of December 3, 2010 No. 634
About Rules of procedure for professional provision of pensions and purpose of professional pensions
According to article 53 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About insurance and national pensions" the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:
1) to Approve Rules of procedure for professional provision of pensions and purpose of professional pensions (are applied).
To Determine 2) that:
- before approval of lists of productions by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and work types (professions) with special working conditions which grant the right to professional provision of pensions lists and lists of productions, works, professions, positions and indicators based on which the operating preferential old-age pensions and on length of service are granted will be effective;
- to perform purpose of professional pensions according to these rules since January 1, 2017.
This resolution to enact 3) since January 1, 2013.
Prime Minister
Republic of Tajikistan Emomalii Rahmon
Approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of December 3, 2010 No. 634
1) the These Rules developed according to article 53 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About insurance and national pensions" establish procedure for professional provision of pensions and purpose of professional pensions in the Republic of Tajikistan.
2) In these rules the following basic concepts are used:
- professional pension - monthly money payment for the account of pension accruals in the form of early professional pension or additional professional pension;
- early professional pension - the professional pension paid to insured person before age achievement of retirement age;
- additional professional pension - the professional pension paid to insured person after age achievement of retirement age;
- age retirement age - the retirement age established by part 1 of article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About insurance and national pensions";
- professional years of service - employment duration of insured person with special working conditions during which fees on compulsory professional pension insurance were paid for it;
- compulsory professional pension insurance - system of the relations established by the state consisting in forming of funds at the expense of the fees for compulsory professional pension insurance paid by employers for the workers occupied at works with special working conditions and separate types of professional activity (further - special working conditions), and use of these means for payment of professional pensions;
- fees on professional pension insurance obligatory payments of the insurer for forming of funds for professional provision of pensions;
- pension accruals - the means created for payment to insured person of professional pension at the expense of fees on compulsory professional pension insurance and the income from their investment.
3) at the expense of means of compulsory professional pension insurance the following payment types are performed:
- for the insured persons specified in subitems "a", "v" and "o" of Item 5 of these rules professional pension which is paid monthly from the date of its appointment before the end of the early pension period is granted;
- for other insured persons specified in Item 5 of these rules at their choice the professional pension provided by paragraph one of this Item is granted or lump sum payment of all amount of the pension accruals created for benefit of this person is made;
- lump sum payment of the amount which is saved up in their advantage which is performed in case of age achievement of retirement age is made for the insured persons having less than a half of required professional years of service.
4) the Source and regulations of insurance premiums for professional provision of pensions, depending on the employee categories covered by compulsory professional pension insurance, and also the payment procedure of such fees determines the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.
5) at the expense of means of compulsory professional pension insurance the following persons have the Right to early professional pension:
a) the workers occupied full time at underground works, at works with especially harmful and especially severe conditions of work (according to the list approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan):
- men on reaching 53 years - in case of manor of insurance years of service at least 20 years, from them professional years of service at least 10 years;
- women - on reaching 48 years - in case of manor of insurance years of service at least 15 years, from them professional years of service at least 7 years 6 months:
b) the workers occupied full time at works with harmful and severe conditions of work (according to the list approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan):
- men on reaching 58 years - in case of manor of insurance years of service at least 25 years, from them professional years of service at least 12 years 6 months;
- women - on reaching 53 years - in case of manor of insurance years of service at least 20 years, from them professional years of service at least 10 years;
c) workers, directly busy full time on underground and open mining operations (including staff of mine-rescue parts) on coal production, slate, ore and other minerals, and also the workers occupied on construction of mines and mines (according to the list approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan) - irrespective of age if they worked at these works at least 25 years;
- workers of the leading professions at these works: stope miners, drifters, coalminers on jackhammers, operators of mining extraction machines - if they worked at these works at least 20 years;
d) the women working as tractor operators, tractor operators drivers of agricultural production, operators of construction, road and handling machines - on reaching 53 years, and in case of manor of insurance years of service at least 20 years, from them professional years of service at least 15 years;
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