprom of the USSR 14.12.78.
3. To provide to the head of department of the organization of the state supervision in the AIC and the welfare sphere of department of the organization of the state supervision Tkachyov V. S. within five days submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
4. To the head of department of normative and legal and legal providing Kalinovskaya I. G. enter corresponding changes in the State register of regulatory legal acts on labor protection and place the specified information on the web page of Gosgorpromnadzor.
5. To the head of HR department, clerical works, control and special work to provide to Selivanov S. V. publication of the order in mass media.
6. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the vice-chairman of Committee Dunas S. V.
7. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
Chairman of Committee O. I. Hokhotva
Approved by the Order of the State committee of Ukraine on industrial safety, labor protection and mountain supervision of November 30, 2010 No. 248
1. Industrial safety rules in case of operation of automatic and semi-automatic transfer lines of furniture production (further - Rules) extend to the companies, organizations and the organizations (daleepredpriyatiya) irrespective of patterns of ownership which are engaged in production of furniture on automatic and semi-automatic transfer lines of furniture production.
2. Rules establish requirements for labor protection in case of performance of works and engineering procedures on automatic and semi-automatic transfer lines of furniture production.
3. Requirements of these rules are obligatory for all subjects of managing during the designing and construction of the new companies, reconstruction of operating plants, workshops, sites and in case of development and deployment of new engineering procedures.
1.1. Constructive and space-planning solutions of production rooms in which automatic and semi-automatic transfer lines are located shall meet the requirements of the Industrial safety rules in the woodworking industry approved by the order of the State committee of Ukraine on supervision of labor protection of 31.01.2005 of N 20, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 16.03.2005 for N 306/10586 (further - NPAOP 20.0-1.02-05), these rules and other normative and technical documents.
1.2. For all rooms in which automatic and semi-automatic transfer lines are operated the category of rather fire and explosion and fire risk and class of zone according to requirements of regulatory legal acts and normative and technical documents shall be determined. The corresponding designations shall be applied on entrance doors of rooms.
1.3. Production rooms in which automatic and semi-automatic transfer lines are located shall be equipped with technical means of fire protection (installations of the fire alarm, fire extinguishing, warning systems about the fire, etc.) and emergency firefighting equipment according to requirements of the List of objects same to destination which are subject to the equipment automatic installations of the fire extinguishing and the fire alarm approved by the order of the Ministry of Ukraine concerning emergency situations and for protection of the population against effects of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash of 22.08.2005 of N 161, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 05.09.2005 for N 990/11270 (with changes) (NAPB B.06.004-2005), Standard regulations of accessory of the fire extinguishers approved by the order of the Ministry of Ukraine concerning emergency situations and for protection of the population against effects of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash of 02.04.2004 of N 151, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 29.04.2004 for N 554/9153 (NAPB B.03.001-2004), the state standard specifications 12.4.009-83 interstate standards "SSBT. The fire fighting equipment for protection of objects. Main types. Placement and servicing" (with changes) (further - GOST 12.4.009), GOST 12.1.010-76 "SSBT. Explosion safety. General requirements" (further - GOST 12.1.010).
1.4. Danger areas in production rooms and on workplaces shall be designated by safety signs according to the Technical regulation of signs of safety and protection of health of workers approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 25.11.2009 N 1262.
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