of December 22, 2010 No. 1087
About approval of the Regulations on destruction of the plants containing drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors and also remaining balance of their crops
The government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on destruction of the plants containing drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors and also remaining balance of their crops.
2. Realization of the powers provided by the Regulations on destruction of the plants containing drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, and also remaining balance of their crops, approved by this resolution is performed by federal executive bodies within the established number of staff, and also budgetary appropriations of the federal budget provided to these bodies in the federal budget on management and management in the sphere of the established functions.
Russian Prime Minister
V. Putin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2010 No. 1087
1. This Provision determines procedure for destruction wild-growing or illegally the cultivated plants containing drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors (further - the narcocontaining plants) growing on the parcels of land belonging to legal entities, including the state unitary enterprises and public institutions (further - legal entities), and to physical persons on the property right or other legal cause, and also remaining balance of crops of the narcocontaining plants which are formed in the course of their cultivation by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
Action of this provision does not extend to withdrawal cases from illicit trafficking in the narcocontaining plants which destruction is performed according to the procedure, provided for destruction of the drugs containing in them, psychotropic substances and their precursors, which further use by acknowledged inexpedient.
2. The legal entities and physical persons who are owners or users of the parcels of land on which grow or are illegally cultivated the narcocontaining plants, shall destroy them.
The legal entities cultivating the narcocontaining plants for use in the scientific, educational purposes and expert activities, for production used in the medical purposes and (or) in veterinary science of drugs and psychotropic substances take measures for destruction of remaining balance of crops of the narcocontaining plants which are formed in the course of their cultivation.
The legal entities and individual entrepreneurs cultivating the narcocontaining plants in the industrial purposes which are not connected with production or production of drugs and psychotropic substances take measures for destruction of remaining balance of crops of the narcocontaining plants which are formed in the course of their cultivation.
Destruction of the narcocontaining plants, and also remaining balance of the crops which are formed in the course of their cultivation is performed by any technically by the available method excluding possibility of their illicit trafficking with observance of requirements in the field of environmental protection, sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population and fire safety.
3. In case of non-execution by legal entities and physical persons of obligation on destruction of the narcocontaining plants, and also rejection of measures by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for destruction of remaining balance of the crops formed in the course of their cultivation, officials of law-enforcement bodies, bodies of the Federal Security Service, Federal Service for supervision in health sector and its territorial authorities (further - authorized bodies) take out the instruction about destruction of the narcocontaining plants or remaining balance of their crops at the scheduled time in form according to appendix.
The instruction is constituted in 2 copies, one of which is handed on receipt to the head of the legal entity or the physical person, including the individual entrepreneur. In case of impossibility to hand the instruction to specified persons, and also in case of their refusal to give the receipt on receipt of the instruction it goes to the legal entity or physical person, including the individual entrepreneur, the registered mail with the assurance of receipt.
4. Legal entities and physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs, shall within 3 working days from the date of destruction of the narcocontaining plants or remaining balance of the crops formed in the course of their cultivation in writing to notify on it the authorized body which took out the instruction.
5. In case of non-execution by legal entities and physical persons of obligation on destruction of the narcocontaining plants, and also rejection of measures by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for destruction of remaining balance of the crops formed in the course of their cultivation, in time, the established in the instruction, authorized body which took out the instruction creates the commission for forced destruction of the narcocontaining plants or remaining balance of the crops formed in the course of their cultivation which part representatives of other authorized bodies, the Ministries of the Russian Federation for civil defense, to emergency situations and natural disaster response (or its territorial authorities are (in coordination)), Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (or its territorial authorities), Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare (or its territorial authorities). In need of structure of the commission representatives of other federal executive bodies (or their territorial authorities), executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and the organizations can be included (in coordination).
6. The commission determines the area of the parcel of land on which the narcocontaining plants grow or remaining balance of crops in the course of their cultivation, method, date (no later than 15 working days after factual determination of non-execution by legal entities or physical persons of obligation on destruction of the narcocontaining plants, and also rejection of measures by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for destruction of remaining balance of the crops formed in the course of their cultivation) and time of their destruction was formed. The decision is drawn up by the protocol which copy within 3 working days goes handed) to members of the commission, and also the legal entity or physical person, including the individual entrepreneur.
7. Forced destruction of the narcocontaining plants or remaining balance of the crops formed in the course of their cultivation provides the authorized body which took out the instruction with expense recovery for such destruction at the expense of means of the legal entity or physical person, including individual entrepreneur.
8. Destruction of the narcocontaining plants or remaining balance of the crops formed in the course of their cultivation is drawn up by the act of destruction in which are specified:
a) date, place and time of destruction;
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