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of August 7, 1998 No. 116

About the Disciplinary charter of armed forces of the Kyrgyz Republic

(as amended on 07-08-2023)

Accepted by General Court of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 18, 1998

Article 1. Accept the Disciplinary charter of Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 2. This Law becomes effective from the date of publication.


President of the Kyrgyz Republic

A. Akayev

Disciplinary charter of armed forces of the Kyrgyz Republic

This Charter determines essence of military discipline, obligation of the military personnel by its observance, types of encouragement and authority punishments, the rights of commanders (chiefs) on their application, and also procedure for giving and consideration of offers, statements and claims.

All military personnel of military units, headquarters, managements, organizations, companies, organizations and military educational institutions of Armed Forces, other military forming and state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic in whom the law provides military service irrespective of the military ranks, official position and merits shall be guided by requirements of this Charter strictly.

Operation of the Charter extends to the military personnel of Armed Forces, other military forming and state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic in whom the law provides military service.

Besides, provisions of the disciplinary Charter extend to the military personnel consisting in inventory or being in resignation with the right of wearing military uniform of clothes when wearing military uniform of clothes by them.


Chapter 1 General provisions

1. The military discipline is strict and exact observance by all military personnel of procedure and the rules established by the laws, army regulations and orders of commanders (chiefs).

2. The military discipline is based on consciousness each serviceman of military duty and personal liability for protection of the Homeland, on his selfless devotion to the people and the Fatherland.

The main method of education at the military personnel of high discipline is the belief. However the belief does not exclude application of enforcement measures to those who from bad faith treat accomplishment of the military duty.

3. The military discipline obliges each serviceman:

- was able to fulfill the military duty and courageously, fair to study military science, protect military and state-owned property;

- with firmness to transfer difficulties of military service, not to spare the life for accomplishment of military duty;

- be vigilant, strictly to keep military and state secret;

- support the rules of relations determined by army regulations between the military personnel, fix military comradeship;

- render respect to commanders (chiefs) and each other, follow rules of military greeting and military politeness;

- with advantage to behave in public places, not to allow most and to keep others from unworthy acts and to promote honor and dignity protection of citizens.

4. The high military discipline is reached:

- education at the military personnel of high moral and psychological and fighting qualities and conscious obedience to commanders (chiefs);

- the personal liability of each serviceman for accomplishment of the obligations and requirements of army regulations;

- maintenance in military unit (division) of internal procedure;

- strict observance of daily routine by all military personnel;

- accurate organization of combat training and complete scope it staff;

- daily insistence of commanders (chiefs) to subordinates and control of their sense of duty, respect of their personal advantage, permanent care of them, skillful combination and the correct application of measures of belief, coercion and public impact of collective.

5. Her commander and deputies who shall support constantly high military discipline is responsible for discipline condition in military unit (division), demand from subordinates of its observance, encourage worthy, strictly, but it is fair to collect from careless.

6. For the purpose of maintenance of high military discipline in military unit (division) the commander (chief) SHALL:

- study personal qualities of subordinates, support the rules of relations determined by army regulations between them, rally military collective, strengthen friendship between the military personnel of different nationalities;

- know condition of military discipline and moral and psychological condition of staff, try to obtain single understanding subordinate commanders (chiefs) and public organizations of military unit (division) of requirements, tasks and methods of strengthening of military discipline;

- direct activities of subordinate commanders (chiefs) for strengthening of military discipline and increase in moral and psychological condition of staff, to train them in practice of application of encouragement and imposings of authority punishments;

- to immediately eliminate the revealed abuses of regulations of service and to resolutely stop any actions which can do harm to fighting capacity of military unit (division), organize legal promotion and carry out work on the prevention of offenses and incidents;

- train subordinates in the spirit of steady fulfillment of requirements of military discipline and high sense of duty, develop and support at them self-respect, consciousness of military valor and military duty, to create the intolerant relation to violations of military discipline, especially authorized rules of relations between the military personnel, the facts of social injustice in military unit (division), relying at the same time on public organizations and widely using publicity;

- to systematically analyze condition of military discipline and moral and psychological condition of the military personnel subordinated to it, timely and to report objectively on them on the higher commander (chief), and on crimes and incidents - immediately.

Respect of the personality, national advantage, care of social and legal security of the military personnel - the most important obligation of the commander (chief). The commander (chief) who allowed concealment of violations of military discipline, crimes and (or) offenses, and also incidents is made responsible.

7. The commander (chief) shall be close to subordinates, know their needs and requests, to try to obtain their satisfaction, not to allow roughness and humiliation of personal advantage of subordinates, to constantly serve them as model of strict observance of the laws, army regulations and orders, to be example of moral purity, honesty, modesty and justice. Each serviceman shall be confident in protection of its rights and legitimate interests, feel care of the commander (chief) of immunity of his personality, respect of his honor and advantage.

8. Activities of the commander (chief) for maintenance of military discipline are estimated not by quantity of offenses in military unit, and on exact observance by it of the laws and army regulations, to complete use of the disciplinary power and accomplishment of the obligations for the purpose of establishing order and the timely prevention of violations of military discipline.


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