Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since August 27, 2020 according to article 27 of the Law of the Republic of Moldova of June 11, 2020 No. 86


of July 30, 1999 No. 581-XIV

About funds

(as amended on 02-11-2017)

The parliament adopts this organic law.

This law regulates procedure for education, functioning and termination of activities of funds.

Chapter I Basic provisions

Article 1. Concept of fund

The fund is the non-political non-profit organization which is not giving political help and support of any of political parties which does not have membership, created on the basis of the constituent document by one or several physical persons and/or legal entity, allocated with the property isolated and separate of property of founders which is intended for achievement of the non-commercial purposes provided by the charter.

Article 2. Legal status of fund

From the moment of the registration the fund receives the status of the legal entity.

Article 3. Legislation on funds

Activities of funds, representations and branches of the foreign funds created in the territory of the Republic of Moldova are regulated by the Constitution, this law, other regulations, and also international conventions and agreements, one of the parties of which is the Republic of Moldova.

Article 4. Users of fund

(1) Users of fund physical persons and legal entities for benefit of which certain payment can be performed are recognized, services are rendered or part of property of fund according to the charter of the last is transferred.

Article 5. Socially useful funds

Socially useful funds are funds which activities are directed to human rights protection, development of democracy, obtaining and dissemination of knowledge, education, development of education and sciences, cultures and arts, physical culture and amateur sport, health protection, social security, environment protection, promotion of universal values, support of religion, and also other spheres having socially useful nature.

Chapter II Creation of fund

Article 6. Founders of fund

(1) the Fund can be founded at the initiative of one or several physical persons and/or legal entities (further - the founder, founders).

(2) capable citizens of the Republic of Moldova, stateless persons and foreign citizens can be Founders - physical persons.

(3) the Fund can be founded also based on the will.

(4) the central and local authorities of the public power and state-financed organizations cannot be Founders of fund.

Article 7. Name and symbolics of fund

(1) the Name of fund without fail shall contain the word "fund".

(2) If in the name of fund the name of physical person is used, the fund shall provide to the Agency of the state services the consent of this person concerning the name of fund and if the physical person which name is used in the name of fund is dead, the fund shall provide the consent of the spouse (spouse), parents and full age children of the died person.

(Funds can have 3) as emblem symbolics, flags, pennants. The symbolics of fund affirms its governing bodies and is registered in the Agency of the state services.


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