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of June 2, 2000 No. 1024-XIV

About nationality of the Republic of Moldova

(as amended on 14-06-2024)

The parliament adopts this organic law.

Chapter I General provisions

Article 1. Concepts

For the purpose of this law the following concepts are used in value:

the child - person aged up to 18 years;

the foreign citizen - the person who is the citizen of other state and not being the citizen of the Republic of Moldova;

the stateless person - person who is not considered by the citizen any state owing to its law;

naturalization - provision of nationality based on the statement of person, legally and constantly living in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and on the conditions provided by this law;

multiple nationality - simultaneous possession of the same person of nationality of two and more states;

the descendant - the blood relative on the descending line to the third degree of relationship (children, grandsons, great-grandsons), and also person equated to it according to the current legislation;

legal and permanent residence - legal stay of person during the uncertain period of time based on the official documents issued by authorities of the host state.

Article 2. Subject of the law

This law establishes the legal basis of the relations connected with nationality of the Republic of Moldova.

Article 3. Nationality of the Republic of Moldova

(1) Nationality of the Republic of Moldova determines the permanent political legal bond between physical person and the Republic of Moldova generating the mutual rights and obligations.

(2) Nationality of the Republic of Moldova remains both in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and in the territory of other states, and also in the territory in which sovereignty of any state is not performed.

Article 4. Legal regulation

Questions of nationality of the Republic of Moldova are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, international treaties of the Republic of Moldova, this law, and also other regulations adopted according to them.

Article 5. Nationality confirmation

Nationality of the Republic of Moldova is confirmed by the identity certificate, the passport, the certificate of birth (concerning the child) or the reference issued by competent authorities of the Republic of Moldova.

Article 6. Legal status of citizens of the Republic of Moldova, foreign citizens and stateless persons

(1) Citizens of the Republic of Moldova are equal before the law and the public authorities, have equally all social and economic and political rights and freedoms proclaimed and guaranteed by the Constitution and other laws, international treaties, one of the parties of which is the Republic of Moldova.

(2) Only citizens of the Republic of Moldova in the procedure established by the law have the right to choose and be elected, to hold the positions connected with implementation of the public power and to participate in referendum.

(3) Legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons is established by the law and international treaties, one of the parties of which is the Republic of Moldova.

Article 7. General principles of nationality

Nationality of the Republic of Moldova is based on the following principles:

a) right of everyone to nationality;

b) inadmissibility of discrimination of citizens of the Republic of Moldova irrespective of the nationality acquisition bases;

c) inadmissibility of any deprivation of nationality and the right to change it;

d) avoidance of statelessness;

e) change of nationality of one of spouses does not affect nationality of other spouse and nationality of the child if the written application of parents about change of nationality of the child is absent.


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