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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2021 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2020 No. 1136


of January 25, 2011 No. 18

About approval of Rules of establishment of requirements of energy efficiency for buildings, structures, constructions and requirements to rules of determination of class of energy efficiency of apartment houses

(as amended on 07-03-2017)

According to the Federal Law "About Energy Saving and about Increase in Energy Efficiency and about Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve enclosed:

Rules of establishment of requirements of energy efficiency for buildings, structures, constructions;

requirements to rules of determination of class of energy efficiency of apartment houses.

2. To the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation:

in coordination with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to approve in the 3-month time of the requirement to energy efficiency of buildings, structures, constructions;

in coordination with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision to approve in the 3-month time of the rule of determination of class of energy efficiency of apartment houses.

3. To the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation in coordination with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation to bring into 3-month time the requirements to the energy passport established by regulatory legal acts in compliance with the Rules and requirements approved by this resolution.

Russian Prime Minister

V. Putin


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2011 No. 18

Rules of establishment of requirements of energy efficiency for buildings, structures, constructions

I. General provisions

1. These rules determine content, conditions of application and procedure for establishment of requirements of energy efficiency for buildings, structures, constructions (further - requirements of energy efficiency).

2. Requirements of energy efficiency are subject to application during the designing, examination, construction, commissioning and in use constructed, reconstructed or the heated buildings which underwent major repair, structures, constructions equipped with the heatconsuming installations, electroreceivers, water folding devices and (or) devices for use of natural gas for the purpose of providing consumers with energy resources and utilities.

3. Requirements of energy efficiency are established the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

II. Contents of requirements of energy efficiency

4. Requirements of energy efficiency are established:

a) scope of requirements of energy efficiency;

b) the indicators characterizing fulfillment of requirements of energy efficiency;

c) the obligatory technical requirements providing achievement of the indicators characterizing fulfillment of requirements of energy efficiency, enacted from the date of approval of requirements of energy efficiency;

d) the additional technical requirements providing achievement of the indicators characterizing fulfillment of requirements of energy efficiency, enacted in subsequent periods.

5. Scope of requirements of energy efficiency is determined taking into account:

a) categories of the building (structure, construction) to which requirements of energy efficiency extend;

b) categories of persons responsible for providing requirements of energy efficiency;

c) terms during which responsible persons provide fulfillment of requirements of energy efficiency;

d) date with which relevant requirements of energy efficiency become effective.

6. Requirements of energy efficiency for the buildings which underwent major repair are established differentially depending on type of major repair.

7. Treat the indicators characterizing fulfillment of requirements of energy efficiency:

a) indicator of specific annual expense of energy resources on heating and ventilation for all types of buildings, structures, constructions;

b) indicator of specific annual expense of electrical energy for all-house needs and indicator of specific annual expense of heat energy on hot-water supply for apartment houses;

c) indicator of specific annual expense of energy resources on chilling (including conditioning) for all types of buildings, structures, constructions, except for apartment houses.

8. Treat the obligatory technical requirements providing achievement of the indicators characterizing fulfillment of requirements of energy efficiency, entered from the moment of establishment of requirements of energy efficiency:

a) requirements to architectural, functional and technological, constructive and technical concepts;

b) requirements to operating ability of separate elements and structures of buildings, structures, constructions;

c) requirements to the devices and technologies used in buildings, structures, constructions, including engineering systems;

d) requirements to the technologies and materials included in the project documentation and applied in case of construction, reconstruction, major repair of buildings, structures, constructions.

8(1). Treat first-priority requirements of energy efficiency:

a) for the office and public buildings with a total area more than 1000 sq.m connected to district heating systems in case of construction, reconstruction and major repair of internal engineering systems of heat supply:

installation (on condition of technical capability) the equipment providing in system of internal heat supply of the building maintenance of the hydraulic mode, automatic control of consumption of heat energy in heating services and ventilation depending on change of outside temperature, preparation of hot water and maintenance of the set temperature in hot water supply;

the equipment (on condition of technical capability) heating appliances automatic temperature regulators (control valves with thermoelements) for regulation of consumption of heat energy depending on air temperature in rooms;

b) for the apartment houses connected to district heating systems in case of construction - installation (on condition of availability of technical capability) the equipment providing in system of internal heat supply of the apartment house maintenance of the hydraulic mode, automatic control of consumption of heat energy in heating services and ventilation depending on change of outside temperature, preparation of hot water and maintenance of the set temperature in hot water supply;


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