of December 27, 2010 No. 204-Z
About renewable energy resources
Accepted by the House of Representatives on November 24, 2010
Approved by Council of the Republic on December 10, 2010
For the purposes of this Law the following main terms and their determinations are used:
renewable energy resources – energy of the sun, wind, heat of the earth, natural movement of water flows, wood fuel, other types of biomass, biogas, and also other power sources which are not relating to non-renewable;
the state power supplying organization – the state legal entity performing production, transfer, distribution and sale of electrical energy;
the state energy networks – set of the devices which are in state-owned property intended for transfer and distribution of electrical energy to consumers;
use of renewable energy resources – the process including procurement (production), transportation, storage, preparation for use, conversion or other transformation of renewable energy resources, and also production from them electrical energy;
unrenewable energy resources – the power sources which are saved up in the nature in the form of fossil resources: coal, oil, gas, peat, combustible slates, and also other power sources which in new geological conditions are practically not formed;
producers of installations on use of renewable energy resources – the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing production of installations on use of renewable energy resources;
producers of energy from renewable energy resources – legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, in property (economic maintaining, operational management) of which are the installations on use of renewable energy resources making electrical energy for the purpose of energy ensuring the economic activity and (or) its subsequent realization;
installation on use of renewable energy resources – processing equipment or complex of processing equipment on production or acceptance (obtaining), transformation, accumulation and (or) transfer of the electrical energy made from renewable energy resources;
utilization of installations, unsuitable to operation, on use of renewable energy resources – demolition not of subjects to application to destination, to storage, repair of installations on use of renewable energy resources and the subsequent transfer on use, neutralization, burial or storage of the waste which are formed as a result of such demolition according to the legislation on the address with waste;
the energy made from renewable energy resources – the electrical energy made on installations on use of renewable energy resources.
This Law governs the relations connected with use of renewable energy resources for production of electrical energy, its further consumption and other use and also with production of installations on use of renewable energy resources.
Operation of this Law does not extend to the relations connected with production and use of other types of energy made from renewable energy resources and also on the relations connected with use of renewable energy resources for production of electrical energy for own needs by physical persons, except for individual entrepreneurs.
1. The relations in the field of use of renewable energy resources are governed by the legislation in the field of use of renewable energy resources, international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, and also the international legal acts constituting the right of the Eurasian Economic Union.
2. The legislation in the field of use of renewable energy resources is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
3. If the international treaty of the Republic of Belarus establishes other rules, than those which are provided by this Law then are applied rules of the international treaty.
State policy in the field of use of renewable energy resources is based on the principles:
sustainable development of use of renewable energy resources in the Republic of Belarus;
priority, effective and rational use of renewable energy resources;
state support and stimulation of use of renewable energy resources;
ensuring ecological and energy security, public health care when using renewable energy resources;
availability of information in the field of use of renewable energy resources.
Subjects of the relations in the field of use of renewable energy resources are the Republic of Belarus, administrative and territorial units of the Republic of Belarus, foreign states, legal entities and physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs, the foreign and international organizations.
Objects of the relations in the field of use of renewable energy resources are renewable energy resources, the energy made from renewable energy resources and used by subjects of the relations in this sphere for ensuring the economic activity or which arrived in the state energy networks, and also installations on use of renewable energy resources.
State regulation in the field of use of renewable energy resources includes:
determination and carrying out single state policy in the field of use of renewable energy resources;
creation of the system of the financial and economic mechanisms providing economic interest of legal entities and physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs, in use of renewable energy resources, energy consumption, made from renewable energy resources;
taking measures to growth in volumes of substitution of the fuel and energy resources which are purchased outside the Republic of Belarus renewable energy resources;
assistance to creation and use of effective technologies and to production of installations on use of renewable energy resources;
accounting of renewable energy resources and installations on use of renewable energy resources;
protection of producers of energy from renewable energy resources from unfair competition, including from the legal entities holding dominant position in the field of energy production;
support of development of scientific and technical base and promotion of scientific and technical achievements;
forming of state programs;
confirmation of origin of the energy made from renewable energy resources;
ensuring compliance with the legislation on environmental protection;
development of international cooperation;
taking measures, the obligations directed to decrease in impact on climate for the purpose of accomplishment according to international treaties of the Republic of Belarus in the field of protection of climate.
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